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Star-Telegram: Cowboys sue stadium suiteholders for not fulfilling lease terms


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new yorkers and class in the same sentence?

and its without a "less" in it too!!!

Like I said, the competition isn't exactly stiff. We're in the same division with one of the first teams to build a jail in their own stadium and franchises that drive little old ladies into bankruptcy with lawsuits.
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A few things here.......

When the redskins did this, like in the little old ladys case, they had already sold her season tickets and recouped thier money, AND STILL went after her. Disgusting.

The cowboys are going after corporations, which owe them MUCH more money than a few thousand bucks from a single person. Jerry and company are going after MILLIONS. If you know anything about business, not getting paid for millions that are owed to you is a big deal.

And like it or not, this is a contractual agreement these corporations signed. They owe the money. Simple as that. Companies have assets that can be taken. It is an open and shut case in the eyes of the courts.

But by all means, keep bashing Jerry, and ignoring facts, because its Jerry.

i second the request from califan.

also, i was under the impression that the skins went after, mostly, corporations as opposed to a whole bunch of individuals.

i agree that there is a perception that corporations as businesses can afford it so they get no sympathy, and i think in general individuals shouldnt enter into agreements if they cant fulfill them as well. so i'm not really feeling too sorry for anyone.

but if individuals do bail on a ticket contract, you would think the skins could resell the tickets without too much trouble, cuz 1) there should be some legal language stating something to this effect in the original contract, and 2) there is supposed to be a big demand (wait list) for tickets.

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Like I said, the competition isn't exactly stiff. We're in the same division with one of the first teams to build a jail in their own stadium and franchises that drive little old ladies into bankruptcy with lawsuits.

Give that new stadium and higher ticket prices a chance to set in and see how classy the Giants are when people stop paying. :pfft: Just imagine if you didn't have the Jets revenue as well?

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Now how can the Eagles be in first? According to a lot of people they are no good and overrated. They just played easy teams and that is what allowed Dallas to beat them :)

They were really badly injured thats why the Cowboys beat them so easily. They didn't earn it. :ols:

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They were really badly injured thats why the Cowboys beat them so easily. They didn't earn it. :ols:

Of course not :)

I mean they were not an NFL Team for the last two weeks, more like a farm NFL Team. They easily clinched a wild card, even though a Win in week 17 gives them the division, a bye and a 2 seed. But they just aren't a good team.

2-14 this year

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A few things here.......

When the redskins did this, like in the little old ladys case, they had already sold her season tickets and recouped thier money, AND STILL went after her. Disgusting.

The old lady signed a club level contract. A contract that I also signed. It clearly, and plainly states that failure to pay results in the tickets being revoked and still owing the balance of the contract. So the Skins can still go after you while someone else is sitting in the seats. You think Jerry won't do the same, you're crazy.
The cowboys are going after corporations, which owe them MUCH more money than a few thousand bucks from a single person. Jerry and company are going after MILLIONS. If you know anything about business, not getting paid for millions that are owed to you is a big deal.
Yeah, go back and read the Skins story again. The Post hand picked the heart-sting stories to print. There were suite holders sued as well, just like in this story about Jerry.
And like it or not, this is a contractual agreement these corporations signed. They owe the money. Simple as that. Companies have assets that can be taken. It is an open and shut case in the eyes of the courts.

But by all means, keep bashing Jerry, and ignoring facts, because its Jerry.

Like it or not, your entire post is garbage. Club level tickets, whether individual or suites, are all contractual agreements. People also have assets that can be taken to settle debts as well. You are just spouting BS here.
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Of course not :)

I mean they were not an NFL Team for the last two weeks, more like a farm NFL Team. They easily clinched a wild card, even though a Win in week 17 gives them the division, a bye and a 2 seed. But they just aren't a good team.

2-14 this year

The Eagles were one of the most injury-riddled teams in the NFL last year. The Cowboys were the healthiest. I mean, they were so desperate for LB's, they brought Jeremiah Trotter out of retirement and started him for half the season. The Vikings game showed pretty clearly that the Cowboys were on the same level as the rest of the NFC East last year. And every other team in the division will be getting a number of injured starters back. Plus, the Giants and Redskins significantly improved their coaching staffs. Unless the Cowboys get extremely lucky on the injury front again or outdraft everyone else in the division by a fair margin, I don't really like their chances in 2010.
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A few things here.......

When the redskins did this, like in the little old ladys case, they had already sold her season tickets and recouped thier money, AND STILL went after her. Disgusting.

The cowboys are going after corporations, which owe them MUCH more money than a few thousand bucks from a single person. Jerry and company are going after MILLIONS. If you know anything about business, not getting paid for millions that are owed to you is a big deal.

And like it or not, this is a contractual agreement these corporations signed. They owe the money. Simple as that. Companies have assets that can be taken. It is an open and shut case in the eyes of the courts.

But by all means, keep bashing Jerry, and ignoring facts, because its Jerry.

You'll have to point out where it was reported that her "tickets" were resold...and just for the record, these were premium club seats and suites that would need to be re-sold...not a very easy thing to do as far as re-selling the contracts. Maybe "re-sell" the seats to some individual games here and there, but the entire contract length and price for premium club seats and suites takes far more work.

