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Hello Skins Fans. This is PD.


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On a slightly side note: bubba would have LOVED this thread :yes:...something made me realize that just now, that bubba would have been all over this thread, thankful that Phillip Daniels came by to set the record (and a few fans) straight.


completely agree.


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On a slightly side note: bubba would have LOVED this thread :yes:...something made me realize that just now, that bubba would have been all over this thread, thankful that Phillip Daniels came by to set the record (and a few fans) straight.

Yes he would indeed God Bless him. He was always one to remind folks how players and coaches could be,or were being misquoted.

Speaking of which. No real big surprise about just that happening. Though PD showing up and clearing the air was a pleasant one.

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I will.

I'm a ****ing idiot.

There, I said it. Still not happy that he's not there while everyone else is, but if PD is okay with it, then so am I.

Damn, that stings a bit. I'm glad that he set me and some others straight.

While I'm in NO way gonna pretend to speak for Daniels, I got the impression that it was more some advice to not believe everything the media writes and spins, and to remind ourselves that we don't know all there is to know so we shouldn't act like we do. I don't know if PD is "okay" with Haynesworth not being there, but that depends on how you define "okay" lol :ols:...

Someone on the other thread (the Wise thread) said early on that we don't know all the comments that were said by the players, we only know the ones Wise chose to print. Sounds like PD is basically confirming that fact. :yes:

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Good to know the facts and true story from a "real" insider. haha. Thanks PD! We're excited about the upcoming season as I'm sure you guys are. HTTR!!

I actually do have some firsthand experience with a writer/reporter. They interviewed me, took notes, left out a bunch of stuff, and gave it a tone that wasn't the way it was told to them at all. So no surprise here.

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Hey PD, glad to see you on our humble message board, and glad to hear that about AH.

PS - I will always remember that 4-sack game you had against Dallas a few years back. Do you think you have another one of those in you? I'd love to see it!

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Thanks for coming on the board PD! We really appreciate your input, and it's pretty special to be able to interact with the players like this.

I think most of us understand that reporters will take bits and pieces of conversations and strategically place them in their articles in order to enhance the angles that they wish to take. This is true of sports, politics, entertainment...pretty much all media in all facets of life.

So for those of us who have expressed frustration over the AH situation, I think most of us are not influenced by your printed comments, or those of Mike Sellers or anyone else. We take those with a grain of salt, as well we should, considering some of the Redskins beat reporters that have graced us with their journalistic prowess over the years. :ols:

What gets me are the simple facts of the situation. Albert Haynesworth, the highest paid player on the Redskins, made a conscious decision to skip this past minicamp. EVERY OTHER MEMBER of the organization was there.

Really? I mean really?

Yes, the minicamp was voluntary - I get that. But that's just a legal stipulation in the contract between the NFLPA and the teams, nothing more. All it means is that the Redskins cannot fine a player who chooses to not attend.

For us fans who toil day in and day out at our humdrum jobs for less money in a year than Albert makes in a game...needless to say, it doesn't sit well with some of us. He can't show up for a 3-day minicamp during an offseason that lasts half the year, especially after his employer has done right by him and paid him $32 million already?

Wow. As a die hard Redskins fan of over 30+ years, I feel something pretty close to complete disgust when I think about it.

So then, I think about his teammates. I know you said everything is cool, but I can't help wonder about that. Not to suggest that you're just saying the right things for the sake of doing so, but clearly, you saw the word "voluntary" and to you, that meant "I'll be there, no question". Albert, on the other hand, saw the word "voluntary", and thought "I can skip this".

Is this the attitude you want from your highest paid teammate? Does it irk you that you will be lining up next to a man who should be taking a leadership role (considering his talent and salary), but refuses to show up to a practice that every other player - even guys like Rocky and Carlos, who are RFA's without a signed tender - made it a priority to attend?

It boggles my mind.

Anyway, thanks again for your post. I appreciate your work ethic and dedication. You set the example that others would do well to follow.


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I agree the reporters sure know how to try and make something out of nothing. Everytime one of the Redskins do a interview Albert's name is mentioned and they get quotes. I don't know why they singled you out but I've heard countless Redskins saying the same things you stated that you wish he was here with the team. Regardless I do know one thing for Certain Haynesworth and Daniels are going to wreak havoc this season. 2 of the biggest and strongest D-Linemen in the league. GO SKINS!

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Wow E-Dog! Good post. You convinced me.

Maybe the fact that his teammates are sticking up for him says more about the team than it does about AH.

I got the impression that teammates are 'sticking up" for Haynesworth because they're tired of the media constantly portraying him as whining and arrogant and themselves as fed up and angry...and they're surprised so many fans instantly buy into the small bits of info the media dishes out that don't even come close to painting a complete picture.

