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Top 1,000 Reasons the Dallas Cowboys will not make the playoffs 2010-2011 Verison


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41) Jerry Jones and Al Davis discover that they're actually related. The two decide to merge the Cowpies and Raiders to make the Dalland Raiboys.

whole page and nobody adds on...SMH

42. their gonna kick the ball off, ball hits scoreboard and bounces into own end zone every time they do kick off.

43. jessica simpson will still be attending their games

44. they wont be used to wearin colors that match so they will be awestruck.

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We could keep going back and forth about this forever, but if it's "nonsense" then why did you feel the need to answer each point? You're not trying to convince us that the cowboys will make the playoffs. You're trying to convince yourself.

Cowgirl fans are good at that. Almost reminds me of Enron full of promises but always ends up in huge failure.

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Yes Romo sits to pee has won big games....

Blah, blah, frickin' blah...Defender, saying Romo sits to pee has won big games loses every bit of validity you could ever hope to have...dude has won ONE single playoff game in his career. ONE. Not two, not three, not four, not one and a half. ONE. PERIOD. EVER. ONE.

Someone PLEASE bump this thread when the pukes crash and burn with their "Super Bowl" hopes this year.

45. They're overrated. As always. They have talent, but not near the talent they THINK they do.

46. They have the worst coach in the NFC East. (Please, I would LOVE to hear an argument against this one.)

47. Wade "Doughboy" Phillips didn't get fired at the end of last season.

48. Tony Turnover still gets the ball in his hands when the game is on the line.

49. Miles Austin proves he was a flash in the pan when defenses actually start to key on him.

50. Football, more than any major professional sport, is one in which the coaching and schemes are more important than anything else. Reread Point #46.

51. Football, more than any major professional sport, is one in which the coaching and schemes are more important than anything else. Washington now has the BEST coach in the NFC East.


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What amazes me is that there are real potential reasons why the Cowboys might fail to make the playoffs or win the NFC East, yet some people prefer old worn-out anti-Cowboys schtick that has no relevance to the 2010 season. Go figure.

Okay, so let's look at the recent past?

Question, puke fans: How many times in the last five years have Romo sits to pee and the pukes had a chance to either win a game and advance to the playoffs (but failed to make the playoffs) OR win a game to advance to the next round in the playoffs?

Bonus question: How many teams have beaten the Eagles in the playoffs in the last ten years?

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Bonus question: How many teams have beaten the Eagles in the playoffs in the last ten years?

lol..... :ols:.

But it's beating the Iggles that will put cowgirl land over the hump to make the inevitable push to the promise land like they were "suppose" to do in 07,08,09,2010 :blahblah: and :blahblah:.

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So you think the original post was a joke? Can you please explain which of the original 10 you think are jokes? I already conceded #6 and #10 are jokes. What about the other 8? Are you saying they are jokes and you don't agree with them? Maybe you are conceding the whole notion that the Cowboys won't make the playoffs is a joke. Is that it? Please enlighten me. Thank you.

NO, just that the Cowboys and their fans are all jokes. explosiondallaspa3.gif

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So you think the original post was a joke? Can you please explain which of the original 10 you think are jokes? I already conceded #6 and #10 are jokes. What about the other 8? Are you saying they are jokes and you don't agree with them? Maybe you are conceding the whole notion that the Cowboys won't make the playoffs is a joke. Is that it? Please enlighten me. Thank you.

Holy hell lol :ols:...let's try and apply some logic here, shall we?

The thread title is: "Top 1,000 reasons the Dallas Cowboys will not make the playoffs"...

Before even clicking on the thread, the reader should have already told themselves that this is a joke thread. Not only is it asking for one-freakin-thousand reasons why the Cowboys will fail this year, it's claiming there are far MORE than a mere one thousand reasons by asking for the TOP 1,000 reasons lol :ols:...Yes, there will be some serious and legitimate reasons listed among the top 1,000 ( :ols: )...but the entire tone of the thread is one that is basically asking fans to throw down some smack and some insults onto the overhyped Dallas Cowboys. Only the most ultra-sensitive of Dallas fans would enter a thread like this one and start to debate ANY of the points being listed, considering the context of the thread to begin with.

But, alas, we do have our easily offended share of Cowboys fans who feel it their duty to try and swat down as many of those 1,000 reasons as they can, lest the mighty Dallas Cowboys get ridiculed by anyone when everyone should be singing their praises and nodding in agreement with the media that they are destined for greatness and a Super Bowl appearance. I personally think we should make it the top 2,000 reasons just to keep some of you hopping lol :yes:...

Make sure you keep reading this thread, coolbeans...I'm positive that reasons #59, #71 and #111 (among others) will have some miniscule aspects about them be slightly debatable, and you can ride in on your white horse and defend the honor of the Cowboys. :thumbsup:

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Before even clicking on the thread, the reader should have already told themselves that this is a joke thread.

It's a joke thread? I thought that we were really giving reasons of why the Cowpies weren't going to make the playoffs....

56) The NFL and NFLPA come to terms and comes with a new salary cap starting this season. The bad part, bail money is counted towards the cap.

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who was talking about Brunell, how come talking to skin fans and all i get is spin spin spin.

Now it was "Romo sits to pee cant win the BIG game?" and somehow that turns to Romo sits to pee has won as many big games as Brunell? WEll even if so Romo sits to pee has won big games.

This board spends more time redefining the answers and questions I feel like im on a political board.

Yes Romo sits to pee has won big games, and you just admitted it by saying hes won as many as Brunell. Case freaking closed.


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