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Best Rock vocalist of all time 70's-present


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10. Axl Rose, Guns and Roses

Seriously? Axl may be a basket case but dude could sing.

I see your point about Axl but the guy could still sing.
1. Freddie Mercury - Queen

2. Axl Rose - GnFnR

Myles Kennedy is actually up there.

Myles sings Axl's songs better than Axl does.

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Ronnie James Dio needs to be in the top 5, perfect frontman. Geddy Lee (even though people hate him, his versatility is remarkable on top of being a great bassist). James LaBrie should be in the top 10-15, he is a modern Freddie Mercury as far as singing goes. Maynard is a great frontman and a decent vocalist, Bruce Dickinson as well.

As a Led Zeppelin fan and drummer, John Bonham is overrated because of his young death and the band he played in (Kurt Cobain anyone?). He's still in the top 10 of best drummers of all-time but not in the top 5. Someone needs to start a drummer thread, I could talk about drums all day :)

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A Ton of good singers here. I can't even begin to order them.

Robert Plant is the man. Don't know how someone could diss him. His vocals on so many songs are just perfect. That is THE BAND of ALL BANDS! Four of the most talented musicians to join together as one.

Bruce Dickinson. I always loved Maiden and still will throw a Maiden day playlist at work.

Freddie Mercury, one of the best voices in Rock. Such a great front man and a great band, RIP!

Ronnie James Dio, his vocals throughout his whole career are just wonderful. RIP!

Paul Rogers, great vocals! Free and Bad Company very nice. And to do the songs he does with Queen is very impressive.

Layne Stayley, I so love me some AIC. He has such a great voice, and the way he and Jerry harmonize well reminds me of John and Paul. RIP!

Eddie Veddar, such a great singer. He sings with so much emotion. I get goose bumps on some songs.

Rob Halford, very huge range. Very strong front man. Early days really showcase his skills. Victim of Changes is incredible.

Geoff Tate Such a strong voice and to pull it off as well as he does live is phenomenal. Mind Crime is insanely awesome.

Ozzy, man can't talk his way out of a wet paper bag, but for some reason the stars line up for him when he steps behind the mic. He has such lasting power.

Ian Gillian His vocals with early Purple and their reunion are very strong. I Love Perfect Strangers and

Sebastian Bach Those few Skidrow albums are great, Very powerful voice.

Scott Stapp. He has a very good voice and think he deserves some respect. He may be a douche, but he has solid chops.

Damn that is more than 10. O well... Sue me... too hard to choose. There are still some others I wish I could add.

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Freddie is who I would go with as well. Everybody else is battling for second. There is no better voice in rock than Mercury.

The rest in no particular order


Bruce Dickinson

Ronnie James Dio

Joe Elliott

Scott Stapp

Steve Perry

Geoff Tate

Ian Gillan

Layne Staley

I'm glad someone mentioned Joe Elliott. He really hit his stride during the Hysteria period.

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I'm glad someone mentioned Joe Elliott. He really hit his stride during the Hysteria period.

Joe was good, but a ton of his voice come from Mutt Lange's production ability. Not taking away from Joe, I was into Leppard, but Mutt brought out the best in Joe both vocally and his production abilities.

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Wow...this thread should be split into 2 different threads

Best vocals of all time for people who understand music/talent

Best vocals of all time for people who never listened to non top 40 hits

For example?

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I love threads like these because the only right answers are our own. It's all about who has the most phonetically pleasing voice to our own ears. Here are some more of my favorites that I don't think I saw listed, besides my boy Cobain. Just tossing these around to see what you all think.

Brad Nowell - Sublime

Sully Erna - Godsmack

Dave Grohl - Foo Fighters

Jon Bon Jovi

Thom Yorke - Radiohead


Marvin Gaye

Grace Slick

Jimi Hendrix

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