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NBS: Time’s Klein: Beck, Palin Potentially Committing Sedition


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Really, the way JMS refuses to listen to the OBVIOUS difference between the one definition of sedition, and the crime of sedition...coupled with the gleeful way he chimes in every couple posts with that small list of phrases that constantly get repeated at Palin rallies...all lead me to believe:

JMS and his buddies have a group of folks that get assigned to go to Palin rallies and randomly shout these same 5 or 6 phrases, to make the Tea Party movement look like kooks. Then they go to internet message boards and TRY to bring attention to these infrequently-heard plants, and bring discredit to the rallies.

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JMS and his buddies have a group of folks that get assigned to go to Palin rallies and randomly shout these same 5 or 6 phrases, to make the Tea Party movement look like kooks. Then they go to internet message boards and TRY to bring attention to these infrequently-heard plants, and bring discredit to the rallies.

Nah, there is a contingent of TP members who absolutely and profoundly blessed in their Kookdom. Outsiders, trying to introduce kookdom would be ridiculed for their inept faux kookiness.

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I have absolutely no doubt there are people deliberately acting like tools to make the Tea Parties look bad. And, you're right there are some people who are genuinely kooks. They are there whether we like it or not, right...kind of like the role of the US as a superpower whether we like it or not, right?

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I have absolutely no doubt there are people deliberately acting like tools to make the Tea Parties look bad. And, you're right there are some people who are genuinely kooks. They are there whether we like it or not, right...kind of like the role of the US as a superpower whether we like it or not, right?

In almost every group you will find a group of kooks. Word to the wise, don't reveal yourself.

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In almost every group you will find a group of kooks. Word to the wise, don't reveal yourself.

Oh, no. Not in our group.

All those people attending every meeting, openly acting like kooks? They're all fake kooks. Infiltrators. I'm certain of it.

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I suggest a trip in the way back machine to circa 1798 oh something along the lines of these: Alien and Sedition Acts
While the Alien and Sedition Laws were in force, John Adams, en route from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to Quincy, Massachusetts, stopped in Newark, New Jersey, where he was greeted by a crowd and by a committee that saluted him by firing a cannon. A bystander said, "There goes the President and they are firing at his ass." Luther Baldwin was indicted for replying that he did not care "if they fired through his a**." He was convicted in the federal court for speaking "sedicious words tending to defame the President and Government of the United States" and fined, assessed court costs and expenses, and placed in jail until the fine and fees were paid...

In November 1798, David Brown led a group in Dedham, Massachusetts in setting up a liberty pole with the words, "No Stamp Act, No Sedition Act, No Alien Bills, No Land Tax, downfall to the Tyrants of America; peace and retirement to the President; Long Live the Vice President," referring to then-President John Adams and Vice President Thomas Jefferson....Brown was tried in June 1799. Brown wanted to plead guilty but Justice Samuel Chase wanted him to name everybody who had helped him or who subscribed to his writings. Brown refused, was fined $480, and sentenced to eighteen months in prison, the most severe sentence then imposed under the Alien and Sedition Acts.

Dayum...that's ****ed up lol.

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Dunno why, but I'm remembering back to '76, when I owned the National Lampoon's Bicentennial Calendar. The main feature of this calendar was that, on each date, they had one or more events which had occurred on that day in US History. I distinctly remember one, in particular.

(Some year)Guam is shelled by the USS Charleston. The island's Spanish Governor, unaware that his nation is at war with the US, signals his regrets that a lack of ammunition renders him unable to return the salute.

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Title 18 USC

§ 2384. Seditious conspiracy

If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.

That's the law, not some dictionary definition. I find it funny how JMS fails to acknowledge several photos posted. Much ado about nothing at all. They are workin withing the current system of government, not advocating the overthrow of the government. Unless you consider elections advocatin the overthrow of the government. The US government (thankfully) is much greater than one man.

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Please give me a single link which documents someone yelling "Kill Him" at a democratic Rally... Just one.... I've provided half a dozen such links at GOP or tea party rallies...

Written rather than shouted, but wouldn't you agree that you were completely wrong about this?

