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CNN: Preacher wants to burn Qurans


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What's the big deal? :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

People Burn flags, people burn Churches, people defile synagogues, (with a ho hum response).

People sell T Shirts calling Mary technically a virgin if you don't count Greek stuff, or use US tax dollars to make and display an elephant dung covered Virgin Mary painting or a crucifix in a Jar as Art and its defended as freedom of expression.

Should only the religion of peace be given a pass?

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What's the big deal? :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

People Burn flags, people burn Churches, people defile synagogues, (with a ho hum response).

People sell T Shirts calling Mary technically a virgin if you don't count Greek stuff, or use US tax dollars to make and display an elephant dung covered Virgin Mary painting or a crucifix in a Jar as Art and its defended as freedom of expression.

Should only the religion of peace be given a pass?

We should send more missionaries over seas...that should do the trick.

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Surely you have not been paying attention. It most certainly does make it right.

It's the number one excuse for inexcusable behavior.


Correct me if I'm wrong but hasn't this been going on for eons? Religious dis-harmony. Nothing new here.

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What's the big deal? :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

People Burn flags, people burn Churches, people defile synagogues, (with a ho hum response).

People sell T Shirts calling Mary technically a virgin if you don't count Greek stuff, or use US tax dollars to make and display an elephant dung covered Virgin Mary painting or a crucifix in a Jar as Art and its defended as freedom of expression.

Should only the religion of peace be given a pass?

Right, and when they do, guys like you do complain about it loudly. So surely, you would complain about burning Quran's loudly too...because you're not a hypocrite. Are you a hypocrite?

I dont think anyone is arguing that the preacher should be arrested if he does this, or legally banned from doing this. 1st amendment baby. I just think most people find it in bad taste, and a large number of christians would find it un-Christ-like. But this is America. He's free to do it, and we're free to think he is an idiot.

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This doesn't shock me in the slightest and frankly I'm surprised it doesn't happen more often. Many Muslims make no bones about the fact that they don't like the Christian faith and violence has shown just how far they are willing to take things in an effort to spark a holy war. That's a minority obviously but a larger minority over top of that one, are those that quietly support it or really don't have a problem with such a movement existing.

This preacher is in the minority of the Christian faith. A fundamentalist no doubt that wants to make a strong statement by burning some books. That's his way of doing what hard lines in religion (and without religion) have been doing since the dawn of time: attacking those of belief system different than their own. Being that he's not blowing anyone up or threatening to harm anyone I see this is freedom of speech and freedom of religion.

Would I do it? Best case scenario is no one cares (in other words, nothing happens and a neutral outcome). Worst case scenarios are many. So nothing potentially good and plenty potentially bad. My method of making decisions says: this is a bad one.

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Most of Christian history has been at the end of a sword covered with the blood of savages and heathens.

Most of HUMAN history actually but yeah Christians did it too. But I don't think that makes the point you were trying to make though right?

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