If you buy a car and enter a contract with a finance company to pay them $20,000 for the car, and you can't keep up the payments, the car gets repossessed. The dealership can re-sell the car, even for more than what you still owed...yet you are STILL responsible legally for paying a certain amount of what you still owe (if not all of it). That's how businesses and business law works.

1) These people the Skins sued were owing as much as $100,000 and more...so it was not "a few thousand bucks". Quite a few of them were business owners who wrote off the club level contract purchases as a business entertainment expense. Yes, the media loved to use the grandmother as the poster child for their articles and, yes, more than a few people lapped it up as if the Skins ONLY went after poor, 73 year old ladies who like quilting Redskins blankets for her grandchildren. Doesn't make it true, though.

2) Can you please tell us the exact amount in which a company or corporation is allowed to sue someone for reneging on their contract without having the "Greedy *******" label attached to them? Thanks.

Can I rewrite your paragraph here?

"And like it or not, this is a contractual agreement these individuals signed. They owe the money. Simple as that. People have assets that can be taken. It is an open and shut case in the eyes of the courts."

"But by all means, keep bashing Snyder, and ignoring facts, because it's Snyder."

Yeah, that works, too :thumbsup:

The old lady signed a club level contract. A contract that I also signed. It clearly, and plainly states that failure to pay results in the tickets being revoked and still owing the balance of the contract. So the Skins can still go after you while someone else is sitting in the seats. You think Jerry won't do the same, you're crazy.

Yeah, go back and read the Skins story again. The Post hand picked the heart-sting stories to print. There were suite holders sued as well, just like in this story about Jerry.

Like it or not, your entire post is garbage. Club level tickets, whether individual or suites, are all contractual agreements. People also have assets that can be taken to settle debts as well. You are just spouting BS here.

This is some classic ownage of a puke fan...


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You'll have to point out where it was reported that her "tickets" were resold...and just for the record, these were premium club seats and suites that would need to be re-sold...not a very easy thing to do as far as re-selling the contracts. Maybe "re-sell" the seats to some individual games here and there, but the entire contract length and price for premium club seats and suites takes far more work.

If by "more work" you mean putting them on the website for someone to log into to click "buy". Yeah. But if I own either team, I'll take the guy who owes me a few grand in remium club seats, than millions of dollars in suites. Do the math.

tickets 1) These people the Skins sued were owing as much as $100,000 and more...so it was not "a few thousand bucks". Quite a few of them were business owners who wrote off the club level contract purchases as a business entertainment expense. Yes, the media loved to use the grandmother as the poster child for their articles and, yes, more than a few people lapped it up as if the Skins ONLY went after poor, 73 year old ladies who like quilting Redskins blankets for her grandchildren. Doesn't make it true, though.

How much did the little old lady owe again? I remember her because she was splashed all over the newspaper. I don't remember any corporations, because they weren't sitting on their couch in their living room, crying with a redskins blanket draping the wall behind her. Great PR for the team. And they DID resell the seats, and STILL went after her for the entire amount. THAT was the problem.

2) Can you please tell us the exact amount in which a company or corporation is allowed to sue someone for reneging on their contract without having the "Greedy *******" label attached to them? Thanks.

Just as soon as you find where I wrote that the old lady (or anyone else for that matter) can renege on a contract. I'll wait here for it. Thanks. The point being is that you have to choose your battles. Which is going to make Snyder look like a heartless jackass? Going after FED EX for not paying their advertising payments, or a little old lady sitting on her couch in tears? Hmmmm....thats a tough one.

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Owning a football team is a business, just like anything else. You own it to make money and if a customer signs into a contract and does not pay, legal action many times is the last option to re-obtain what was once yours back....With the economy in the tank I think you will see this happening much more around the league….Does it suck and can it be bad PR...sure but that is life, don’t hate the owner, hate the fan….people or corporations both often have to give up their toys first when things get tight and items like football tickets fall under that list.

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Owning a football team is a business, just like anything else. You own it to make money and if a customer signs into a contract and does not pay, legal action many times is the last option to re-obtain what was once yours back....With the economy in the tank I think you will see this happening much more around the league….Does it suck and can it be bad PR...sure but that is life, don’t hate the owner, hate the fan….people or corporations both often have to give up their toys first when things get tight and items like football tickets fall under that list.
Good post. The problem with people and their "toys" is that people buy toys that require income levels to remain at current levels. My rule for my toys is that if I lost my job, and could not find any income for the length of my obligation, would I be able to pay for the toys without taking away from my family? If the answer is no, I don't buy the toy. I may rent the toy for a weekend, but I don't buy it. A lot of people buy toys instead of saving money, which is why only like 23% of workers have saved more then $10,000 towards retirement. But they have fun on the weekends. :doh:
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does not change the fact that 4-12 did happen. And that is your entire schtick....deflect, re-direct, ignore, pretend....but try as you may, you cannot escape reality.

This is totally irrelevant to the discussion in this thread.