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In November 1798, David Brown led a group in Dedham, Massachusetts in setting up a liberty pole with the words, "No Stamp Act, No Sedition Act, No Alien Bills, No Land Tax, downfall to the Tyrants of America; peace and retirement to the President; Long Live the Vice President," referring to then-President John Adams and Vice President Thomas Jefferson.
Our modern brevity of language is so remarkable in comparison with the old times.

For a while now, memorable kooks have realized the power of short phrases to dupe the gullible.





Nutcases with wordy signs just get ignored. Lists and small writing are booooooring!

Besides, don't they know they shouldn't be targeting the literate?



Seriously, it would take me an entire episode of "Sarah Palin's Alaska" to read that thing!

And given the option, why should I bother to actively read a bunch of nonsense when I could just have a bunch of nonsense beamed directly into my passive eyeballs instead?

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Written rather than shouted, but wouldn't you agree that you were completely wrong about this?

I didn't see your link yet. Which of those sign toting guys are you claiming appeared at a democratic ralley or Obama speach?

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Advocates carry handguns, rifles at Va. rally

By MATTHEW BARAKAT and NAFEESA SYEED, Associated Press Writers Matthew Barakat And Nafeesa Syeed, Associated Press Writers – Mon Apr 19, 7:45 pm ET

ARLINGTON, Va. – Carrying loaded pistols and unloaded rifles, dozens of gun-rights activists got as close as they could Monday to the nation's capital while still bearing arms and delivered what they said was a simple message: Don't tread on me.

Hundreds of like-minded but unarmed counterparts carried out a separate rally in the nation's capital.

The gun-carrying protesters in Virginia rallied on national park land, which is legal thanks to a new law signed by President Barack Obama that allows guns in national parks. Organizers said it's the first armed rally in a national park since the law passed.

The District of Columbia's strict gun laws, however, generally make it illegal to carry a handgun, so rally participants there were unarmed.


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The gun-carrying protesters in Virginia rallied on national park land, which is legal thanks to a new law signed by President Barack Obama that allows guns in national parks.

God damn that Obama and his relentless assault on gun rights!!!!!

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JMS and his buddies have a group of folks that get assigned to go to Palin rallies and randomly shout these same 5 or 6 phrases, to make the Tea Party movement look like kooks. Then they go to internet message boards and TRY to bring attention to these infrequently-heard plants, and bring discredit to the rallies.

I'm quoting the washington post, ny times, time magazine and cnn...

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I suggest a trip in the way back machine to circa 1798 oh something along the lines of these: Alien and Sedition Acts

that was the first sedition act.... course over the years Congress updated sedition laws many times the latest in 2000.

U.S.C.A. § 2384 (2000). Seditious conspiracy

U.S.C.A. § 2385 (2000).

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God damn that Obama and his relentless assault on gun rights!!!!!

You've got more than 100 guys "protesting" within eye sight of the white house with a few dozen more carrying loaded weapons loaded weapons 3 miles away.... Nothing threatenning about that? Nothing potentially intimidating about that.

I shoot regularly at my range. I'm a gun advocate myself. But I wouldn't go to a mass gun toting ralley on the banks of the Patomac to threaten my government.....

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You've got more than 100 guys "protesting" within eye sight of the white house with a few dozen more carrying loaded weapons loaded weapons 3 miles away.... Nothing threatenning about that? Nothing potentially intimidating about that.

I shoot regularly at my range. I'm a gun advocate myself. But I wouldn't go to a mass gun toting ralley on the banks of the Patomac to threaten my government.....

Did they shoot anyone?

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Really, the way JMS refuses to listen to the OBVIOUS difference between the one definition of sedition, and the crime of sedition...coupled with the gleeful way he chimes in every couple posts with that small list of phrases that constantly get repeated at Palin rallies...all lead me to believe:

JMS and his buddies have a group of folks that get assigned to go to Palin rallies and randomly shout these same 5 or 6 phrases, to make the Tea Party movement look like kooks. Then they go to internet message boards and TRY to bring attention to these infrequently-heard plants, and bring discredit to the rallies.

No, thats just JMS. He's like this on almost every topic. He is Ferrous Cranus.

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