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WPC: The blame game


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The blame game

By John Pappas

Warpath Confidential Editor

Vinny Cerrato went on his radio show Friday and surprised listeners with the things he said.

First, the vice president of football operations for the Washington Redskins told the audience that Jim Zorn will be the coach for at least the remainder of the season. This was a bit of a shock to fans and pundits who follow the team in that all signs were pointing to a quick exit for the head coach. But with the statement, and for this week at least, Cerrato appeared sincere in backing Zorn.

The announcement was news in itself. It was enough to keep the press busy on radio and TV yesterday, and it gave writers lead stories for this morning’s newspapers. Everyone had what they needed at that point, and focus would have turned to Monday night’s game.

But then Cerrato decided to pick a fight with the media.

“There’s been a lot of false rumors, media speculation, unnamed sources out there all the time,” he said.

Is that so.

It seems Cerrato would have us believe that the whirlwind of news and speculation surrounding the team and the head coach is somehow a construct of the press. He speaks as if the team was rolling along just fine before the media started reporting negative things and making stuff up. As if the play on the field has not been horrible, and the front office without a track record of alienating head coaches to the extent they leave the team.

Is the media responsible for a 2-4 record, the 30th ranked scoring offense, and an aging and injured offensive line?

Click the link to read the full article...

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.......Is the media responsible for a 2-4 record, the 30th ranked scoring offense, and an aging and injured offensive line?......
Or how about the Comments from the Players/Coaches concerning this organization?

Its very easy to see things in the locker room are very bad with all the insider BS coming out...and thats directly from the individuals

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Another good read. I swear, this organization acts like its constantly running a political campaign, directing it's ire at the media and its public as opposed to the REAL issues.

because directing it's ire inward would mean swallowing some pride, putting egos to the side, and admitting that a huge part of the problem is organizational in nature. You can't fit a square peg into a round hole.

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because directing it's ire inward would mean swallowing some pride, putting egos to the side, and admitting that a huge part of the problem is organizational in nature. You can't fit a square peg into a round hole.

Which is probably why they appear to be slowly trying to get Zorn to quit. After all, firing him would be admitting they made a mistake.

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And for those in denial, I think the game Monday will be a big indication of the reality.

If the Redskins somehow win, Wow! Maybe management actually knows what the hell they're doing.

But personally, I think we're going to lose by at least two touchdowns.

If we win by two touchdowns...heck 10 points and score more than 20, i'll be willing to think that we may, just may, be able to turn this around and possibly make a late run. If we do, I fear that Zorn will be here, Cerrato will be here, and Synder will change nothing.

However, I would bet that the Eagles win by 14+

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Vinny hasn't realized yet that by making Zorn a lame-duck coach he has now become the bug-eyed face of this organization.

I don't know what he is worse at, public communication or picking players. He is obviously clawing for his life and using every excuse in the book as indicitive of the comments yesterday.

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Sorry JJ, Dan and Vinny's stupidity does not negate the media's stupidity.

True. But 'the media', by and large, is EXPECTED to be stupid (no offense JJ). It's universal. However, organizational stupidity to this degree in the NFL is seemingly reserved for the local team.

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If we win by two touchdowns...heck 10 points and score more than 20, i'll be willing to think that we may, just may, be able to turn this around and possibly make a late run. If we do, I fear that Zorn will be here, Cerrato will be here, and Synder will change nothing.

However, I would bet that the Eagles win by 14+

The problem when people say these things is that our defense is capable of playing very well.

Granted, the Eagles O is also capable of playing at a high level, and they're coming off an embarrassing loss.

I think where the real problems are going to be for the Redskins is on O v. D. They have a defense respected and particularly renowned for creative blitzes, combined with a couple of playmakers in the defensive backfield. That may turn out to be a lethal combination for our team.

2 TD loss may not happen. But why would anyone expect our offense to suddenly take hold at this point in the season? It's true, I do find a lot of fault in the playcalling early in the season, but at this point we have serious problems on OLine.

If they score early, it's probably going to be a long day, because probably by the end our defense will be tired. If we can stop them early (which is what I'm hoping for), the onus is going to once again go on the O. We don't have a shutout, shutdown, 60-minute D. The O has to contribute, or at least the ST.

*As for the thread, good article. The Redskins are always going to deflect and complain about the media - this has been their typical action for the last few years. They had an uneasy relationship in the early years of the Snyder era it seemed, and then following that, it felt like it became downright antagonistic (both ways).

