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rout huh? I bet of people in your movement think the same way you do.

But nevermind all that bs. Tell us more about the legislative process in this country. Riveting commentary.

Put it this way. I know, barring im not banned, that I will be here crowing on the night of November the 2nd. KNOW IT. Tell ya what, Im willing to say that if I am wrong I will leave here and never return, but if I am right....all I ask is a simple admission that I was indeed RIGHT. Now what can be more fair than that? DEAL????

Do you know how I KNOW these things zoony? Because.........The democratically controlled house is now seen as a JOKE. They have like an 11% approval rating. My Gosh, cant fall much LOWER. I know that Mr Obama's approval rating keeps dropping dropping dropping because of his horrid mishandling of just about everything and his obvios lack of LEADERSHIP SKILLS. I KNOW that he has already lost most of the independents, and many of the far left. I know that the stimulus has been by and large a complete failure, I also know that the economy not only will not improve by November but will most probably continue to worsen. I also know that by and large there is much excitement being generated on the right, the left? Not so much. Like I said, you would have to be either blind, dumb, or most probably far too bullheaded to see which way the wind is blowing. I mean, this isnt rocket science.

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See Roe vs. Wade. The law says it is legal. That's good enough for me; not that it will ever apply to me because when I have a kid it is going to be when I have a good job and I'm with the woman I've decided to settle down with.
Sorry Sticks, but while I'm pro-abortion rights, just because the law says something is legal (or illegal) doesn't mean it's moral (or immoral).
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Put it this way. I know, barring im not banned, that I will be here crowing on the night of November the 2nd. KNOW IT. Tell ya what, Im willing to say that if I am wrong I will leave here and never return, but if I am right....all I ask is a simple admission that I was indeed RIGHT. Now what can be more fair than that? DEAL????

Who in the holy **** are you talking to? Christ you're dense.

You're like the mindless chatty cathy doll constantly pulling its own string.* Read more, post less. Figure out what other people are saying, then respond. Your time (and more importantly, everyone elses time) will be much more enjoyable here.

I could give a **** about the elections.

*movie reference

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Sorry Sticks, but while I'm pro-abortion rights, just because the law says something is legal (or illegal) doesn't mean it's moral (or immoral).

But it means you have the right to do it. Now I see he said "wrong" and I took that to mean wrong legally not morally. If we are talking morals...I'm not a fan of taking away human life, especially on a whim. I actually have the same general opinion that he does...if the mother's life is at risk or she was raped she should be allowed to abort. Also, if the baby is pre-screened with a condition that will cause suffering and a short life span, I think abortion should be allowed.

I also don't think slavery and abortion are comparable.

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But it means you have the right to do it. Now I see he said "wrong" and I took that to mean wrong legally not morally. If we are talking morals...I'm not a fan of taking away human life, especially on a whim. I actually have the same general opinion that he does...if the mother's life is at risk or she was raped she should be allowed to abort. Also, if the baby is pre-screened with a condition that will cause suffering and a short life span, I think abortion should be allowed.

I also don't think slavery and abortion are comparable.


Now were on the same page. I could care less about legally as ALL LAWS should be based on morals, what is MORALLY RIGHT. Because if they are not.........then what good are they?

You see, we do not get our rights from other men. At least we SHOULDNT. Simply by existing we are ALL entitled to the same rights as human beings. Thats WHY they are referred to as GOD GIVEN. Not MAN given. None with any less or more, all with the same.

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Who's morals though? I highly doubt anyone on either side of the aisle believes that they are standing up for something that is immoral.

Case in point, abortion. Some people believe that abortion is immoral, because it is taking a life. Others believe that not allowing abortions is immoral because you are removing choice.

I have been reading a great deal of older literature and one thing that I have read in several books as a theme is: You can't legislate morality.

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Who's morals though? I highly doubt anyone on either side of the aisle believes that they are standing up for something that is immoral.

Case in point, abortion. Some people believe that abortion is immoral, because it is taking a life. Others believe that not allowing abortions is immoral because you are removing choice.

I have been reading a great deal of older literature and one thing that I have read in several books as a theme is: You can't legislate morality.

And you are correct in saying that you cant really legislate morals. But we can do the best we can do. Thats why I always say that if we ever want REAL CHANGE, it has to come from us...the people. Obama, Bush, Clinton, Reagan, none of them can bring it to us. It has to be up to us.

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Care to explain? Why is it not? Oh, and by the way, how about a little legal consistency while were at it. Why is it that Scott Peterson, POS that he is, was charged with a double murder for the life of his unborn child? Why have others also been charged with this? How can an unborn baby be considered a life one time and not the next?