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Just as soon as you find where I wrote that the old lady (or anyone else for that matter) can renege on a contract. I'll wait here for it. Thanks. The point being is that you have to choose your battles. Which is going to make Snyder look like a heartless jackass? Going after FED EX for not paying their advertising payments, or a little old lady sitting on her couch in tears? Hmmmm....thats a tough one.

So she can't renege on her contract, but if anyone tries to enforce a contract she signs they are a heartless jackass? How is this not saying she can renege on the contract?

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does not change the fact that 4-12 did happen. And that is your entire schtick....deflect, re-direct, ignore, pretend....but try as you may, you cannot escape reality.
So did either team win the Superbowl? No? Then all that either team is left with from last season is that we get higher draft picks this time round.
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This just in: Jerry Jones apparently not running a charity football team.

I suppose the comedic aspect is how Cowboys fans may have tisked the Redskins when they sued some fans who wouldn't pay. Whether it's old women who buy something they can't afford or businesses who buy something they can't afford, the story is "NFL team sues people who couldn't pay for something that they entered into a contractual obligation to pay for".

I suppose that people like to hear more about a business being sued than an old woman. In this instance both entities did something stupid, I don't see how it's different from a business standpoint. People who don't own billion dollar organizations just like to think that if it was them, they would still kick the business in the balls but would give the old woman a pass as an act of kindness. Some people are really naive.

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Of course not :)

I mean they were not an NFL Team for the last two weeks, more like a farm NFL Team. They easily clinched a wild card, even though a Win in week 17 gives them the division, a bye and a 2 seed. But they just aren't a good team.

2-14 this year

I am so glad a Cowboys fan can FINALLY admit this!! :)

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This is totally irrelevant to the discussion in this thread.

this is a relevant discussion? Talking football is great fun. TR1 talks EVERYTHING but football to escape the reality of 4-12. I get this is a Skins board. I get rival teams take jabs at rival teams. But it smacks of insecurity to make it about anything other than football. Talk about getting smacked by the Vikes....talk about making Ray Edwards look like Reggie White....talk about Roy Williams poor production....there are so many FOOTBALL related items to banter about. But this is just reaching.....it's like trying to drink away 4-12 sorrows!

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this is a relevant discussion? Talking football is great fun. TR1 talks EVERYTHING but football to escape the reality of 4-12. I get this is a Skins board. I get rival teams take jabs at rival teams. But it smacks of insecurity to make it about anything other than football. Talk about getting smacked by the Vikes....talk about making Ray Edwards look like Reggie White....talk about Roy Williams poor production....there are so many FOOTBALL related items to banter about. But this is just reaching.....it's like trying to drink away 4-12 sorrows!

You actually think that tr1 has NOT talked about those things? lol :ols: :doh:...where the **** have you been?

And you REALLY think tr1's threads like this one are somehow tied into how the Skins did for any particular season? Seriously? I mean, it IS April Fools day and all, so you might be trotting out goofy posts like the one above as some type of "gotcha" to fool people into thinking you actually believe what you wrote up there.

The absolute worst comeback from anyone, be they a rival fan or a Skins fan, is to claim that the Redskins' record trumps everything, even if it has abso-stinkin-lutely zero to do with the topic being discussed.

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There has to be something fishy here, it can't be a coincidence that all of these people aren't paying for the suites.

Although a dentistry group signed a 20 year lease at 2.1 million a year?! That's just a stupid waste of money for one, and waaaay too long of a lease

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this is a relevant discussion? Talking football is great fun. TR1 talks EVERYTHING but football to escape the reality of 4-12. I get this is a Skins board. I get rival teams take jabs at rival teams. But it smacks of insecurity to make it about anything other than football. Talk about getting smacked by the Vikes....talk about making Ray Edwards look like Reggie White....talk about Roy Williams poor production....there are so many FOOTBALL related items to banter about. But this is just reaching.....it's like trying to drink away 4-12 sorrows!

It's irrelavent because the Redskins are in no way related to this discussion.

We have a much bigger board for discussion of Redskins football. You can go there and talk about it. But this thread is about the Pokes ownership, with a tangent on how different or similar it is to the Redskins handling of a similar situation. At no point is their football team relevant to this particular discussion.

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this is a relevant discussion? Talking football is great fun. TR1 talks EVERYTHING but football to escape the reality of 4-12. I get this is a Skins board. I get rival teams take jabs at rival teams. But it smacks of insecurity to make it about anything other than football. Talk about getting smacked by the Vikes....talk about making Ray Edwards look like Reggie White....talk about Roy Williams poor production....there are so many FOOTBALL related items to banter about. But this is just reaching.....it's like trying to drink away 4-12 sorrows!

But the 4-12 is in the past. I can move on and put it behind me.

Right now The Redskins and the cowboys are tied for first place in the division at 0-0.

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But the 4-12 is in the past. I can move on and put it behind me.

Right now The Redskins and the cowboys are tied for first place in the division at 0-0.

we have won the division 2 out of the last 3 years. I want the Cowboys to get greedy. I want more. First place never felt so boring.

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