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Goodell says uncapped year is "virtually certain"


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There will be no new CBA until the very last minute prior to a potential lockout

So probably July 2011

And I am of the opinion that once this thing goes uncapped, the cap in the NFL is over. The union won't leave the table with a cap there

But there seems to be a consensus that the long-term interests of the league are best served by the presence of a salary cap. In years past, the late Gene Upshaw, who ran the NFLPA for more than two decades, vowed that, if the cap went away, it would never return. This time around, the union has not suggested a desire to operate without a cap -- since to do so would mean the permanent absence of the spending floor.


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Originally Posted by dwbiggs viewpost.gif

Instant offensive line baby!!!! :point2sky

Since everyone of value will be restricted, as opposed to unrestricted, who do you propose we sign? haha

Dunno...don't have time to research this stuff... I'm just BS'n. :pfft:

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But there seems to be a consensus that the long-term interests of the league are best served by the presence of a salary cap. In years past, the late Gene Upshaw, who ran the NFLPA for more than two decades, vowed that, if the cap went away, it would never return. This time around, the union has not suggested a desire to operate without a cap -- since to do so would mean the permanent absence of the spending floor.


Ding! The salary cap doesn't mean as much to the NFLPA as the salary floor. Without it, teams can literally spend squat on their players, and no player wants that.

Ideal situation for Redskins fans:

No cap this year

Figure something out by next year

Rookie pay cap

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But there seems to be a consensus that the long-term interests of the league are best served by the presence of a salary cap. In years past, the late Gene Upshaw, who ran the NFLPA for more than two decades, vowed that, if the cap went away, it would never return. This time around, the union has not suggested a desire to operate without a cap -- since to do so would mean the permanent absence of the spending floor.


Seemed that some of the biggest beneficiaries of the cap were certain players. You could get the team to give you cash now and make it so your future compensation was still pretty certain.

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Good stuff here.

Dansby is a ILB tho, not a rush linebacker or OLB

...........and I'm retarded. Here's a :doh: for myself. I completely missed that. Thanks for being soft and not using a big :censored: stick.

BTW, I'm from Midlothian. Went to Monocan and James River. Just a side note.

Ding! The salary cap doesn't mean as much to the NFLPA as the salary floor. Without it, teams can literally spend squat on their players, and no player wants that.

Ideal situation for Redskins fans:

No cap this year

Figure something out by next year

Rookie pay cap

I absolutely agree. I got in an arguement with someone about this exact point. I think there are enough intelligent people running this show that they will know better than to kill the golden goose, hopefully. Also, I agree with your best case scenario. I would really love to see a rookie salary cap THIS season, I think most people are in support of it, NFLPA included, though they will surely use it as a bargaining chip. I would hate for us to draft a QB at 4 and pay him more than Peyton Manning. I'd love to see something like the NBA has, it actually makes owning a high pick worth it again. Plus, if we were to trade down, the trade value for a top 10 pick should skyrocket when the team trading doesn't have to risk losing 80 million on a bust.

I doubt it happens (the rookie cap this season), but man that would be great.

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I just will never understand the dislike for Daniels.

Also, it takes zero to cut him,Sellers, Wynn or Collins. They aren't exactly holding us back financially.:ols:

Portis I can see the point, but disagree and completely agree with ARE and would add Griff into that.

It's not "dislike" for Daniels, it's just that he's old and doesn't really have any impact anymore. He'll be 37 next month and I think we can do better than 6.5 sacks the last three years combined. Bring in some young guys to fill these positions to get some experience.

I can see the other side of the argument in keeping some of these guys for depth purposes, but it can also hamper the rebuilding process if older guys who can't get it done anymore are taking the spots of younger guys who need experience.

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I absolutely agree. I got in an arguement with someone about this exact point. I think there are enough intelligent people running this show that they will know better than to kill the golden goose, hopefully. Also, I agree with your best case scenario. I would really love to see a rookie salary cap THIS season, I think most people are in support of it, NFLPA included, though they will surely use it as a bargaining chip. I would hate for us to draft a QB at 4 and pay him more than Peyton Manning. I'd love to see something like the NBA has, it actually makes owning a high pick worth it again. Plus, if we were to trade down, the trade value for a top 10 pick should skyrocket when the team trading doesn't have to risk losing 80 million on a bust.

I doubt it happens (the rookie cap this season), but man that would be great.

Agreed, a rookie salary cap is LONG overdue. Not sure why Tags and Goody haven't found a way to be able to put one in place all these years, it's always seemed logical. I never thought the NBA would get it done, and they did it, so I really don't get why the NFL has never been able to get it done.

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Ok, I understand some of the "clean house" thoughts. But wouldn't they really only benefit us if there cap were to come back? If the cap doesn't come back, why not keep some of those guys as depth?

the cap is coming back.

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the cap is coming back.

Agreed. This whole 'once the cap goes, it won't come back' line started because Upshaw always used that threat as a bargaining chip. And it's nothing more than that, a threat.

It's the owners who opted out of the CBA, and have us headed towards labor strife. They are doing this because the want the cap LOWERED, and are willing to risk a lockout to try to acheive that. To think they're going to go from that to a non-cap system is a stretch of biblical proportions.

As for the players, they have thrived under the cap, and they know it. They're not going to blow this whole thing up and go to a work stoppage to get a non-cap system. They know how much fighting, and lost income would go with that struggle. And, of course, they certainly don't want a non-cap system anything like this year. So, they would have to be fighting for a non-cap agreement which restored FA to 4 year players, went back to 1 Franchise tag, etc. And one can imagine the owners laughing in their faces if they even asked for such a thing.

The whole concapt of an uncapped NFL is the longest of longshots, and there isn't a team out there dumb enough to make decisions based on it happening.

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I am not particularly concerned about the owners or players pocketbooks, all are richly compensated for their efforts.

What the uncapped year in 2010 allows the Redskins to do that IS in the interests of fans is to terminate a number of contracts that otherwise would have hamstrung the organization for the next 3-4 years, work stoppage or no.

With so many mistakes made on personnel an uncapped year is exactly what the doctor ordered.

The Redskins should come out of 2010 as a much younger team with a full complement of future draft picks and a decrease in the number of players whose stay on the roster are the result of their salary cap number rather than their performance.

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I just thought I heard awhile back that if the cap goes away, it will be hard for them to bring it back.

I don't mind releasing aging veterans to give the young guys a shot. But we shouldn't just cut everyone over 30 or so. We've seen that we don't have much depth, so let's not get rid of all of it if we don't have to.

Now if the cap was to come back in 2011 or 2012, then I'm all for cleaning house. But if the cap goes for good, what's the harm in keeping some of those guys around?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the Players Union stating that if next year goes uncapped, then they want the cap gone away for good, thus, in all likelihood cause a work stoppage in 2011? So, I don't think they would bring back the cap the following years.

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I'm with the owners on this one. If they don't get a deal done that's good for them, then screw the players union and bring in the replacements (i hope this really doesn't happen). The players are highly overpaid as it is, so why should the owner's give them more money, when the players take in 60 percent of league revenues already. I hope union dissolves forever, it really ruins the game of football.

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Agreed, a rookie salary cap is LONG overdue. Not sure why Tags and Goody haven't found a way to be able to put one in place all these years, it's always seemed logical. I never thought the NBA would get it done, and they did it, so I really don't get why the NFL has never been able to get it done.

Im not a basketball fan so I have no idea how their rookie salary cap works. Could you elaborate?

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