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The "Running" Thread


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Week 3 of C25K didn't do as well as I would have liked. I usually improve by my second run. Thanks for the support. I use to be an athlete waaaay back in high school and have gotten way out of shape since, so this has been very hard for me.

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Week 3 of C25K didn't do as well as I would have liked. I usually improve by my second run. Thanks for the support. I use to be an athlete waaaay back in high school and have gotten way out of shape since, so this has been very hard for me.

Keep at it ... be patient. You didn't get out of shape in a couple of weeks or months, so allow some time to get it back.

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Cant believe I just found this thread in the Tailgate. I'm just logging maintenance miles until my training for a half-marathon starts in mid-august. Gonna focus more on 1-hour tempo runs for this half. We'll see how that approach gets the time for miles 3 thru 10 down.

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If you're like me, the first mile was at a decent 7-7:30 minute pace, the second one more like 9-10 minutes, and then the last mile took 20 minutes to finish.:ols:

Yeah im totally the opposite my last mile is the best mile for me, I need to get back into the groove I pulled a hammie really bad a few weeks ago and work/school has been killing me so I have not done anything for the last month besides softball once a week. Plus I ran at the gym on the treadmill busted my knee and now I can only use the elliptical but with the weather being nicer I need to get back at it. I use to be a pretty decent distance runner in high school but those days are long gone.

Any runners in the centreville area?

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I just got my Nike Free Run's in the mail (after literally waiting 2 months for them) and now that I have them, I'm on a tiny FOB in Afghanistan with no place to run outside, no gym, and no treadmill...

Can't wait to take them out for a run, I've been wearing the same pair of crappy Asics for almost two years now. Wanting to cut my two mile down from a 12:47 to about a 12:15, but got no where to run! Plus, running has always been the easiest way for me to zone out, it's been like an escape for most of this deployment, but for the last month and a half I haven't been able to at all.

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I'm still keeping going at building a base ... on a 67 day streak; 188 miles in the last 30 days; 44 in the last week; 6 tonight and 10 yesterday. I'm on pace to run over 190 in July, my highest monthly total ever.

Tonight felt a lot cooler than the past two or three weeks.

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I'm on a tiny FOB in Afghanistan with no place to run outside, no gym, and no treadmill...

That sucks. Be safe. I guess you don't even have a stairwell? :) That's a good fall-back option for runners looking to get a workout when travelling.

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That sucks. Be safe. I guess you don't even have a stairwell? :) That's a good fall-back option for runners looking to get a workout when travelling.

I appreciate it man, but nah, no stairwell. There are some stairs that go up to the guard tower but it's only like 7 steps, plus I'm sure someone would have a problem with me trying to do PT on 'em.

I tried running circles around the FOB once, but it's all gravel and it's just not worth it to risk spraining an ankle or something that could affect my mission capability.

He can run around his bunk 30359 times.

hehe' date=' you mean my cot? I would kill for a bunk right now. =']]

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Last Monday and yesterday I ran the exact same route (6.25miles, thot it was 6.5 but was wrong). Biked the day before each run, so the only difference was the temps/humidity. Last week's time: 1:03:02. Yesterday's time: 0:57:50 and I could have easily taken 2-3mins off of that but was running with a buddy who would have been hurting to do that. Amazing how much difference, not to mention how much better I felt afterwards yesterday, compared to last week.


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Was able to cut a few minutes off my 3-mile time yesterday, though I don't actually run the three miles. I've been doing sprint work, where I run all out for 20 seconds then walk 40, and repeat until the three miles are done, trying to boost my heart rate up. But yeah, 2-3 minutes faster than last week, so there's progress being made.

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I'm up to 11 mile long runs, but for the past five weeks I've done ALL my runs on the Dreadmill thanks to the heat. On Saturday I did a 3 mile maintenance run outside for the first time in over a month. I ran up a hill I've run up hundreds of times, but yesterday was the first day it actually felt as easy as running flat. I'm definitely starting to feel the effects of my training.

Today it's 12 quarter-mile repeats. Pray for me. :)

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My legs are ridiculously sore because of triathlon training.

Having not biked in AGES (I'm talking fifteen years, at least), it's doing a major number on my legs like running never did.

Testing my 5K speed tonight. My last run (on Friday) was only a 2 1/2K because of time constraints, but I knocked that out in 12 minutes. Tonight is a big test for me, we'll see how it goes.....

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New shoes and a treadmill do wonders for your knees and ankles. :)

A conversion from heel-striking to mid-foot striking eliminated all of my issues; knee, hip, etc. I've been pain & injury free for about eighteen months now.

As far as the treadmill goes...ugh...you can have that. I've got one covered in dust in the garage. I'm thinking of training my cat to use it. Hey, it works for gerbils. :)

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A conversion from heel-striking to mid-foot striking eliminated all of my issues; knee, hip, etc. I've been pain & injury free for about eighteen months now.

How do you go about doing this? I know my heels strike first a lot when I run. I don't have a lot of leg and hip pain, mostly just soreness, but my back bothers me after running/weightlilfting, and I wonder if this has something to do with it.

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How do you go about doing this? I know my heels strike first a lot when I run. I don't have a lot of leg and hip pain, mostly just soreness, but my back bothers me after running/weightlilfting, and I wonder if this has something to do with it.

Here is a video that got me started:


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I ran 3 miles in 36 min tonight...I haven't run more than 2 miles since my police academy days(13 yrs ago). Plus, more than half is a gradual incline. So I'm pleased with the time.

However- due to walking a lot on Saturday in my flip flops, I have blisters on my arch, and I have very flat feet- so that part hits the ground w/ every step. Needless to say, I hung in there through the pain. Just thinking I may not run for a few days to let the blisters heal.

Also- a question for anyone who has had knee/leg surgery. Part of my lower leg is numb after my ACL surgery. And tonight after running, the outter edge and most numb area hurts like pin/needles poking me. Anyone ever experience this?

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