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Advice on meeting strangers on craigslist to make the deal?


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Just curious what are some things you guys would do in my scenario,

im selling an xbox bundle w/the 250gb harddrive for a good price on craigslist and im getting a few responses on it so far (just posted the other day). One of the more serious buyers said he has the cash, but wants to know if i can meet him in downtown orlando (i live 20 miles outside orlando) because he doesnt have a vehicle or a way to get to lake mary. Im not trying to take $400+ worth of xbox/games/controllers to a place im not familiar with to some stranger. Should I wait for someone that is able to drive to my house? Would you prefer meeting someone in a public location? Should I bring some friends with me for when the deal goes down?

Let me know of any experiences you guys have had with this kinda stuff, thanks.

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the only two times that Ive paid for something on Craigslist and met them where they live was for a TV and tickets to the Elton John/Billy Joel concert here. Both times it was in Reston, which really isnt a bad place.

One of those times I made the deal in a McDonalds parking lot because it was right next to the persons house. Reston isnt a bad area by any means, so I wasnt really worried, but if you are I would suggest moving the meeting site to somewhere people can see you. I really dont know anything about Orlando though.

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well he wants to meet at a best buy on a road orange blossum trail. Its notorius for its high crime and prostitution in that area. Thats why i might just hold out for someone i consider a little less risky lol. Other people have said just show up with two or three other big guys

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well he wants to meet at a best buy on a road orange blossum trail. Its notorius for its high crime and prostitution in that area. Thats why i might just hold out for someone i consider a little less risky lol. Other people have said just show up with two or three other big guys

I guess I just cant imagine a Best Buy parking lot to be that dangerous. I would do whatever makes you most comfortable I guess.

Then again, making a deal with that kind of stuff in front of a Best Buy with cash might look a little fishy.

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Oh man, I furnished half of my last apartment using CL. Never had any problems - although that was in Boston, so I suppose it's hard to compare the situations.

Anyway, if I were worried about a transaction, I'd simply bring a couple people with me. Knowing CL, the odds are pretty damn good that all the seller is doing is looking to make a quick buck. Some sort of elaborate scheme is highly out of the ordinary.

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Make sure it's a back alley and dark. Trenchcoats are useful too.

Seriously, public place or parking lot outside of a well attended mall or restaurant ought to be good.

Yep, and it's not a bad idea to get there a little bit early to scope the location out. If you don't feel comfortable, leave.

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A gun negates bringing big friends. Keep that in mind.

I'm sure there is a local police station there. Get there early, inform someone inside of your intention, and your concerns about it.

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I forgot my girlfriend's birthday, I checked out craiglist for a FREE kitten. They have tons of kittens on there. I got it from an old lady with blue or purple hair, she smelled like old furniture. But it saved my life.

I wouldn't worry too much about meeting up with someone, just make sure you take a cell phone, I got lost looking for the address.

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Same advice as anyone else...make sure it's a well lit area. Bring a friend or two, or at least inform someone else where and when you will make the transaction. I selll a bunch of stuff on craigslist (2 cars). My best advice is really sift through the emails, you will be able to tell the ones that are legit. Most of the time, they will be well written and will leave a name and phone number. Also, if someone says they don't have a phone or access to get to your house, then why are they spending money on an xbox in the first place.

I have never met someone at a medium place, always at their house or mine. And make sure to get a phone number and a FULL name before you sell. Never accept checks either, only cash.

Just my $.02.

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Best place to meet would be inside a resturant, preferably with a decent crowd. He should be able to take a bus to a better part of town too if the area is a problem. I'd bring a friend too.

Realistically, and any LEOs here could correct me if I'm wrong, but I feel the best place to meet would be in neutral territory (not his neck of the woods, have him take a bus somewhere), in a fast food restaurant (McDonalds, Burger King, Wendy's), or some other restaurant guaranteed to have a fair amount of people.

That way if something was to happen, you have a lot of witnesses. Plus, many of those places have camera's nowadays.

Could you make the deal in a bank? Would they allow that?

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I forgot my girlfriend's birthday, I checked out craiglist for a FREE kitten. They have tons of kittens on there. I got it from an old lady with blue or purple hair, she smelled like old furniture. But it saved my life.

I wouldn't worry too much about meeting up with someone, just make sure you take a cell phone, I got lost looking for the address.

Let's hope your girlfriend doesn't belong to ES. She'd be thrilled to learn you grabbed a free cat from some old bag ten minutes before meeting for her birthday.:ols:
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Gun Pic.

Two rules:

1. Always meet somewhere safe and public that you are familiar with.

2. Always bring some form of defense.

I've met people from Craigslist at shopping centers and gas stations that I'm familiar with. Each time I've had a concealed weapon on me.

I'm still here to tell of my travels, so it must have worked :pfft:

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