Yeah, thats what I thought. Concrete skulls FOR SURE.

No I don't care to explain. Over the last few weeks I've tried to give you the benefit of the doubt.

I shouldn't have. My first impression of you was correct. And I won't waste my time going in circles with you while you post up talking points and videos and RANDOM CAPITALIZATIONS and hatred.

You are of a single closed mind and you hate, and that is all I need to know about you. You are incapable and do not even want to attempt to understand anything other than your own hate-induced position, and as such trying to discuss anything with you is an utter waste of time.

It's my hope they do throw you off of this site. You offer absolutely nothing to the discourse except to completely hijack every thread you set foot in and to do nothing but shill.


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You offer absolutely nothing to the discourse except to completely hijack every thread you set foot in and to do nothing but shill.


I find it interesting that I agree with everything you said...yet if you asked me what he actually believed, I could not articulate it.

I read "ghahghghahghahg Tea Party gjjfhwhahshejsjcke elites sfjsxhazfhasjt elections."

So....yea...you tell 'im, Spike!

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Im sorry you feel that way Bang. In the interest of doing the RIGHT THING I will leave the forum for awhile on my own accord without being asked to. Maybe things will cool down. Watch and see, I am a man of my word, I will go myself. Maybe for a couple weeks. But I leave you with this........ We now live in a country where children KNOW that if a parent would have chosen not to be bothered with child rearing, ...they very well could have had them killed. For no other reason. Ever wonder what that just may do to a young persons overall thinking??? Cant be good.

Peace to all, even you libs. LOL See ya in a couple weeks.......


Yes bang, we share the same name....:pfft:

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Now were on the same page. I could care less about legally as ALL LAWS should be based on morals, what is MORALLY RIGHT. Because if they are not.........then what good are they?

You see, we do not get our rights from other men. At least we SHOULDNT. Simply by existing we are ALL entitled to the same rights as human beings. Thats WHY they are referred to as GOD GIVEN. Not MAN given. None with any less or more, all with the same.

No, they're INHERENT in man. I believe in natural rights, but not necessarily God-given.
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And you are correct in saying that you cant really legislate morals. But we can do the best we can do. Thats why I always say that if we ever want REAL CHANGE, it has to come from us...the people. Obama, Bush, Clinton, Reagan, none of them can bring it to us. It has to be up to us.

You are right that it needs to come from the people. However, you will never get all of the people to agree all of the time.

LL - What changes would you like to see? What is your platform, so to speak?

If I can quote some of my betters, hate doesn't do anything but blind you to any and all alternatives. You can REALLY dislike something, but to hate something removes any discourse one can have on a subject. I dislike a great many things on both sides of the aisle, but I believe we, as a country, can come to some middle ground.

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Yes bang, we share the same name....:pfft:

And still I dream he'll come to me

That we will live the years together

But there are dreams that cannot be

And there are storms we cannot weather

I had a dream my life would be

So different from this hell I'm living

So different now from what it seemed

Now life has killed the dream I dreamed.

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Im sorry you feel that way Bang. In the interest of doing the RIGHT THING I will leave the forum for awhile on my own accord without being asked to. Maybe things will cool down. Watch and see, I am a man of my word, I will go myself. Maybe for a couple weeks. But I leave you with this........ We now live in a country where children KNOW that if a parent would have chosen not to be bothered with child rearing, ...they very well could have had them killed. For no other reason. Ever wonder what that just may do to a young persons overall thinking??? Cant be good.

Peace to all, even you libs. LOL See ya in a couple weeks.......


Yes bang, we share the same name....:pfft:

you're SORRY I feel that way.

You say that you HATE those who oppose your way of thinking with every FIBRE of your being, and now you say SORRY I feel that way?

Don't ****ing cry now. You hate, so hate. When it comes back on you, don't tell me you're SORRY I fell this way. Passive aggressive bull**** like that is about as spineless as it gets.

You've spent some time in this thread yakking away about your God... so tell me.. what does your God tell you that hate begets?

So on top of being a thickheaded closeminded goosestepping purveyor of hate and intolerance, you're also a card carrying hypocrite. Although I can't say that's terribly unusual among the God fearin' set.

Our names are the same,,, and this means what? to you it may mean a possible foothold that I will latch on that can allow you a chance to type up more and more bull**** and post more nd more videos, and more LOLS and all of that other stupid ****.

To me it only means there's some ****ing ******* in Wisconsin with the same name.


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