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AP: Goodell-NFL could ban 3-point stance


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Goodell: NFL could ban 3-point stance

A ban on the three-point stance? NFL commissioner Roger Goodell says it's possible.

Concerned about concussions, Goodell said the league will keep looking for ways to make the game safer. Speaking on CBS's "Face the Nation" hours before the Super Bowl, he didn't rule out the idea of banning the three-point stance for linemen to reduce the ferocity of collisions at the line of scrimmage.

"As you'll see tonight, you'll see a lot of players that never get down in a three-point stance," Goodell said Sunday. "So it's possible that would happen."

While science is still trying to determine the long-term effects of concussions, Goodell said, the league has made progress in increasing awareness about the severity of such injuries.

"For many years the culture had been quite different - that concussions weren't serious injuries," he said. "I think we have changed that culture and made sure that people understand they are serious, and they can have serious consequences if they're not treated properly."

Goodell has met with NFL competition committee co-chair Rich McKay to begin evaluating possible rules changes.

More at the link

My reaction is :wtf: But maybe other people have a different opinion and are in favor of this move :whoknows:

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I've read several fairly convincing articles recently on the subject of concussions and possible rule changes that could be adopted by the NFL (and as a result could filter down to college, HS, etc.). I'd certainly rather nothing change about the game -- it's nearly perfect in my mind. However, if the evidence seems overwhelming about the long term health effects due to the way the sport is currently played -- it seems that the game is going to have to change.

Time will tell if the evidence/pressure is significant enough to warrant that.

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I've read several fairly convincing articles recently on the subject of concussions and possible rule changes that could be adopted by the NFL (and as a result could filter down to college, HS, etc.). I'd certainly rather nothing change about the game -- it's nearly perfect in my mind. However, if the evidence seems overwhelming about the long term health effects due to the way the sport is currently played -- it seems that the game is going to have to change.

Time will tell if the evidence/pressure is significant enough to warrant that.

Right, but there are other things that could be as, if not more, effective before banning a technique almost as old as the game itself. For instance, rather than eliminate the 3-point stance, they could require anti-concussion helmets and double-sided mouth guards (or require mouth guards period). Tuesday Morning Quarterback on ESPN's Page 2 usually talks about things like this.

So bascially, I'd rather they slightly tweak the uniforms and gear to help lower concussion rates than change methods people have been using since Pop Warner football.

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Right, but there are other things that could be as, if not more, effective before banning a technique almost as old as the game itself. For instance, rather than eliminate the 3-point stance, they could require anti-concussion helmets and double-sided mouth guards (or require mouth guards period). Tuesday Morning Quarterback on ESPN's Page 2 usually talks about things like this.

So bascially, I'd rather they slightly tweak the uniforms and gear to help lower concussion rates than change methods people have been using since Pop Warner football.

Hey, I'm with you -- I think there are probably a lot of different routes they could go on that as well. Upgrading the safety gear has gotta be on the top of the list.

However, I could certainly see other aspects of the game changing as well -- given significant justification. I'd imagine Goodell wouldn't go to the risk of monkeying with the mechanics of the game unless he had pretty good reason to do so :whoknows: I'd certainly imagine any actual change to the game would be backed by substantial physiological/neurological studies to backup the need for the change.

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Assuming medical evidence continues to mount at its current rate, it will eventually become immoral not to make some sort of change. Obviously changing the game this drastically isn't anyone's first choice, except, perhaps, for the future NFL players who could stand to avoid repeated concussions and the resulting early-onset dementia, Parkinsons, depression, and general physical impairment.

There's an unfortunate reaction here that seems to think this article suggests "Roger Goodell hates current NFL product and its massive financial success, is looking to do anything to anger the league's fans and ruin the sport." For people in power, it isn't always enough to simply oppose innovation. Unfortunate realities that necessitate reaction present themselves.

If you reject this notion outright, fine. But take the time to consider the rationale that forced it to emerge, and offer an alternative. Saying, "Thanks but no thanks, science" can't be an option forever. Ask the tobacco companies.

