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Which part of Dan Snyder's ownership disappoints you the most?


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The fact that he bought the team using money made on the telecom bubble, but more specifically, telemarketing. Is there any lower form of communication than calling you every day during dinner time? What a sham, his artificial run up in stock price, who would ever invest in such a hated type of business.

That crap should be illegal like it is in Europe. Sorry capitalists. Its rude.

We have the king of telemarketing running our team, is it any surprise that he is a complete and utter failure as a football owner?

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GM. The coaching is not the problem, its the players. If you had a quality GM making the selections then there would be no need for the constant turn over. Tell me, what has been the Redskins plans with Marty, then Spurrier, then Gibbs, now Zorn? It's changes every 2 years. The longest tenure being 4 years. You can't flip a roster tailored for that coach in that amount of time. It just isn't feasible. Hire a GM and let him take care of Football.

Have a seat Dan.

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His seeming inability or unwillingness to stand back and self-evaluate. There have been pretty obvious patterns of failure here and after the cycle of failure repeats more than three times you ought to recognize it and address it.

I still believe Snyder wants to win. I believe even more strongly that he wants to be a winner, but he's working so hard to try to be that winner and make the team a winner that he never steps back to look at the forest. The problem with the skins isn't the trees (although we have some old, disease ridden ones), it is the forest). Snyder can become a great owner, but he needs to learn to honestly and objectively stand back. He can even be a great "hands-on" owner, but he needs to stop repeating his mistakes.

Well said and I want to believe you but after 10 years, I just think that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again that doesn't work. I wish we could fire the owner because regardless of his intentions, he is not a winner.

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Just Snyder's overall inability to get the hell out of the way.

I was intrigued with Vinny's comment yesterday about how he, Snyder, and Zorn meet on Fridays to go over the gameplan. WTF? Is it commonplace throughout the league for this to happen? Did Gibbs go over the gameplan with Snyder? Another Post article this week mentioned Snyder talking to Zorn during practice. Dude, get the hell away from Ashburn!!

When this team finally gets it right and does win a Super Bowl, I'll be thrilled for the team and fans, but am not looking forward to seeing this jerk being handed the trophy. As fun as it was to see the locker room celebrations during past Skins Super Bowls, I will probably turn off the TV at game's end if we win one under Snyder.

As long as Dan Snyder is the owner, I do not believe you will need to worry about seeing Dan Snyder hold any "new" super bowl trophy.

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My other thought, is I'm tired of Snyder "learning" at the expense of the Washington Redskins. He owns the team, but he does not own the legacy or the fans that made the team what it is today. He needs to stop trampling on this franchise for the sake of his own ego. This "eventually we'll get it right" mentality. If he was truly a fan, he would recognize his own short-comings and hire someone who knows what they are doing.

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I believe Dan Snyder's ownership of the Redskins has problems with the following:

1) Free Agent Acquisitions: Chemistry. Bruce Smith, Brandon Lloyd, Deion Sanders, Jeff George, Adam Archuletta.

2) Coaching Carousel: Leadership. Norv, Terry Robiskie, Marty Schottenheimer, Steve Spurrier, Joe Gibbs, Jim Zorn

3) Lack of Hiring a GM and truly giving him control of the team: Leadership

4) The way he treats coaches and players: Trust. Examples: Firing Norv Turner midseason, breaking his word to Gregg Williams, Treatment of Jim Zorn, The Mike Nolan (ice cream incident), The scrap with L. Coles, the scrap with Lavar Arrington, discarding Brad Johnson

The team screams for chemistry, trust, and leadership... thus I would submit they are all the problem. In 10 years, Dan Snyder has not, nor will he, change ...therefore I am one of the thousands that believe he should sell the team.

Having said that, which area of the four areas mentioned above disappoints you the most about Dan Snyder?

So you believe the man won't or will never change? How do you know for sure? Can you read minds? Are you a physic and work for Miss Cleo? How do you know so much of exactly what happened in all of these incidents? Do you talk to Cerrato and Snyder on a regualr basis? Were you there for every one of these incidents and had first hand account of them? The answer to all of them is NO. You only know what all of us have heard or have been told by the media and the people who feel they have been slighted or totally screwed by Dan Snyder. You and everyone else hears what these people say and automatically say it is Dan Snyders fault without even hearing his version of the story behind these incidents. He doesn't have to come out and tell his version and to be quiet honest with you I wouldn't tell you either way. That should be kept between him and the person involved.

Brian Mitchell, Lavar Arrington, and Antonio Pierce are the ones that have said that they were done wrong by Dan Snyder because of being let go. Lavar Arrington was because of a contract ad money issue and we will never know the truth about that one. Do you see Ryan Clark saying anything bad about Dan Snyder for letting him go? No. How would you feel as an owner that puts out a lot of money to a guy like Deion Sanders, Bruce Smith, Adam Archelleta, and many others that came here and produced nothing like they were presented? No matter what anyone says about Dan Snyder he wants to win just as bad as, we the fans, do.

If you really look at the aquistions of players and coaches he has had over the last 10 years the only one that he did right was bringing back Joe Gibbs and that didn't turn out as well as they both hopped it would. Schottenheimer, Turner, Robiske, or Spurrier were never going to bring you a Lombardi trophy. Look at their body of work collectively and you will see an average bunch of coaches that never win the big games. Zorn has the knowledge of an NFL coach but wasn't really ready to be the Head Coach plus he had too much on his plate from the start. So everyone, even Dan Snyder, can change and learn from his past mistakes that is why he has been successful in his other business ventures.

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Paloosa, Snyder has been like this in his other ventures also. His ego issues are nothing new. And Vinny is not the first, or even the tenth mindless sycophant in a Snyder run company.

