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Top 1,000 Reasons the Dallas Cowboys will not make the playoffs 2010-2011 Verison


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come on man...get it right. It's purple drAnk

Sorry, my bad, hadn't been to sleep yet.

Back on subject.

41) Jerry Jones and Al Davis discover that they're actually related. The two decide to merge the Cowpies and Raiders to make the Dalland Raiboys.

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Pathetic puke fans think that beating the Eagles means a dynasty!

Just too funny.


Dear lordie, when they lose their sixth game 10 games into the season, someone please, please revive this thread.

Hopeless. hapless fan base.

So sad.

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BTW, the pukes have won one LESS playoff game than the Skins in the last 12 years!

Awesome, baby!



Have a good cry, puke fans.


But the Cowboys have won 3 more superbowls in the past 18 years, why only go back 12 years?

The Redskins share the honor with the Detroit Lions of being the NFC teams to go the longest without playing in the NFC championship game.

As for my reason why the Cowboys won't make the playoffs: Austin won't be able to run his routes due to the herpetic itch acquired from Kim Kardashian

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WHAT? A Cowboys fan on a Redskins fan site unable to take a joke? Who'da thunk it?

So you think the original post was a joke? Can you please explain which of the original 10 you think are jokes? I already conceded #6 and #10 are jokes. What about the other 8? Are you saying they are jokes and you don't agree with them? Maybe you are conceding the whole notion that the Cowboys won't make the playoffs is a joke. Is that it? Please enlighten me. Thank you.

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So you think the original post was a joke? Can you please explain which of the original 10 you think are jokes? I already conceded #6 and #10 are jokes. What about the other 8? Are you saying they are jokes and you don't agree with them? Maybe you are conceding the whole notion that the Cowboys won't make the playoffs is a joke. Is that it? Please enlighten me. Thank you.

What amazes me is that there are real potential reasons why the Cowboys might fail to make the playoffs or win the NFC East, yet some people prefer old worn-out anti-Cowboys schtick that has no relevance to the 2010 season. Go figure.

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We could keep going back and forth about this forever, but if it's "nonsense" then why did you feel the need to answer each point? You're not trying to convince us that the cowboys will make the playoffs. You're trying to convince yourself.

Are you joking? I can't tell anymore!

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But the Cowboys have won 3 more superbowls in the past 18 years, why only go back 12 years?

The Redskins share the honor with the Detroit Lions of being the NFC teams to go the longest without playing in the NFC championship game.

As for my reason why the Cowboys won't make the playoffs: Austin won't be able to run his routes due to the herpetic itch acquired from Kim Kardashian

Redskins fans believe that Brad Johnson beating the Detroit Sanders is relevant today, when it's about as relevant as the Cowboys beating the Bills in the Super Bowl. I mean they can shrug off this 4-12 season by knowing that 10 years ago Stephen Davis ran all over the Lions which puts them 1 up on the Cowboys in terms of playoff wins in a cherry-picked time frame.

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