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CNN: Preacher wants to burn Qurans


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:ols: :ols:

Man, I remember the chills i used to get reading about all those atheist Crusades putting believers to the sword.

Seriously, I don't know what planet you get your history from, but it sounds like the book is only about 3 pages long... with plenty of pictures to color.

Don't go outside the lines! It means you'r a filthy communist.

Frankly, I don't know how the rest of the Christians tolerate your bull****. It seems to fly in the face of everything they usually band together to stamp out.

But then again, I gues because you believe in the fairy tale it makes your ignorance exempt. Kind of like a club tie or something. The paradox is amusing though. How anyone can believe their close minded intolerant hateful stances will get them into 'heaven' makes it pretty funny in my book. It's like a bunch of kids. Act like an ass all you want, but if you believe you get your reward.. regardless of whether or not you ever actually practice what they were supposed to have taught you.

What a crock of ****.



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Sorry man, Nothing personal :)


I remember years ago a Jewish friend and I were attending an Episcopalian prep school. It was PE and we were playing tennis. At some point I accidentally knocked my ball into another kid's court. He looked over at us and grumbled (rather loudly) 'dirty Jew.'

I was fully prepared to let it go but my friend ... he yelled at the top of his lungs 'I'd rather be a dirty Jew than a ****ing Christian!'

Oh man, did we get the crap kicked out of us that week.

Somehow, your post reminded me of that experience.

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While I find the act of burning any religions book of choice completely disgusting and never would do that myself the idea of burning a kuran has some merit. The world is afraid of crazy muselims, we are going to always be afraid of those crazy people until we stand up to them. The best way of dealing with a bully is to stand up to him. So standing up to those crazies makes some sense to me. At best we root out the totally nuts fanatics and dispose of them completely or at worst we end up in world war 3 after they attack us again. Regardless of what happened I do understand wanting to stand up to the crazy bullies

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:ols: :ols:

Man, I remember the chills i used to get reading about all those atheist Crusades putting believers to the sword.

Seriously, I don't know what planet you get your history from, but it sounds like the book is only about 3 pages long... with plenty of pictures to color.

Don't go outside the lines! It means you'r a filthy communist.

Frankly, I don't know how the rest of the Christians tolerate your bull****.


Probably because they know that there were massacres in history that had nothing to do with Christians but hey maybe Stalin, the Khmer Rogue, etc were killing in the name of Christ. :rolleyes:

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Probably because they know that there were massacres in history that had nothing to do with Christians but hey maybe Stalin, the Khmer Rogue, etc were killing in the name of Christ. :rolleyes:

They killed in the name of communism, which was actually a form of religion (minus the god.)

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They killed in the name of communism, which was actually a form of religion (minus the god.)

What form of religion did Adolph kill in the name of?

Was the Religious Sect Progressives and their scripture Social Justice part of Communism or Socialism back then?

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What form of religion did Adolph kill in the name of?

Was the Religious Sect Progressives and their scripture Social Justice part of Communism or Socialism back then?

What I was getting at is that, communism is like religion. It is fundamentally similar...


..Like most religions, Communism operated on irrational faith; people in Communist countries had to have absolute faith in the Communist system and its leaders. Thinking for oneself was strictly verboten in Stalin's Russia, Mao's China, and Ho's Vietnam. Those who questioned Communism and its leaders were treated as heretics by the Communist state.

Far from being an example of the evils that occur when religion is removed in society, Communism is a perfect example of the excesses and horrors that result when religion is allowed to take over a society. The Communist Party acted just like the church had in Medieval Europe...

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Most religions attract stupid outliers like this man because they simplify the world such that he can handle it. Can this man really be faulted for taking the veracity his religion literally?

Good point, like the the people who drink poison and "take up" serpents...

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Most religions attract stupid outliers like this man because they simplify the world such that he can handle it. Can this man really be faulted for taking the veracity his religion literally?

Well, yeah, when his religion teaches the opposite of what he wants to do.


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