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i am disgusted with a co-worker who got a dwi


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Driving drunk is incredibly stupid and selfish and stories about people who kill themselves doing it..I feel bad because they are generally young people but at the same time it's like...you did it to yourself and I'm not going to cry over it at all. You have a serious risk of hurting others because you couldn't find a designated driver or you couldn't just man up and say I guess I won't drink tonight. Natural selection at work.

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I personally don't like the race card thing one bit, but I wouldn't be so quick to point fingers at others.

For those that drink more than a few times a month, I imagine a very high

percentage of them have probably driven home on a few occasions over the legal limit.

I know that I did in earlier years.

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I personally don't like the race card thing one bit, but I wouldn't be so quick to point fingers at others.

For those that drink more than a few times a month, I imagine a very high

percentage of them have probably driven home on a few occasions over the legal limit.

I know that I did in earlier years.

I know I am what most consider a heavy drinker. But I mostly drink at home. If my wife and I want to go out, we draw straws for who is driving. Or we take money for a cab. And a cab is about $40 from our bar to our house. That is pennies compared to the guilt of killing someone.

I will not stand on a soap box and say I have never driven after a drink. If we go to dinner, I'll have one. Maybe two but that is only if we stay for a while and have a large meal. Even then I feel a little guilty. I'm convinced I can drive fine but most drunk drivers feel the same way. I rely on the standard set by the state and the scientific study that says I can have two drinks an hour and be fine.

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I personally don't like the race card thing one bit, but I wouldn't be so quick to point fingers at others.

For those that drink more than a few times a month, I imagine a very high

percentage of them have probably driven home on a few occasions over the legal limit.

I know that I did in earlier years.

Absolutely. As did I and probably the majority of us who are over 30. It took a long time for the people in this country to learn how dangerous alcohol really can be. I think the current generation of twenty-somethings are much better about it than we were and I also think many of of the older generations are still learning lessons because they drank (and drove) all their lives and are getting too old to change. :(

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Absolutely. As did I and probably the majority of us who are over 30. It took a long time for the people in this country to learn how dangerous alcohol really can be. I think the current generation of twenty-somethings are much better about it than we were and I also think many of of the older generations are still learning lessons because they drank (and drove) all their lives and are getting too old to change. :(

It is nice to see the twenty-somethings taking it much more seriously these days.

In my twenties, duis were a common thing. A lot of people had them.

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squatch- you should feel upset about this. It eats me up to to think that this guy might get off. Maybe you could go to the DA and talk to them about how you have heard the guy brag about how he is drunk. Maybe it could help, then again it might not be admissable in court. Did the guy get a breathalyzer test, hopefully cuz then there is no way out of it.

Wouldn't it be nice if all vehicles came equipped with a breathalyzer lock on the vehicle? You think it is the least the car companies that got bailed out could do to give back.

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I have no sympathy for anyone caught DWI. I've seen enough people hurt or even killed by these morons...

I think they should throw the book at them. Put them away for years. I truly don't care whether or not there isn't any other way to get home. If you get drunk, don't drive. If driving is the only way home, sleep on the damn curb till you sober up. There is no rationalization or excuse.

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I know there were times I should not have been driving many times in my early 20's, no I don't even come close to risking it at all. I don't let my friends do it either. I think part of it comes with age, when you are young you feel invincible.

I can't fault the guy for trying to get out of it, most people would, and in the court system these days, if you don't get a lawyer, you can guarentee that you are going to get hammered hard.I doubt he gets reckless driving unless he does some things like go to AA as well as take some courses. You don't just show up and get reckless driving without doing some other things to prove that you learned.

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Natural selection at work.
Sure, until they plow into someone else on the road.

I can't fault the guy for trying to get out of it, most people would

Yeah, we have a friend who just got his second DUI in Oregon. His lawyer's pulling every trick in the book to get him out of it...like complaining the cop wasn't following technical procedure, blah, blah, blah. HI, you were STILL DRIVING DRUNK! I don't care if there was some dumb technicality in your processing or whatever. I hope he gets the book thrown at him and gets jail time.

P.S. Is is really THAT terrible to sleep it off in your car until you sober up? NO

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I think we all agree that the most frustrating thing about your friend is his complete denial of culpability in any sense. I mean we all hope that the criminal justice system will work in a way that makes a person take a step back and have an opportunity to change. However that can be achieved depends on the crime.

