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Which part of Dan Snyder's ownership disappoints you the most?


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I believe Dan Snyder's ownership of the Redskins has problems with the following:

1) Free Agent Acquisitions: Chemistry. Bruce Smith, Brandon Lloyd, Deion Sanders, Jeff George, Adam Archuletta.

2) Coaching Carousel: Leadership. Norv, Terry Robiskie, Marty Schottenheimer, Steve Spurrier, Joe Gibbs, Jim Zorn

3) Lack of Hiring a GM and truly giving him control of the team: Leadership

4) The way he treats coaches and players: Trust. Examples: Firing Norv Turner midseason, breaking his word to Gregg Williams, Treatment of Jim Zorn, The Mike Nolan (ice cream incident), The scrap with L. Coles, the scrap with Lavar Arrington, discarding Brad Johnson

The team screams for chemistry, trust, and leadership... thus I would submit they are all the problem. In 10 years, Dan Snyder has not, nor will he, change ...therefore I am one of the thousands that believe he should sell the team.

Having said that, which area of the four areas mentioned above disappoints you the most about Dan Snyder?

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I swear to god as an mc and dj with sensibility I could run that game day experience and have everybody pumped about it! No question. Kills me that is so bad and it really points to a lack of awareness on how to build good feelings towards a brand. Which equals money Dan. You don't have to shrift and harass and overwhelm people w cheesy crap to make money....just make them love you and the whole organization...it's about love and good feelings Dan ...but your clueless...the gameday experience PROVES that.

Is is that hard to mix in some Led Zepplin, Dave Mathews, U2 and JayZ, Tupac, Thievery Corporation (DC outfit) etc....you don't need to do cheesey smarm....make people want to be there and buy good beer....while having fun...it's no fun to pay good money to so arrogantly be marketed at all game....gimme a break! PM me if I can help.

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I think the best word to describe him would be smarmy.

I had to go to Dictionary.com for that one, but ya Smarmy is a good word to describe Kessler's buttery ways.

Czabe was calling Kessler a punk for intentionally mispronouncing the KC punter's name as "Suck Up" several times throughout the game.

Every time Ryan Succop had to do his job, it was like a free pass for Kessler to make our entire org look like poor sportsmen.

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His seeming inability or unwillingness to stand back and self-evaluate. There have been pretty obvious patterns of failure here and after the cycle of failure repeats more than three times you ought to recognize it and address it.

I still believe Snyder wants to win. I believe even more strongly that he wants to be a winner, but he's working so hard to try to be that winner and make the team a winner that he never steps back to look at the forest. The problem with the skins isn't the trees (although we have some old, disease ridden ones), it is the forest). Snyder can become a great owner, but he needs to learn to honestly and objectively stand back. He can even be a great "hands-on" owner, but he needs to stop repeating his mistakes.

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it's no fun to pay good money to so arrogantly be marketed at all game....gimme a break!

how about in pregame when Kessler walks the middle of the field to pump the crowd of 20,000 who are already in their seats before the anthem.


he shouts in his best carnival barker's voice. Then he waits for an applause

as if we're supposed to be proud of the fact that we have 92,000 seats. Never mind the 30k that will be empty today.

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While a GM would be great, I think it's the coaching carousel that has hurt this team the most. Hell, a GM could only do so much when he has to go from Martyball to Fun 'n Gun to Smashmouth Gibbs ball to WCO.

I'm not so sure a GM could survive the first decade of Snyder's tenure. From this point on, maybe, but I think any GM before now would've been driven insane and left.

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Number 3 is easily our biggest problem, because if you have a G.M. and you give him complete control. The other three problems would take care of themselves.
Easy, the GM position because EVERYTHING else follows that.

In respect to your poll, the above pretty much answers the question.

As much as I've been a major critic of this ownership, along with many out there, justifiably so; one thing I've never bought into is this belief that Snyder isn't a fan and doesn't want to win. That he's solely obsessed with power and money.

For all the dudes faults, one thing that can't be labelled at him is that he doesn't want to win bad with this franchise. The problem has been the asinine way he's gone around achieving that, by himself without getting in the expert help I'm sure he's gotten in, in his other business ventures that he knew jack about over the years going in.

Maybe this is said more in hope than anything else, but I actually believe, after a decade and more of failure doing it "his way", and after another major financial lay-out in the off-season for little to no reward, he's as exasperated as the next man at this continued ****, and is finally ready to step back and get proper football personal in here to build this thing from the ground up the way it should be built. I can see the next proven HC, allied to whichever proven football guy gets the Team President/GM mantel, being handed as much power over things as he passed over to Zorn's predecessor.

Again, maybe that's said more in hope than anything else, but surely the guy at the top must be sick to the back teeth of this ****, however big a part he's played in bringing it about.


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Just Snyder's overall inability to get the hell out of the way.

I was intrigued with Vinny's comment yesterday about how he, Snyder, and Zorn meet on Fridays to go over the gameplan. WTF? Is it commonplace throughout the league for this to happen? Did Gibbs go over the gameplan with Snyder? Another Post article this week mentioned Snyder talking to Zorn during practice. Dude, get the hell away from Ashburn!!

When this team finally gets it right and does win a Super Bowl, I'll be thrilled for the team and fans, but am not looking forward to seeing this jerk being handed the trophy. As fun as it was to see the locker room celebrations during past Skins Super Bowls, I will probably turn off the TV at game's end if we win one under Snyder.

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