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Daily Caller: When McCain picked Palin, liberal journalists coordinated the best line of attack


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I just felt like dropping a nuke on the tailgate today


In the hours after Sen. John McCain announced his choice of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin to be his running mate in the last presidential race, members of an online forum called Journolist struggled to make sense of the pick. Many of them were liberal reporters, and in some cases their comments reflected a journalist’s instinct to figure out the meaning of a story.

But in many other exchanges, the Journolisters clearly had another, more partisan goal in mind: to formulate the most effective talking points in order to defeat Palin and McCain and help elect Barack Obama president. The tone was more campaign headquarters than newsroom.

The conversation began with a debate over how best to attack Sarah Palin. “Honestly, this pick reeks of desperation,” wrote Michael Cohen of the New America Foundation in the minutes after the news became public. “How can anyone logically argue that Sarah Pallin [sic], a one-term governor of Alaska, is qualified to be President of the United States? Train wreck, thy name is Sarah Pallin.”

Not a wise argument, responded Jonathan Stein, a reporter for Mother Jones. If McCain were asked about Palin’s inexperience, he could simply point to then candidate Barack Obama’s similarly thin resume. “Q: Sen. McCain, given Gov. Palin’s paltry experience, how is she qualified to be commander in chief?,” Stein asked hypothetically. “A: Well, she has much experience as the Democratic nominee.”

“What a joke,” added Jeffrey Toobin of the New Yorker. “I always thought that some part of McCain doesn’t want to be president, and this choice proves my point. Welcome back, Admiral Stockdale.”

…Suzanne Nossel, chief of operations for Human Rights Watch, added a novel take: “I think it is and can be spun as a profoundly sexist pick. Women should feel umbrage at the idea that their votes can be attracted just by putting a woman, any woman, on the ticket no matter her qualifications or views.”

Mother Jones’s Stein loved the idea. “That’s excellent! If enough people – people on this list? – write that the pick is sexist, you’ll have the networks debating it for days. And that negates the SINGLE thing Palin brings to the ticket,” he wrote.

Another writer from Mother Jones, Nick Baumann, had this idea: “Say it with me: ‘Classic GOP Tokenism’.”

Kilgore wasn’t sold: “I STRONGLY think the immediate task is to challenge the ‘maverick’ bull**** about Palin, which everybody on the tube is echoing. I’ll say it one more time: Palin is a hard-core conservative ideologue in every measurable way.”

Click link for rest

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So journalists had the same reaction everyone else did. It was pretty damn obvious McCain didn't like "his choice" and after the election is was made clear that McCain's people sure as hell didn't like her.



Is it really shocking though that a small coalition of progressive journalists that have progressive ideas share them with other progressive idea'd journalists?

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uhm... I've only read the quoted excerpt.... but it looks to me EXACTLY like the sort of discussion that went on here, and everywhere else. no? :whoknows:

I agree, I think everyone was asking the same questions. I know my reaction initially was WTF? Initially I thought it was a poor choice, then I kinda understood what they were going for, then Palin did a lot to give the media ammo against her.

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Coordinating their attack plan is the issue.

It reads more like initial reactions between people in the business. Did anyone not talk about the fact that this was a choice to get the female vote? Republicans noted that immediately. That immediately lead to thoughts that it was insulting to woman to think they could be lead around like that.

if anything it's disappointing to not see a different take than what just about everyone else thought of.

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They are clearly coordinating how to attack her.-

…Suzanne Nossel, chief of operations for Human Rights Watch, added a novel take: “I think it is and can be spun as a profoundly sexist pick. Women should feel umbrage at the idea that their votes can be attracted just by putting a woman, any woman, on the ticket no matter her qualifications or views.”

Mother Jones’s Stein loved the idea. “That’s excellent! If enough people – people on this list? – write that the pick is sexist, you’ll have the networks debating it for days. And that negates the SINGLE thing Palin brings to the ticket,” he wrote.

Kilgore wasn’t sold: “I STRONGLY think the immediate task is to challenge the ‘maverick’ bull**** about Palin, which everybody on the tube is echoing. I’ll say it one more time: Palin is a hard-core conservative ideologue in every measurable way.”

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I agree, I think everyone was asking the same questions. I know my reaction initially was WTF? Initially I thought it was a poor choice, then I kinda understood what they were going for, then Palin did a lot to give the media ammo against her.

Yeah, she started talking... :silly:

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Even Chuck Todd agrees-


“Journolist was pretty offensive. Those of us who are mainstream journalists got mixed in with journalists with an agenda. Those folks who thought they were improving journalism are destroying the credibility of journalism.

“This has kept me up nights. I try to be fair. It’s very depressing.”

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…Suzanne Nossel, chief of operations for Human Rights Watch, added a novel take: “I think it is and can be spun as a profoundly sexist pick. Women should feel umbrage at the idea that their votes can be attracted just by putting a woman, any woman, on the ticket no matter her qualifications or views.”

Then blacks should be outraged at the Rooney Rule.

It's practically the same thing.

Speaking of which, I bet there is a large number who voted for Obama simply because of his skin color.

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This cabal, and yes it is/was a cabal is just what many have been saying over the years. An ORGANIZED concerted effort to sway, position and affect their readership irrespective of the facts or truth.

This Palin episode it but one of many the "Journalist" tried to affect. There is a list of 400 or so, so called "journalists" that are members of this "list". It's who's who of of "liberal" ie progressive self identified writers & commentators who's only real purpose is to march lockstep to the progressive/liberal mantra.

The WaPo had it hands all over this vein of agitprop.

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It's on full display. The fact that you wont acknowldge it simply proves how biased you are.

Indeed. This topic has been exposed for the past two weeks or so. L and others remind me of the Marion Berry voters in DC. even with videotape evidence of his criminality they still blame someone else. The twist & shout crowd is out today.

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And Ive been saying for years, just read a newspaper or watch every other channel on TV.

The difference is now I have proof. Where's yours?

What proof do you have? I want to see and hear audio of these people saying and doing what you're claiming. Some guy writes an article with a bunch of supposed quotes and you just believe it??

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What proof do you have? I want to see and hear audio of these people saying and doing what you're claiming. Some guy writes an article with a bunch of supposed quotes and you just believe it??

So, suddenly "having a link" is no longer sufficient ?

Now, people need to start beckoning the poster "got an audio tape to that" ?

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What proof do you have? I want to see and hear audio of these people saying and doing what you're claiming. Some guy writes an article with a bunch of supposed quotes and you just believe it??

Dude, do some research. It's allover the net. It's an e-mail list with coordinated talking points, plans of coverage, what & how to cover certain news & events, strategies of how to paint policies, people, events etc. as they want them to be painted all from the perspective and POV of the LEFTIST list members.

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So, suddenly "having a link" is no longer sufficient ?

Now, people need to start beckoning the poster "got an audio tape to that" ?

Yup, even video isn't enough proof these days. ;)

I think it's a bunch of BS anyway, both sides do this so whats the point?

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