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LL: Sex on The Third Date?


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Sex on The Third Date?

Four in ten say yes. One in ten do it on the first date.

According to a new study, women nowadays are more likely to have sex on the first date. But half of them are embarrased to talk about it later.

In the study, which was commishioned by Bayer Healthcare, a thousand women between the ages of 20 and 40 were surveyed. Among the interesting findings:

39% of women said they had slept with a new boyfriend wby the third date, and 73% said they had within the first month.

11% of women said they had slept with a new boyfriend by their first date, and 13% said they had waited three months before having sex.

Click on the link for the full article

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It really depends on the two people, the time and place of the situation. If the third date is at a high school play or museum your most likely not gettn any. If the date is more intimate your chances are very high of :point2sky.

Considering the link says "people between 20 and 40", I don't think too many would be admitting to having sex at the high school.:ols:

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I sure ain't livin' in the bible belt, that's for sure.;)

:silly: yeah **** that [literally?]

I hate how women lie about their sex lives. If they're gonna have sex they might as well admit to it. I don't understand why people are "ashamed" of things they do.

Then again the double standard is quite irritating. Maybe if women weren't so judged for gettin it, they would be more honest.

/end rant

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:silly: yeah **** that [literally?]

I hate how women lie about their sex lives. If they're gonna have sex they might as well admit to it. I don't understand why people are "ashamed" of things they do.

Then again the double standard is quite irritating. Maybe if women weren't so judged for gettin it, they would be more honest.

/end rant

That's a great point you make. Sex is made to be such a huge deal, that it becomes taboo, especially for women. It's a shame, people are meant to feel, well, shame from the conscience decision to have sex. It can be a wonderful act of sharing love, between two people and it can also be made to be just a fun time.

I eat three times a day, but it doesn't always have to be a three course meal.;)

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I don't know, man, if the pot ain't boiling over to the point other people's opinions don't matter after the second date, something isn’t clicking right. Maybe I'm different then other people, but before I get myself in an exclusivity relationship with any girl, we have to be on the same wavelength on certain issues going in in the first place, and God knows sex is one of them. You risk a serious amount of pain and drama if you two aren't on the same page with that part of the relationship, and it can get weirder when it changes without some kinda communication as to why.

Three months of dating before sex? You might as well put my balls in a vice grip and make me knit mittens with you. That's straight starvation right there, and we're not even married? More power to anybody that wants to do that, not judging you, maybe that's just how you're relationship works. In all seriousness, the 13% that actually said that are probably the older women polled.

Another possibility is that some of the 13% are probably just telling their "boyfriend" that "wait 3 months or more” crap while she's out spending the money he gave her with some other man. That's what popped into my head when I first saw that, nothing malicious by it at all, and I know I'm not the only one who thought that when they saw it.

I agree that the double-standard is agitating to say the least, and I prefer being around women that aren't "ashamed" to admit they're animals just like us men. I understand society won't let you do that, but do you really need their permission? Are we in need of some sorta new "sexual revolution", or is it better being the dirty little secret everybody already knows? There's always going to be a judge and jury no matter what we do, so do we need a fundamental shift in our culture or do more people need to just stop being so apologetic? Both? Niether? Something else?

Sex, making love, all natural stress relief, whatever you want to call it can be beautiful unless you make it otherwise. There's no need to apologize for that at all. But that’s just my opinion, maybe I’m crazy…

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I wonder if all those 1st daters are really on dates, or are they just hooking up and calling it a date because it sounds better.

Yea I would say that I never went on a date with 75% of the girls I slept with. I think they are just calling the first intimate meeting a date even though there was no courting involved....

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Sex is vastly overrated. The media hypes it up so much that as a teen you think your missing out on something so awesome, but when you rush into it outside of the bonds of a committed marriage and things just don't last.

When I was dating I was looking for a companion for life, not one not flings.

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