It's clear that no matter what this guy is charged with in the end it wont make any difference on his behavior.

With that said, I think its been talked about in this thread and a lot of people here have made the mistake of drinking and driving, it is very possible to learn from it. Unfortunately, there is no way of charging people on the basis of learning from their mistakes and sometimes people are let off the hook while others end up with huge amounts of jail time...I mean, your friend just seems to completely ignore the consequences of the possibility of a person crossing the street in front of him and the murder/manslaughter charges that he could potentially face. You don't even need to be **** faced drunk for that to happen. Hopefully he learns from this...but yes I see how it annoys you

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I love the fact that dude is playing the race card "because the cop was white, and my co-worker is hispanic."

Not because the cop exhibited any logical reason to suspect he might be racist, but "because (he) was white."

Too typical, unfortunately.

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I'm going to be 24 in 2 weeks........I haven't driven over the legal limit since I was 20. That is the honest to god truth. I would be the DD if I went to the bars and made sure 2 beers lasted me 5 hours. If I knew we had a DD I would get HAMMERED. If I didn't have a DD, I would stay home. DUI, you cannot afford it and that's the truth. I've been employed in a school district for the past 4 years and I'm not really sure but I think a DUI would cost me my job. Although, I've been arrested for pissing outside before cause the bathroom line at the bar was ginormous much like the joneys at fedex parking lot.

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Sure, until they plow into someone else on the road.

Yeah, we have a friend who just got his second DUI in Oregon. His lawyer's pulling every trick in the book to get him out of it...like complaining the cop wasn't following technical procedure, blah, blah, blah. HI, you were STILL DRIVING DRUNK! I don't care if there was some dumb technicality in your processing or whatever. I hope he gets the book thrown at him and gets jail time.

P.S. Is is really THAT terrible to sleep it off in your car until you sober up? NO

I know and it's sad that so many people are so selfish that they are willing to take that risk. But if they kill themselves, you had it coming...I'm not talking about driving on a 0.081, I mean hammered drunk.

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If you drive drunk, its not a matter of if, but when you're going to get your DUI. Hopefully you don't kill somebody when you do. I got mine several years ago, and pray that I never forget all the money, time, and anguish it put me through.

You you should be mad squatch, but dont let it affect you to much, people are going to do what people are going to do.

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I got my DUI becaue a cop, on his way home, decided to just check on me, because of the time and being the night before Thanksgiving. He thought I was high, not drunk, so arrested me for driving stoned. Well, somehow I had nothing in my system, but did have the minimum legal limit BAC. Super.

I was getting out of the car, at the house I was going to. I felt fine, but I drink a lot and most likely, don't see a zero BAC too often, so a .10 isn't a very big deal to me.

Now, I couldn't complain too much, because the night before, I was definitely feeling it and driving really fast in the snow, doing doughnuts and power slides down the empty road. That night I was past where I should have been driving. I wouldn't have crashed into anybody and wasn't stumbling drunk, but still, couldn't really be pissed about the DUI. I was due.

The time that got me, was middle of the day, in a crowded tourist town on a Sunday afternoon. I don't even remember. I hit my friends porch and almost got arrested for yelling at the cop to get out while I was peeing, but I was in the middle of the street. I truly got lucky that day, as my friend saved my ass. I should have been arrested that day and thankfully, didn't kill anybody. That was the last time I ever got that drunk and drove.

I still will drink and drive, but like I said, I drink a lot and it's not unusual for me to be over the limit. But e being over the limit and most being over the limit, is not really the same thing. Most won't understand that and tell me I'm wrong, but I don't really give a ****.

Squatch, your co worker is just playing the ridiculous game, put out in front of us. The judicial system is freaking clown shoes and you are forced to play it any way you can. That said, my Dad used to brag and thought it was funny, until he got one and found out how easy it is to get caught. He then bought me a breathalyzer for my car, him too. e told my sister, she hadn't earned hers yet. lol.

It won't matter, if you get pulled over for any reason, legit or not, and the cop arrests you, you are getting the DUI if your blood is over the line. Nothing you can do or say. It's basically automatic. I didn't even get arrested for drinking, but got the DUI anyway and that was with the best lawyer in the state. He's a judge now even. I was one of his last cases.

