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Field Goal? WTF? Who makes that call?


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Sarcasm. Look it up.


You do realize it's really hard to pick up sarcasm in text with no indication that it's sarcasm, right?

My apologies for not picking it up. It just seemed like something some folks on this forum would actually say. :P

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it was 4th and 4 from the 20, with about 21 seconds left.

Call the timeout. Line up Collins and go for a 1st down or a TD. Even if it completed inbounds, we could stop the clock and have 2 plays left.

It is another example of our horrid clock, game and situation management.

Collins was 2-4 for 57 yards and a 95 + average at that point.

Then, we never see Collins again.

I think part of the reason they did that was because it appeared that Collins got shaken up on the previous play. I can't imagine what was going thru their minds to make them think that running THAT play was going to work, but I think that's why Collins sat out that down. At least, that's what it looked like to me.

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Looks like it could've worked if Davis didn't get off the line a few seconds late and if Hunter threw it a bit further. I honestly think there should've been at least two more blockers around the center.

What he said. I think it was a corner route and Hunter would have had to throw it deep against the sideline. Kinda hard to do when you're back peddling.

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I maybe all alone, but the play was IMO a good play and if the execution was just a little better we would be singing a different tune.


I liked that they were trying some trickeration to try something...ANYTHING...to get something going for the offense & maybe get some points on the board, but for real, that play had FAIL stamped all over it. No protection AT ALL for the "quarterback", no one seemed to ACTUALLY run down the field to even attempt to catch the ball (except for the center :doh: ) & then they almost let the Giants return it for a TD after it was intercepted. Terrible play called, terrible execution on top of it.

I can't wait to see what HS formation they pull out against the hated Cowboys next week on yet another Nationally televised game. :wavetowel

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So what was supposed to happen? It sort of looked like they were supposed to throw it to somebody behind the wall of blockers, and let him run it in, but Smith threw it to the end zone...

I'm still not sure how it was designed to work.

It looked like there was only one man in the pattern.

It was basically the punter throwing a Hail Mary to one guy standing on the ten.

I would love to see how that was drawn up, because I seriously don't see any way that play could possibly succeeed.

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If Zorn makes that call.... NOT once, but TWICE.... fire him right after he fields quesitons about the stupid call....

Yeah. I know. I cant undestand wtf the guy was thinking. I have been a supporter of Zorn for his handling of he season thus far. He just cat handle pressure situation on th filed.

And why go for 2? You just droe well and got a quick score. Yu could have had 10-24 with momentum on your side. Instead you rop 3 with a gadget play and then drop another 1 by going for two where its not necesarry. Friggin unbeleivable.:doh::doh::doh::doh::doh:

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I've been a Redskins fan my whole life, and my reaction to that play scared me. First was the maniacal, derisive laugh that came out of my mouth as the play unfolded. Then after the interception I found myself yelling "go Go GO GO!!" to the Giant defender, urging him to take it back for a Pick Six, which would have sealed the moment as the most inept, embarrassing, ridiculous, franchise crippling play in NFL history.

BTW, Destino ... post of the week!

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My first thought, after the Giants astutely used their "ice the kicker" timeout to prepare for our trickery was that if we don't go for that field goal right then, we could very likely have been looking at a shutout last night.

LOL, if they practiced it and it worked in practice, we have more problems then we thought. That had failure written all over it.

It probably DID work against our defense in practice. Look what they did on the field last night. The Giants receivers made our DBs look like reverse-charged magnets in a science lab experiment. Dang the Kryptonite!

...I like Hunter, and think he's a great holder...

That said... I'm not running the Swinging Gate in the NFL... :P

Maybe Hunter should hold the Swinging Gate so it doesn't hit Zorn in the *** on his way out of town.

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It looked like there was only one man in the pattern.

It was basically the punter throwing a Hail Mary to one guy standing on the ten.

I would love to see how that was drawn up' date=' because I seriously don't see any way that play could possibly succeeed.[/quote']

Kelly was lined up to the right of the center and ran a crossing pattern also, I believe.

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Heres my guess.

Yes - I thought it was the swinging gate. (Quick pass to FD behind the line). But that is still stupid because you aren't going to get the TD from that.

But based on his OTHER fake FG play (Denver - Mike Sellers all alone) here is my guess on what was suppose to happen.

They wanted the Giants to THINK it was the swinging gate. the PK would run over like he was going to get the pass. Hunter smith would fake the throw to him, all the giants would be rushing trying to get to GG, and Fred Davis would pretend to block and sneak out and be all alone....

Of course - that MIGHT have worked before the TO. But afterwards, not a chance in hell. To simple to say to the giants, RUSH. Hunter smith would have no chance (and he didnt).

BTW - For those saying no one went out for the pass - Well, I think only Fred Davis was suppose to. Also, most of the guys over there were lineman- They COULDN"T go down field (Would be a penalty).

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That was without a doubt the dumbest play I've ever seen in a professional football game in my entire life. The fact that Zorn was laughing in his press confrence emphasises what I've said since he lost the play calling, the man doesn't give a **** anymore. He should be fired today. All that I can say about this is our teams problems come down to coaching and we have horrible coaches and should fire everyone. We won't win another game this year so we might as well get on with handing out pink slips now and give the fans an early christmas present. Jim it's been a thing, not a good or great or special thing, it's been a thing. Collect your check and forget you were ever the head coach here. Thanks for nothing

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I had no problem with the call the first time but you gave them time to adjust. Plus you overload one side like that to have someone run BEHIND the wall of blockers. I dont understand why we didnt call a time out sooner and take a shot at the sideline for a first down but oh well. Life goes on!

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I personally didn't mind the call when it was initially called. However, sticking with the call after New York called a timeout made it look like our coaches simply didn't care (similar to how the rest of the Skins looked last night). I'm sorry but the play could have worked with 2 Db's playing on the left side, but after the timeout when they moved 4-5 DB's over, there was about a next to zero chance of that play working out. Why not take the 3 points?

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I was listening to the game as we didn't have it on TV over here (thankfully!) and I thought I was being Punk'd when they described the fake FG farce :doh:

Maybe Zorn wants his own DVD highlights reel for future generations to enjoy, unfortunately for him it's gonna be NFL Bloopers!

We've had a season of fakes; Fake FG's, Fake Offense, Fake Defense and a Fake HC! Faking Hell! :mad:

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I'd have to watch the play again....but I swear there was a Skins player (maybe Fred Davis) who was 5 yards behind the Giants defenders if Hunter could have gotten it that far.

You mean, our punter was unable to throw a perfect strike to the back pylon from the 40 with three unblocked rushers in his face?

Well..golly gee....what good is he?

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Zorn is an idiot, I can now say that with no hesitation.

which is exactly what they want you to think. This whole game had a certain smell to it. Gentlemen, we've been had..

Remember, the bigger the problem that is created, the bigger the solution we'll demand. (setup)

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which is exactly what they want you to think. This whole game had a certain smell to it. Gentlemen, we've been had..

Remember, the bigger the problem that is created, the bigger the solution we'll demand. (setup)

Its funny you mentioned this. I was thinking the same thing. Like this game was a prepper for the uprising to support "another" rebuild. This game solidifies that a new HC will be in place soon.

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Almost makes you wonder if this was a giant FU to Snyder from Zorn and company.

This is what I think happened. All the talk of interviewing Gray for the HC position and the Shanahan talk, I wouldn't doubt if it is a giant FU. Zorn isn't stupid. Snyder keeps doing stuff that undermines him.

I think the last two games are going to get even uglier.

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