And actually, E-Dog's post made me feel as if he was saying "I don't care what you say, PD, I know how you must REALLY feel" lol :yes:...Sometimes it's best just to take someone at their word and thank them for taking the time out to express it.

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With the amount of mis-information, rumors, innuendos, etc that us fans now get, its easy for fans to get all twisted up about these things

In 1990, this isn't even a story. Fans would be doing other things, and our only real bits of information would be the morning sports page, the evening newscast, and 6 pm sportscenter.

I have been hard on Albert myself, but with the constant stream of negative misinformation from the media, its easy to fall into the trap.

Best of luck this season PD, you have been a great Redskin and an example to the young players. Also, please encourage your son to go to Virginia Tech so he can stay close to you :)

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I told you guys just how bad the local media is.:) Although thanks to a certain radio guy the other day some of you finally caught on to just how bad.

Now, did anyone catch our GM Bruce Allen on NFLN Thursday night? And then see his sister on a few minutes later doing a piece on Kansas City? You'd have to ask yourself how in the world they could have our GM's sister working for them, yet allow Just Lost n Clueless continue to make himself look like a fool with Al's going to get traded mess.

Anyways, good to see ya back on here Phil.:)

:ols: I didn't even realize that was his sister!

I think a lot of posters here would like this thread to go away. I'm not sure everyone realizes just how much pwnage has been dished out in this one thread... heck, we should ban PD for making a call-out thread, lol! :pfft:

Seriously though, this is just really, really awesome and this just verifies the fact that ES is the best sports discussion board, period. Yes, in all of sports. How many boards can say they have an actual active player come on and shut down rumors, speculation, hyperbole, etc... almost as soon as it spreads? Not only that, but do it in a totally public, informal, manner by posting just like the rest of us? No interview, no filtered questions, etc...?

Thanks PD. :)

This thread has mustered only 5 (high quality) pages so far, yet this one manages over 20? :doh:

Let's see who can be honest and admit how wrong they were in that thread itself. So many used PD's comments as a justification for their hate there.

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PD your a class act and a warrior for fighting back after the knee that is what being a REDSKIN is all about much respect for ya big guy....that being said AH should have been in camp with you guys period. What kills me is that all we heard from him was how much he wanted to be the next Reggie White but he is acting more like Betty White...get to camp support your guys and be a good teammate that's all I'm saying ....you keep up the hard work PD. HTTR

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While I'm in NO way gonna pretend to speak for Daniels, I got the impression that it was more some advice to not believe everything the media writes and spins, and to remind ourselves that we don't know all there is to know so we shouldn't act like we do. I don't know if PD is "okay" with Haynesworth not being there, but that depends on how you define "okay" lol :ols:...

Someone on the other thread (the Wise thread) said early on that we don't know all the comments that were said by the players, we only know the ones Wise chose to print. Sounds like PD is basically confirming that fact. :yes:

I don't know... what I heard in his posts is that Daniels is frustrated with Haynesworth and would like him here, but that Phil and the skins can deal with his absence and be professional about it. Now, I don't absolutely remember the Wise article, but that doesn't sound contradictory to me.

I think the way some are treating reporters in this thread is similar to the way they suggest that reporters treat their subjects. I suspect that there are those in the sports writing business who have an agenda, like to stir controversy, or in their analysis extrapolate things unreasonably at times... Lord knows that they get enough wrong, but I don't think they are moustache twirling villains either.

He is correct that what we publish is a postcard based on them info we discover. There's not enough time nor enough inches to include it all and worse, usually we can't talk to everyone to gain absolutely perfect information or perspective about any situation. On top of that, you sometimes have people who are guarded and won't tell you the truth as they perceive it for a variety of reasons. Still, you try to pull the best info out to generate the truest story you can. Now, I almost never cover sports (I think I've done three sports oriented features in 4 years of reporting for NPR), but I just think that the demonization of reporters is over the top.

That said, I still believe what I wrote in the minimum thread... AH should be here. It would be better for the team. I think based on what was written at the top of this thread that Daniels agrees.

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PD your a class act and a warrior for fighting back after the knee that is what being a REDSKIN is all about much respect for ya big guy....that being said AH should have been in camp with you guys period. What kills me is that all we heard from him was how much he wanted to be the next Reggie White but he is acting more like Betty White...get to camp support your guys and be a good teammate that's all I'm saying ....you keep up the hard work PD. HTTR

Just want to say that Betty White is a consumate professional who has really worked at and honed her craft. Don't pick on Betty! :tantrum:


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Phil, thanks for coming by and sharing with us, we appreciate it more than you can imagine. We are still fans during the offseason and we are going to act like a sack of crazed weasels with all the anticipation of something special happening this year. Can't even apologize for it, there is so much pent up in us, but it is refreshing and helpful to have you come by and offer this reminder of just how blown out of proportion some of this has gotten.

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