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3 point, no way. 4 point for an Olineman, maybe. The difference is when your a DLman and you see an OLman in a 4 point, you know it's a run and it's probably coming HERE. (duuuuuuh) 4 point is much more dangerous. You can't fake a 4 point stance. 3 point, I can rock back on my heels if I'm in protection. It's all in the knuckles. Remember what that guy said in "Invincible"? That was no joke. Color in the knuckles=pass. White knucks, I'm fixin to get a nice scratch on my helmet. :evilg:

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You know, in 1960, if someone had said, "We need to fix boxing. It's too dangerous," people would have said, "You're crazy! It's perfect. It's the second most popular sport in the country and is only going to continue growing."

Of course, no one really watches boxing now.

If football doesn't do something, there is a very real chance that within a generation, no one in their right mind will allow their kids to play football.

To be honest, there is NO chance I would let a child of mine play football right now. My best friend is probably going to be on disability within the next five years due to a back injury that is a direct result of high school football. I have another friend that walks with a slight limp due to high school football. And I know too many guys with bad backs because of it.

Participation in high school football is already down something like 20 percent versus a generation ago.

The NFL could be looking at a real labor supply problem within another generation - just like boxing.

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Concussions and big hits aren't a result of lineman in 3 point stances.

Those hits come from tackles and open field hits, rarely do you see a Derrick Dockery come out of a 3 point stance and give Jay Ratliff a concussion.

You see it on freak plays like London Fletcher and Bryon Westbrook

I think you're right on concussions specifically. That stuff happens more in the open field. And as a result, I think it's more of a safety equipment issue and a tackling mindset issue. There are probably techniques that need to change at all levels to make that less of a problem.

I don't believe a 3 point stance ban would be to address concussions per se, but other long term physiological/neurological injuries that occur as a result of the constant hard hitting that goes on in the trenches.

Who knows -- I'm not rooting for any changes. But if there's sufficient proof that football played the way it is played today significantly injures players for the long term, then some changes need to be made to the game.

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I played football and lacrosse and suffered about 5 concussions but was clearly in the "WTF" camp when I heard about changes to the game.

Then I watched a great special on multiple concussion syndrome and what it is doing to a number of former players in the sub-50 year old range.

Everyone wants to avoid large concussions - and rules have been changed to do that, catestrophic injuries have been reduced due to them.

But part of the show I watched showed a normal high school practice, with sensors on helmets....nobody complained of being dizzy or anything (and there was no huge hits), and multiple people had multiple impacts measured on the head in excess of 14 g's, in normal blocking.. Right no the crown of the head. By eliminating the three point stance I am guessing that most of those impacts will hit you in the facemask, letting your neck absorb some of the shock.

I dont know how I feel about it, just trying to understand the meaning behind it. Its not that Anyone is soft...its that people are being debilitated from chronic head blows..over time and in normal game situation. Much like a boxer (as was previously stated)....

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Concussions and big hits aren't a result of lineman in 3 point stances.

Those hits come from tackles and open field hits, rarely do you see a Derrick Dockery come out of a 3 point stance and give Jay Ratliff a concussion.

You see it on freak plays like London Fletcher and Bryon Westbrook

I don't think it would necessarily eliminate concussions.

But concussions are just one piece of the health problems caused by football. Linemen have an average life expectancy in the 50s for some reason.

At the same time, no one really knows anything about the long term damage to hits to different parts of the head are doing. Mike Webster's brain looked like a raisin when he died.

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It seems like the NFL is diving into the shallow end head first on this issue.

There is a lot of conflicting research out there and there is still a lot of research being done. Sure, it's the commissioner's job to act in the best interest of the sport and its players. However, lets see some results from some of the other measures. Upgraded equipment, Fines/Penalties, etc.

I still think the #1 problem in the NFL is that players use their helmet as a weapon. How many times do we see a running back lower his head and run into a tackle? Just about every time they touch the ball.

I would rather see them get really tough on the obvious things like that as well as equipment deficiencies before they do stupid things like banning the 3 point stance.

Also- ironically enough maybe reducing the amount of equipment the players wear might help. Switch back to leather helmets. I doubt you see guys flying into a tackle leading with their head. Watch old school football- it was more like rugby with takedowns and arm tackles.


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