We all hope for a miracle change in Snyder, some sort of epiphany. But let's remember miracle changes in personality are the exception, not the rule.

But maybe this fan uprising combined with enough ridicule from the media will do it. We can only hope.

I was nearly a billionaire also in that bubble. It wasn't because I did anything right. It was just dumb luck. Snyder had even more dumb luck (and rich friends) than I did. If you think he's successful, look at what he's done after the bubble burst. That's the true measure of his mgmt skills. Or lack of skills.

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For me it's the fact that he refuses to address the root of the problem, which is his ego. Of course, is isn't so much a refusal as it is a complete lack of ability to admit, or even comprehend, that his ego is the root problem. He has a sickness, from what I can tell, from my distant perspective.

I see Daniel Snyder as an addict, essentially. But instead of being addicted to drugs or alcohol, he's addicted to money & power, coupled with a pathological need to be viewed by others as an amazing, wheeling & dealing, take no prisoners, brilliant mastermind of all he surveys.

One of the most common characteristics of an addict - one of the biggest reasons they have trouble getting sober - is a huge issue with ego. They simply cannot admit their way isn't working.

Another classic trait of the addict is the oft repeated, seemingly heart felt promise that they have learned their lesson and they won't repeat their same mistakes. And then of course, they go and repeat the exact same behavior because they still can't admit the error in their ways.

So until something catastrophic happens, or until they just get so beaten down that they finally admit defeat, they don't change. Are we nearing that kind of beat-down? It kind of feels like it, but I don't know.

How many times has Snyder said he's learned, only to repeat the same behaviors? How many more times will he continue like this, until he admits that he doesn't know how to run a football team, and brings in a Polian-type figure and gives him the keys to the kingdom?

I hope it happens soon. Unfortunately, some people...well, let's just say we could very realistically be looking at another 40 years - FORTY - of this same toxic dysfunctional management.

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For me it's the fact that he refuses to address the root of the problem, which is his ego. Of course, is isn't so much a refusal as it is a complete lack of ability to admit, or even comprehend, that his ego is the root problem. He has a sickness, from what I can tell, from my distant perspective.

I see Daniel Snyder as an addict, essentially. But instead of being addicted to drugs or alcohol, he's addicted to money & power, coupled with a pathological need to be viewed by others as an amazing, wheeling & dealing, take no prisoners, brilliant mastermind of all he surveys.

One of the most common characteristics of an addict - one of the biggest reasons they have trouble getting sober - is a huge issue with ego. They simply cannot admit their way isn't working.

Another classic trait of the addict is the oft repeated, seemingly heart felt promise that they have learned their lesson and they won't repeat their same mistakes. And then of course, they go and repeat the exact same behavior because they still can't admit the error in their ways.

So until something catastrophic happens, or until they just get so beaten down that they finally admit defeat, they don't change. Are we nearing that kind of beat-down? It kind of feels like it, but I don't know.

How many times has Snyder said he's learned, only to repeat the same behaviors? How many more times will he continue like this, until he admits that he doesn't know how to run a football team, and brings in a Polian-type figure and gives him the keys to the kingdom?

I hope it happens soon. Unfortunately, some people...well, let's just say we could very realistically be looking at another 40 years - FORTY - of this same toxic dysfunctional management.

I agree completely, it's his ego. Dan Snyder would be tolerable if he showed an ounce of humility. He creates the circus and then to your point, blames everyone else for their shortcomings instead of recognizing it's his ego that is causing all of the problems.


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I went with the GM. But I really wish I could of chosen that AND the treatment of the players/coaches/employees. Dan Snyder doesn't know anything about football. Yet year after year he wants to have the most influence on our football team. When he bought the team in 1999 he came in and fired everyone that had been working here, including long standing employees that were an integral part of the team and community.

He continues to embarrass and undermine his employees. He tries to be involved so much to the point where he is getting in the way of the employees doing their job. Dan Snyder needs to take a step back and actually become a FAN. He needs to stop watching practices, stop distracting this football team, and just watch the games on Sundays. No employee wants to have a lunch with their boss each and every week. No employee wants their boss smothering them to the point that they cannot accomplish the task at hand. Snyder needs to step back, give the players/coaches/employees the freedom to focus and attack the task at hand, and just watch their performances on Sundays.

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I went with the GM. But I really wish I could of chosen that AND the treatment of the players/coaches/employees. Dan Snyder doesn't know anything about football. Yet year after year he wants to have the most influence on our football team. When he bought the team in 1999 he came in and fired everyone that had been working here, including long standing employees that were an integral part of the team and community.

He continues to embarrass and undermine his employees. He tries to be involved so much to the point where he is getting in the way of the employees doing their job. Dan Snyder needs to take a step back and actually become a FAN. He needs to stop watching practices, stop distracting this football team, and just watch the games on Sundays. No employee wants to have a lunch with their boss each and every week. No employee wants their boss smothering them to the point that they cannot accomplish the task at hand. Snyder needs to step back, give the players/coaches/employees the freedom to focus and attack the task at hand, and just watch their performances on Sundays.

I also went with GM, it being the closest choice for me amongst the options given.

And I agree with everything you said there. Having the owner watch the practices all the time like a king surveying his land can't possibly create a positive environment for the players. They are probably so conscious of performing for Danny that they can't just relax and let the game flow into them.

Again, this goes back to what I perceive to be his obsessiveness with grandeur. He rides around in his custom made golf cart during practices, smoking cigars, watching his stable of horses, making deals on his phone. Oh how he must fancy himself as THE MAN!

He just can't help himself -- he gets off on it too much. It's like asking a junkie to stop craving heroin.

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