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Dad's heart attack*Update*He's home from hospital


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First, thank you too my ES family for all of the prayers.

The stint/angioplasty didn't work, its worse than they thought. He will need a triple bypass; waiting for the cardiac surgeon to come chat with us.

My dad smoked cig's for prob 20 some years, but quit 20 years ago. He is overweight though and that will need to change. He cried this morning and that scared me, I only ever saw him cry when his mom died. I'm really close to him, and everyone says I not only look like my pops, but I act like him...lol I'm definitely my fathers daughter.

anyway, thankfully my sister brought her laptop (I'm 3 hours from home)....so I'll post again when I have more updates.

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surgery went well- we can go see him in about 15 minutes. Turned out they did a quadruple bypass- they used a leg vein and a chest vain - one was a double pass, and then 2 single passes.

Cool thing is that they cardiac surgeon went to Georgetown U and did his cardiac residency at U of Va- I should have asked if he was a Redskins fan..lol

anyway, thanks again for all the prayers. Now a road to recovery.

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