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Dad's heart attack*Update*He's home from hospital


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My dad, who is 60, had a heart attack last night, and sound like he has been having mini ones for a few weeks- stubborn man wouldn't say anything about his pain until last night.

Anyway, they are going to do surgery (angioplasty?) this afternoon. The odd part is that they think the problem is some leaking fluid which is causing his heart to become weak, not necessarily blockage. His blood pressure was 189 over something, but he doesn't have any history of such (prob b/c he won't ever go see a doctor).

So I'm asking for as many prayers as possible to help him through this. I'll post again when I get a chance after his surgery is done.


**Update 1/4- Dad went home Saturday. I can sleep more now, and he has a long road to recovery. I'm just thankful to so many people who sent prayer and good thoughts our way.

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Hello there,

Just wanted to let ya know that i just said a prayer for you, your father and your family. i know it's tough on you guys espcially it being this time of year and all but just keep the faith in GOD and JESUS and good things will happen and thats pretty much whatcha have to do, good luck and GOD Bless,

praying for ya in N.C.,

Aaron Lyles:point2sky

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I hope your grandfather gets well soon ljs

My dad not grandfather, lol.

The heart cath and potential stint will be in the morning. He's in good spirits, but I can tell he is not feeling well. If it's too bad they will end up doing a bypass, but won't know til morning.

Thank you all for the well wishes. I'll post again after surgery

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Hope everything works out for you and your father. My father had a problem last year where he was tired and felt sick for a couple of weeks. He went and had a stress test done, and was 99% blocked in one of his arteries. They put a stint in, MADE HIM QUIT SMOKING and EATING CHIPS and he's never felt better. The man was a 50 year smoker who quit cold turkey.

My Mother-in-Law had a similar instance, and similar results.

Good luck and keep the faith

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