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Interesting, I went back and watched the dvr of the game at the end and I couldn't tell what they were saying.


It was right when Rooney missed his free kick right?  Like, totally and completely missed the target from that close.  Is that when it was?

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Rosicky facking loves scoring against Tottenhamand that Martin Samuel enthusiasm."RosiCKYYYYYYYY!"http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1hl9j6_rosick_news

Dude that is a crazy sick shot, between the defender's legs and bent around the keeper! Looking at the angles the keeper might have been playing slightly too close to the post, but probably not enough that it would have mattered guven then bend Rosicky put on the shot, dang thing started wide of the post and ended in the back corner of the net.

Seriously sick.

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Any idea what Jurgen wants to do there?

I would imagine he is going to be one of the 23 to go to Brazil. He will knock out one someone like Shea, a fringe guy. Who knows if he will play much. Though going into 2018 we should have a lot of good young talent ready to go.

Did anyone see the Hulk goal against Dortmund? Quite a goal.

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Why the hell would he want to do that? When's the last time Ethiopia qualified for the WC?


He doesn't hold US citizenship, so once he plays for Germany in the EURO U17 he's locked with Germany unless he wants to make a one time switch to Ethiopia.


Plus he's been with Germany since U15 because he couldn't play for the US U15 without citizenship. 

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He doesn't hold US citizenship, so once he plays for Germany in the EURO U17 he's locked with Germany unless he wants to make a one time switch to Ethiopia.


Plus he's been with Germany since U15 because he couldn't play for the US U15 without citizenship. 


Ok, so basically, it's not even possible for him to play for the US.

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Ok, update time.

We had our second match of the season tonight, unfortunately my son didn't get play time in the A team game (7th and 8th graders typically, he's in 6th) but coach did tell me that he is most likely going to move him up to A team to play at least a half and move the current keeper into the sweeper spot. Now as far as the B team game went, he started and played the first half with clean sheets! Right now he is playing smart aggressive soccer, and the couple mistakes that he did make fortunately were not capitalized upon. During the 2nd half coach move my son to sweeper and put in our third string keeper who unfortunately gave up two goals. We managed to play back to a tie with our equalizer coming with a mere 7 seconds left on the clock!! (No stoppage time)

Anyways, I thought I'd keep ya'll posted on his progress. Oh and here is a better picture from a save he made last week off a corner kick. BTW, of the team's three keepers he is the ONLY one who has yet to be scored upon.

I couldn't be more proud.


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Champions League Draw :

Barcelona - Athletico Madrid

Real Madrid - Dortmund

PSG - Chelsea

ManU - Bayern Munich

So that's United saying bye bye ha ha.

I'd favour Barca, Madrid, Munich and sadly Chelsea to be in the semis.

Should all be tight games bar the Bayern ass kicking. -:)


Football finally gets something right for once. All games in England. April 11 through 14 to kickoff 7 minutes later:



Edited by Gibbs Hog Heaven
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You mean CLs or that pre-historic NCAA tourney like thing they used to have? :P

When it was straight knock-out, two legged sudden death football champions against champions with no 6 chance groups? That one?

Clubs win European Cups. GREAT clubs, like Ajax, Bayern, Inter, Milan, Munich , Madrid, those irritating Scousers not only win it, but go out an RETAIN it the following year.

What happened in '69, '00 and '09?

I like this game. I could play all day. -:)


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When it was straight knock-out, two legged sudden death football champions against champions with no 6 chance groups? That one?

Clubs win European Cups. GREAT clubs, like Ajax, Bayern, Inter, Milan, Munich , Madrid, those irritating Scousers not only win it, but go out an RETAIN it the following year.

What happened in '69, '00 and '09?

I like this game. I could play all day. - :)



Chelsea failed to mark Iniesta outside the box. In 69 if ghosts were deemed eligible to play we mighta been in there with a chance. Also I could argue that when Serie A was actually worth something and you had 3-4 powerhouses coming in from all the big leagues this competition was harder to win than it was when it was just a knock out. Lately on the other hand it's been a little watered down.

Edited by SJValleySkinz
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So that's United saying bye bye ha ha.

I'd favour Barca, Madrid, Munich and sadly Chelsea to be in the semis.

Should all be tight games bar the Bayern ass kicking. - :)



I strongly disagree my Scouser friend I expect PSG to kick the crap out of the Mou and Torres :P:D

I expect a boring defensive game from the Blues, and Ibracadabra to unlock the situation.

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I strongly disagree my Scouser friend I expect PSG to kick the crap out of the Mou and Torres :P:D

I expect a boring defensive game from the Blues, and Ibracadabra to unlock the situation.

I sincerely hope you're right my favourite French dude.

Chelsea failed to mark Iniesta outside the box. In 69 if ghosts were deemed eligible to play we mighta been in there with a chance. Also I could argue that when Serie A was actually worth something and you had 3-4 powerhouses coming in from all the big leagues this competition was harder to win than it was when it was just a knock out. Lately on the other hand it's been a little watered down.

Even little Nottingham Forrest have retained it.

But to be fair you have now moved a whopping ONE clear of them in European Cups so that's something I suppose.


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Suddenly I'm in the mood for some Cadbury Royal Dark. Redundant for others though.

Better than ManUre.


They will lose by at least a touchdown to Bayern (they should have lost to Olympiacos).  Lucky to qualify for Europa next year.


Did you duck when that went over your head? How in the heck did they get a better draw without being in the competition?

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