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Babe Draft Round 2: 21cents, hp703, JimmyConway...Go Ahead And Pick Already! LoL

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For my last pick, in the TV Mom category, like Hubbs I'm going a little bit international and selecting Ninel Conde, who plays Alma Rey, the mother of Roberta Rey in the popular Univision show "Rebelde."


Alma Rey

A famous model and singer who is very sexy and always gets the attention of the students very easily. Which makes Roberta, her daughter, somewhat jealous, because her mother gets more attention than her. She is a single mother, even though she used the last name of one of her ex-lovers to give her daughter Roberta a true family name.

Oh yeah, very sexy indeed.


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Alright, for my under 30, I needed to add a little flavor to my team, to go along with "almost attainable" TV mom Jennifer Aniston and "Rock goddess from the past" Michelle Phillips.

To do so, I turn to the nation of Italy, and present one of their finest models, Federica Felini, or Fellini, I'm not sure, it's spelled differently. What can't be denied is that she's gorgeous, shouldn't be too exposed by name recognition, and isn't so model stick thin that she looks sickly. She should be the perfect complement to my already solid team. As a bonus, I believe one of our members has her in his sig. For your viewing pleasure:




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Well, I feel that this choice may hurt me in the voting only because I'm reaching back in time just a bit, and most of the Rocker Babes selected are from the current era. BUT...in terms of sheer beauty and "hotness" I think this woman has it all (although I will wait for Ax to tear her apart). She's very pretty, brunette and has a nice body. And even though when it comes time for the tournament I will be posting pics of her "back in the day", I feel she has aged well and I would even put her current photos up against some of the broads already taken in the draft...including the broad I picked in the first round (and I should mention she also is similar in look to Cheryl Cole who was my #1 choice in this category).

With our 3rd and final selection, we take Shania Twain.


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