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CNN: Preacher wants to burn Qurans


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Now far be it for me, as a pyromaniac, to discourage somebody from lighting things on fire, but I'm gonna go ahead and do just that. Don't you have better things to spend money on than books that you're going to burn just to piss people off? Like perhaps, I don't know....charities, struggling church members, anything that could actually benefit people?

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Do we know that they paid money for them ?

Well I'll be honest, theft was a point I had considered but didn't with to bring up. But now that you did just that...If they stole them then arrest them, plain and simple. Make a point that freedom of speech is fine, but vandalism (aka destorying other people's property) and theft are no covered by the 1st amendment. And if it comes out they stole these Qurans, get them for as much as you can pin on them.

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Well I'll be honest, theft was a point I had considered but didn't with to bring up. But now that you did just that...If they stole them then arrest them, plain and simple. Make a point that freedom of speech is fine, but vandalism (aka destorying other people's property) and theft are no covered by the 1st amendment. And if it comes out they stole these Qurans, get them for as much as you can pin on them.

When we see Middle-Easterners burn effigies of Bush and Obama, no-one questions whether those were stolen :silly:

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When we see Middle-Easterners burn effigies of Bush and Obama, no-one questions whether those were stolen :silly:

Well that's because anybody with half a brain knows those were gifts from uber-liberal art majors from places like UC Berkley, duh! Part of their cultural outreach to other societies.:pfft:

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When we see Middle-Easterners burn effigies of Bush and Obama, no-one questions whether those were stolen :silly:

To me, the point is moot. It's like weather you stole the matches to burn down a house.

Matthew 7:1, 2 which reads in the King James:

“Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.”

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To me, the point is moot. It's like weather you stole the matches to burn down a house.

Matthew 7:1, 2 which reads in the King James:

“Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.”

But by doing that, aren't you actually judging the people who are judging others. So, you yourself are in fact judging :pfft:

Wait a second, by me judging you judging others who are judging other people - aren't I in fact judging, also ? :paranoid:

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But by doing that, aren't you actually judging the people who are judging others. So, you yourself are in fact judging :pfft:

Wait a second, by me judging you judging others who are judging other people - aren't I in fact judging, also ? :paranoid:

LOL! No Mick, you are judging an action, not a person. Just like me. ;)

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And it still pales in comparison to non christian and Godless history.

:ols: :ols:

Man, I remember the chills i used to get reading about all those atheist Crusades putting believers to the sword.

Seriously, I don't know what planet you get your history from, but it sounds like the book is only about 3 pages long... with plenty of pictures to color.

Don't go outside the lines! It means you'r a filthy communist.

Frankly, I don't know how the rest of the Christians tolerate your bull****. It seems to fly in the face of everything they usually band together to stamp out.

But then again, I gues because you believe in the fairy tale it makes your ignorance exempt. Kind of like a club tie or something. The paradox is amusing though. How anyone can believe their close minded intolerant hateful stances will get them into 'heaven' makes it pretty funny in my book. It's like a bunch of kids. Act like an ass all you want, but if you believe you get your reward.. regardless of whether or not you ever actually practice what they were supposed to have taught you.

What a crock of ****.


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Right, and when they do, guys like you do complain about it loudly. So surely, you would complain about burning Quran's loudly too...because you're not a hypocrite. Are you a hypocrite?

I dont think anyone is arguing that the preacher should be arrested if he does this, or legally banned from doing this. 1st amendment baby. I just think most people find it in bad taste, and a large number of christians would find it un-Christ-like. But this is America. He's free to do it, and we're free to think he is an idiot.

To be a hypocrite you have to actually believe its a religion thats on equal footing with Christianity. (j/k)

I never support the bashing of religion and for the record I do not consider Scientology, Gaia, etc religions and since I wouldn't have anything nice to say about said cults I'll avoid talking about them.

They really need to get Lasik vision centers in philly though people would probably buy more cheese steaks than get their eyes fixed.

Or is it that you ignored the two SARCASM smilies at the beginning of the post??

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