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From the rugby league grand final at Utd earlier. The reaction of the Manc lad. LMFAO.


Rotfl, YNWA in Old Trafford, priceless. :D


Liverpool FC will launch January bid for Swansea City star Andre Ayew


Update: Sakho was not good vs low ranked Armenia (5/10)

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How about some central defenders and a world class keeper,


It'll be interesting to see where we go with that.


Klopp moved Hummels back there to play because he likes center halves who can play the ball.  A lot of folks see Joe Gomez moving there and possibly even Emre Can... which will leave a void in the midfield for a 4-2-3-1 that he likes to play.

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As to the above, not even gonna' attempt to speculate on the side/ formation/s he'll roll with save to say it's great he'll have a base system within that we'll stick to, with players actually knowing what their rolls are in the best positions that suit them and the team. Or players we'll bring in. Just brilliant we'll be looking in the top tier of quality again and won't be 'settling' for the sake of it. 


I'm looking forward to Tottenham the most I've looked forward to a game in like forever as we kick-off the most important new era since Shankly dragged us out of the Second Division abyss back in '59 IMHO. With the most important outside hire we've made since then for me and the one truly World class manager (at the time of signing) we've ever hired. 

With the ground redevelopments allowing us to both stay in our home (one of the biggest things of all for me. Couldn't imagine watching the Redmen anywhere else than Anfield) and close the financial gap on our rivals; the appointment of someone most every other major club would have in a heartbeat who's instantly ensured that home will become a rocking, exciting place to be as a red again and a place for the opposition to fear; along with an ownership finally accepting you have to go all out and do what it takes to get the very best to succeed at the top echelon in todays game; the future is looking as bright as it's done in years. 

Our time is coming again fella's. Roll on Sat'day dinner to begin the long journey back to where we so crave to be.



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Away from 'The Normal One', loved reading Xavi over the weekend saying he'd of loved the opportunity to play in England and if he could of, he'd of played for L'pool or his favourite Utd. 


First one of the most sought after managers on the Planet. Now one of the greatest players of his generation. 

Not bad for a 'small' club huh?  ;).



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Nice bar that.


Is it Sat'day already? The wait is KILLING me here. Honestly believe 'The Normal One' is THE ONE to take us back to where we so crave to be and can't wait to get this new era rolling. If he's not at the club he's out and about being, well, normal and appears to love the City already. 


Manager + Players + (most importantly) Fans, all FULLY believing. At Anfield, that triumvirate is a VERY powerful thing indeed.


Also LOVING the Opus 'Live is Life' song for him bouncing round twitter. REALLY hope that takes off. That would be awesome to sing and dance to on the Kop. 



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Klopp is better than Big Sam. 





I will say this, though.  Big Sam is the perfect man for a relegation scrap.  Once he gets you out of one and your team is stabilized, though, it's time to move on.  He's good at scrapping and gutting out, but not much else.


I'm also looking forward to seeing what Klopp does.  I find it very interesting when a new manager takes over, especially mid season like this and how he'll adjust with players inherited.  

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I'm also looking forward to seeing what Klopp does.  I find it very interesting when a new manager takes over, especially mid season like this and how he'll adjust with players inherited.  


We're gonna' win the League! I thought everyone had accepted this already?  :ph34r:.


On a ore serious note (not that I wasn't being serious. But that's me. COMPLETELY gone in a big fluffy cloud of Kloppmania :D); if the players buy into this as much as the fans have and fully believe, that's an extra 5/10 % right there from what we've been seeing. Honestly NEVER known this euphoria. The City and fanbase is absolutely bouncing off the walls with excitement and anticipation. He just FITS this City and this football club like nobody else I could think of that could of come in. I'd be realistically looking at us for top 3/4. With a STRONG challenge for the Europa League. 


One things for sure, it's gonna' be a heck of a fun ride. Tottenham Sat'day be bouncing. Anfield and Kazan next Thursday be absolutely ****ing rocking!



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just chiming into to say thanks to all the regular contributors of this thread


my knowledge of the game is growing from reading this thread, among other places on the internetz

Be aware, powerful are the Liverpudlians Jedi mind tricks on this side of the board

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Good news, bad news day .....


First, the good. 


THAT'S what we were waiting for. The red cap! Suits you sir!




The new brain trust to lead us back to the summit .....




SO great to NOT have to worry about them. To be able to relax, sit back, and look forward to going the game again with anticipated excitement. Safe in the knowledge 'they got this!'  :D.


Is it Sat'day dinner yet?  :lol:.


Now the bad .....


The man, the myth, the living LEG-END Joe freaking Gomez is done for the year with a cruciate. 


Utterly gutted for the kid. Such an innocuous challenge too. 


God speed Joe. Full recovery and raring to go for next years title charge! (Or defence .....  :ph34r: .).



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damn... i read last night that they thought it wasn't going to be a serious diagnosis.

realistically, that's an full year's worth of recovery. he may be cleared over the summer, but it isn't going to be 100% right and trusted until this time next year (or later).

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Two more sleeps!

Honestly don't think if we got beat at 'Spurs it would dampen anyone's spirits too much. All safe in the knowledge Jurgie has this. And I don't think anyone's expecting 'full throttle football' from the off. Will be interesting to see the formation and personnel utilised like. No more back 3! *Does happy nakie dance.

Can not remember the last time I looked forward to a game this much. The second half the season 2 years back was special. But this is off the freaking charts! White Hart Lane's gonna' be BOUNCING whatever happens. I was talking to some older mates last night who lived through Shanks (he retired not too long after I was born) and they were equating this to back then with Klopps character having a Shanklyesq effect on everyone.

Two more sleeps!



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I feel ya GHH!


Already told the wife (who will be fresh back from a business trip) that I will be in a trance from 7-10 Saturday morning. If she wants a little welcome home, better get me up early!


At least my coaching duties don't start till 5 that evening. I may have calmed down enough so that the girls don't think I'm touched, though many already do, I'm sure.

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