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HP: Glenn Beck Rally Attendees Warned Of Dangers Of DC Metro


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Well, I'm not gonna pose as a dartboard for glenn beck haters...

He's been accused of being a racist and a bigot and god knows what else in this thread. Yet we're also talking about a guy who has had great conversations with MLK Jr's relatives on television. He's had hour long open discussion forums on television made up entirely of african americans. Others that were entirely latino. Other forums which were entirely legal immigrants spanning the globe. And these forums were designed to allow these people to give their opinions on many, many, many things. Somehow that makes him racist and a bigot? And a hypocrite to boot?

None of that adds up in my book. Sure, the guy says a hell of a lot of off the wall stuff but that doesn't make him a racist or bigot.

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Why are the Teabaggers taking the socialist public transit system anyhow? Forgot that this was this weekend, guess I'll be avoiding the Metro at all costs, don't need my blood pressure to go up on account of them.

LOL You called them teabaggers. That is so edgy and funny. You probably should have your own blog or something like it.

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Why are the Teabaggers taking the socialist public transit system anyhow? Forgot that this was this weekend, guess I'll be avoiding the Metro at all costs, don't need my blood pressure to go up on account of them.

The hate towards the tea party is incredible. You'd think that they've been violent in every protest they've done.

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The hate towards the tea party is incredible. You'd think that they've been violent in every protest they've done.

Spare me. Liberals take just as much heat from right wingers how can't stop themselves from calling them everything from socialists to "the enemy within". Suddenly people are supposed to feel bad for teabaggers that are largely comprised of the same people who are entirely unapologetic about their derision of anyone to the left of themselves?

Don't hold your breath.

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Why are the Teabaggers taking the socialist public transit system anyhow? Forgot that this was this weekend, guess I'll be avoiding the Metro at all costs, don't need my blood pressure to go up on account of them.
Spare me. Liberals take just as much heat from right wingers how can't stop themselves from calling them everything from socialists to "the enemy within". Suddenly people are supposed to feel bad for teabaggers that are largely comprised of the same people who are entirely unapologetic about their derision of anyone to the left of themselves?

Don't hold your breath.

Please don't say teabaggers anymore. It cheapens the level of discourse.

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Spare me. Liberals take just as much heat from right wingers how can't stop themselves from calling them everything from socialists to "the enemy within". Suddenly people are supposed to feel bad for teabaggers that are largely comprised of the same people who are entirely unapologetic about their derision of anyone to the left of themselves?

Don't hold your breath.

It's a two way street, and I'm sorry my post singled out one group.

I just find the extreme hate stupid. While there are those on the extreme left and the extreme right, aren't the majority of us hovering just off-center on either side? Why has there become such a war against the right and left?

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It's a two way street, and I'm sorry my post singled out one group.

I just find the extreme hate stupid. While there are those on the extreme left and the extreme right, aren't the majority of us hovering just off-center on either side? Why has there become such a war against the right and left?

Because the media divides people intentionally for ratings. Not to mention, there is an election coming up.

It is far easier for a politician to convince you to hate the opposition than it is to convince you to follow him or her.

Sad really.

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Please don't say teabaggers anymore. It cheapens the level of discourse.

Teabagger teabagger teabagger

Sorry, I couldn't help myself.

Honestly I don't really understand some of the Tea Party platform. They say they want the budget balanced. OK, fine, so do I. Does that mean that they did not support President Bush, under whose watch the National Debt increased over 10 fold? Somehow I don't think so. Seems inconsistent to me.

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Please don't say teabaggers anymore. It cheapens the level of discourse.

What discourse? We're talking about the Tea Party here... the people that run out anyone that shows even a hint of "moderate" and cheer on Sarah Palin. There is no discourse to be had with extremists.

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What discourse? We're talking about the Tea Party here... the people that run out anyone that shows even a hint of "moderate" and cheer on Sarah Palin. There is no discourse to be had with extremists.
:slap: It's possible to support the main goals of the Tea Party and still think Palin's a ****y twit.
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It's funny how that still gets under peoples skin. :ols:

I know. They just accept like like gays should accept- **********s, **********s, carpetmuchers, asseaters. Or blacks accept ******s, spearchuckers, porchmonkeys.

Oooh and arabs accept- camel jockeys, sand ******s

It's all in good fun!

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I support smaller government and lower taxes, but think Bachmann and Palin are BOTH ****es (why the hell ****es is fine here but ***** isn't I have no idea :ols: ).

I don't think I have any way of answering your question without being banned :silly:

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I know. They just accept like like gays should accept- **********s, **********s, carpetmuchers, asseaters. Or blacks accept ******s, spearchuckers, porchmonkeys.

Oooh and arabs accept- camel jockeys, sand ******s

It's all in good fun!

Exactly the same thing. Great point!

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I support smaller government and lower taxes, but think Bachmann and Palin are BOTH ****es (why the hell ****es is fine here but ***** isn't I have no idea :ols: ).

Are you trying to confuse the tea party, a extremely socially conservative movement, with libertarianism? Yes you share lower taxes and smaller government with them... though I doubt you'd consider increased police powers part of the smaller government play book, so I don't think you really even share that. When the tea party says "small government" what they mean is "shrink the part that provides social benefits"

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Teabagger teabagger teabagger

Sorry, I couldn't help myself.

Honestly I don't really understand some of the Tea Party platform. They say they want the budget balanced. OK, fine, so do I. Does that mean that they did not support President Bush, under whose watch the National Debt increased over 10 fold? Somehow I don't think so. Seems inconsistent to me.

There isn't really any tea party platform. It is populist sloganeering. It doesn't have to make sense, it just has to be appealing to the average joe.

They want the budget balanced (but no cuts in defense or any programs they themselves use). They want tax cuts (but no cuts in defense any programs that they themselves use). They want a wall between the US and Mexico (even though it would cost trillions of dollars to build, would require our entire military to man, and wouldn't have any real effect on illegal immigration). They want the return of manufacturing jobs (as they buy all of their products at WalMart, and all of them were made in China). They want to support the Constitution (at least the part of it that they like).

Pick an issue - they have a slogan but no solution. It's really no different than the loud IMF protests a few years ago, full of bike messengers and Starbucks barristas waving signs about Bush and Cheney, only now its the angry right instead of the angry left.

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I support smaller government and lower taxes, but think Bachmann and Palin are BOTH ****es (why the hell ****es is fine here but ***** isn't I have no idea :ols: ).

Those goals are great, but as far as I can tell, they are only a tiny part of these tea parties (as they exist in August, 2010).

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There isn't really any tea party platform. It is populist sloganeering. It doesn't have to make sense, it just has to be appealing to the average joe.

They want the budget balanced (but no cuts in defense or any programs they themselves use). They want tax cuts (but no cuts in defense any programs that they themselves use). They want a wall between the US and Mexico (even though it would cost trillions of dollars to build, would require our entire military to man, and wouldn't have any real effect on illegal immigration). They want the return of manufacturing jobs (as they buy all of their products at WalMart, and all of them were made in China). They want to support the Constitution (at least the part of it that they like).

Pick an issue - they have a slogan but no solution. It's really no different than the loud IMF protests a few years ago, full of bike messengers and Starbucks barristas waving signs about Bush and Cheney, only now its the angry right instead of the angry left.

They want the government out of healthcare, but do not touch Medicare or the VA.

They want smaller government but more military, more border guards, more immigration enforcement.

They want non-activist judges but hate the current standing requirements (at least the birther set does).

They want a stronger presence of God in government, but no Muslims.

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