And before anybody gives me too much **** about driving drunk on occasion, I've seen plenty of you leave games. Your BAC goes down at .02 an hour, regardless if you drink coffe, eat anything or drink water. Nothing changes that. You know those nights when you didn't eat and went drinking? You got extra sloppy drunk and think you got drunker? You didn't. You just felt it more. Don't eat all day and have 2 glasses of wine, you'll feel hammered, but can legally drive. Then, eat all day and drink the same, you won't even notice it.

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I got my DUI becaue a cop, on his way home, decided to just check on me, because of the time and being the night before Thanksgiving. He thought I was high, not drunk, so arrested me for driving stoned. Well, somehow I had nothing in my system, but did have the minimum legal limit BAC. Super.

I was getting out of the car, at the house I was going to. I felt fine, but I drink a lot and most likely, don't see a zero BAC too often, so a .10 isn't a very big deal to me.

Now, I couldn't complain too much, because the night before, I was definitely feeling it and driving really fast in the snow, doing doughnuts and power slides down the empty road. That night I was past where I should have been driving. I wouldn't have crashed into anybody and wasn't stumbling drunk, but still, couldn't really be pissed about the DUI. I was due.

The time that got me, was middle of the day, in a crowded tourist town on a Sunday afternoon. I don't even remember. I hit my friends porch and almost got arrested for yelling at the cop to get out while I was peeing, but I was in the middle of the street. I truly got lucky that day, as my friend saved my ass. I should have been arrested that day and thankfully, didn't kill anybody. That was the last time I ever got that drunk and drove.

I still will drink and drive, but like I said, I drink a lot and it's not unusual for me to be over the limit. But e being over the limit and most being over the limit, is not really the same thing. Most won't understand that and tell me I'm wrong, but I don't really give a ****.

Squatch, your co worker is just playing the ridiculous game, put out in front of us. The judicial system is freaking clown shoes and you are forced to play it any way you can. That said, my Dad used to brag and thought it was funny, until he got one and found out how easy it is to get caught. He then bought me a breathalyzer for my car, him too. e told my sister, she hadn't earned hers yet. lol.

It won't matter, if you get pulled over for any reason, legit or not, and the cop arrests you, you are getting the DUI if your blood is over the line. Nothing you can do or say. It's basically automatic. I didn't even get arrested for drinking, but got the DUI anyway and that was with the best lawyer in the state. He's a judge now even. I was one of his last cases.

And before anybody gives me too much **** about driving drunk on occasion, I've seen plenty of you leave games. Your BAC goes down at .02 an hour, regardless if you drink coffe, eat anything or drink water. Nothing changes that. You know those nights when you didn't eat and went drinking? You got extra sloppy drunk and think you got drunker? You didn't. You just felt it more. Don't eat all day and have 2 glasses of wine, you'll feel hammered, but can legally drive. Then, eat all day and drink the same, you won't even notice it.

KB You should re-read this post. I don't "know" you (although I do like you!) and cannot sit in judgement but this post is full of red flags.

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KB You should re-read this post. I don't "know" you (although I do like you!) and cannot sit in judgement but this post is full of red flags.

I know that. I'm fine with it. I usually walk to the bar nowadays anyway.

When I say I drive drunk, I don't get drunk per sae, just legally.

I do drink too much.

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driving drunk is never "the most rationale decision" iontop. unless the other choice is driving high on crack maybe.

Well I think we're going to agree to disagree on that point... Because every time I think about it, and put myself in my shoes, throwing out knowing the future, I would have done that rather than stay at the house and wait for his buddies to show up and kick my ass... THAT'S why I couldn't take a cab home...

Now when I do go out, I don't drive to or from the bar... I have a cab pick me up from my house, take me to the bar and take me back... I know that it's a $25 cab ride to where I work, so if I want to go drinking there, I'll drive there sober, drink and take a cab back to my house and let my roommate drive me back in the morning...

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I love the fact that dude is playing the race card "because the cop was white, and my co-worker is hispanic."

Not because the cop exhibited any logical reason to suspect he might be racist, but "because (he) was white."

Too typical, unfortunately.

So true. As if being arrested for DUI by a white cop is his loophole. :)

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