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Bono Broke Cooley's Foot

Dan T.

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Yes, that insufferable **** who caterwauls as frontman for U2 broke Chris Cooley's ankle. Oh, sure, all you U2 apologists will say that just because they held a concert at FedEx doesn't mean they're responsible for chewing up the turf so badly it looked like the common area of the Cabrini-Green housing project. But it's Bono's fault. If his ego wasn't as big as Northern Ireland his overrated band could put on their little music shows somewhere else besides a football stadium. Hence, FedEx's grass would be firmer, and Chris ****ing Cooley wouldn't have planted his ankle in a divot the size of John Daley's beer gut. Bono might as well have wielded a sledgehammer to Cooley's ankle ala Kathy Bates in Misery. Anyone who disagrees is a hater.

Thank you Bono for crippling the last legitimate offensive weapon of the Washington Redskins.

In other words, blaming Dan Snyder, Vinny Cerrato, Jim Zorn, the media, or Jason Campbell for the Redskins woes is becoming played out. So in this bye week thread, please be creative and blame somebody else here.

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You think it really matters that our last legitimate offensive weapon is out? I think he broke his own ankle on purpose, just to get out of the cluster **** that is this offense. Hell, he would have been justified in committing Hari Kari at this point.

BTW, I like Bono. :)

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It is still Danny Boys fault since he let them come and got paid once again.

Bingo... Come on, who the hell would think that having a concert on a grass field in the middle of football season wouldn't cause any issues. Only danny boy, whom never played a sport beyond raquetball, would assume that the bermuda grass would grow back in be seamless in days. Oh well, I guess cash in your pocket is better than having a good/safe field to play on.

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By the way, I've been to 25+ U2 shows over the years, and I always get field seats. This tour, like every tour, the U2 ground team covers the field with rubber matting. Epic thread fail, lol

Whatever they did didn't work. The field was basically destroyed after the concert and had to be re-sodded. Though, it had nothing to do with Cooley's injury, the field was at it's worst when they played the Bucs right after the concert.

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