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Sorry JJ, Dan and Vinny's stupidity does not negate the media's stupidity.
True. But 'the media', by and large, is EXPECTED to be stupid (no offense JJ). It's universal. However, organizational stupidity to this degree in the NFL is seemingly reserved for the local team.

Fine Old Fan, but how about we wait until the media is demonstrating stupidity before we call them on it?

For example, who knew that Lewis here as just "another set of eyes" was hogwash as soon as he was hired?

But I'm not mad (no offense taken ttr), because anyone who has observed this team long enough knows how these things tend to play out with this ownership and front office.

Just like those of us on the board know how some posters will react to certain stories.


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It can be said that you can find the true measure of a person by how they react to adverse situations. Vinnie hasn't impressed me much here,(despite yesterday's "vote of confidence"). From my point of view,he's portraying a man who's desperately trying to save his job and was willing to throw his choice for Head Coach under the bus in order to do so. And quite publicly I might add.

Vinnie knew what he was getting when he chose Coach Zorn for the job. His qualifications and most assuredly his lack of experience in several areas of the job. Like it or not,patience was and is needed here. It's like promoting a rookie or second string QB to starter. They're going to make your day sometimes and then turn around and break your heart. It's part and parcel of the deal as they learn to find their own way. Vinnie's been more the problem than solution during this season. When the team was down and trying to right the ship,Vinnie and the front office,instead of getting with coach to see how they could help,acted in a way that caused a whirlwind of distractions,(both public and private),for a team that didn't need them. All signals,(again to me),of a man desperately trying to save his own ass. Media just happens to be covering it.

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Media's job is to report the information they have. If the Skins (read YOU) don't come out and keep the public informed about things then the public is going to find the information from somewhere else, including people you confide in.

Get with the times and let's go ahead and wake up to reality, shall we?

When you "suggested" Zorn give up his playcalling duties, and then left him twisting in the wind on the podium after the game, did you really think you could turn around and blame the media for the whirlwind of information that transpires afterwards?

If you didn't want any media speculation then empower your coach to make the decision and stand next to him when he delivers the news. Don't hide behind him like a coward.

Vinny, one day you will look back on all this and realize how stupid you sound.

One day.

It will be interesting to see how you spin things once Sherm Lewis gets the same embarrassing results with the horrid offense you've assembled.

If the world was a fair place you'd never be left in charge of a professional football team.

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First, if Vinny is saying Zorn will be coach until the end of the year, that's probably the dumbest thing he's done. Things change...they could actually get WORSE.

But, Zorn whining through Largent is really something! This guy interviewed for a OC job, and when no one wanted to be HC, he took the job with tons of restrictions (same coaching staff, for example.) Everyone knew he was a hire that would be manipulated...that he's now somehow is 'own guy' is laughable...especially in light of his failure as a play caller.

The absurdity continues.

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Fine Old Fan, but how about we wait until the media is demonstrating stupidity before we call them on it?

The collective media demonstrate stupidity daily. "Calling them on it" individually would take a full-time staff equipped with BS detectors.

I hold these truths to be self-evident:

Dan Snyder can't be trusted.

Vinny Cerrato can't be trusted

The media can't be trusted.

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I think where the real problems are going to be for the Redskins is on O v. D. They have Jim Johnson, a DC respected and particularly renowned for creative blitzes, combined with a couple of playmakers in the defensive backfield. That may turn out to be a lethal combination for our team.

Johnson passed away. Sean McDermott is their DC.

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Johnson passed away. Sean McDermott is their DC.

Whoa. I looked it up, and I got married that month, so I'll take that as my reasoning for completely missing it. I'm surrpised I didn't catch on during the season though. Now that you say it, it sounds familiar, I must have gotten buried in our team's problems and never stored it away.

Thanks for the correction. Looks like I have some reading to do.

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Fine Old Fan, but how about we wait until the media is demonstrating stupidity before we call them on it?

For example, who knew that Lewis here as just "another set of eyes" was hogwash as soon as he was hired?

Kinda like how on the conference call to discuss Bingo Sherm's hiring, UnWise Mike pressed Vinny for a vote of confidence in Zorn & Vinny wouldn't answer. Instead he stammered a few 'Uhhhs' & then the conference was quickly ended.

Then weeks later Vinny comes on 980 all angry like stating that Zorn was the Coach for the rest of the season & hopefully longer.

Vinny is twisting in the wind, saying & doing anything he can do to save his job.

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I listened to Vinny's show on Friday, IMO lots of double talk. Zorn's our coach we want him to succeed, OK, great but mixed in all of that you had him more or less hit Zorn and he went right after the standard lines that people use to defend Zorn:

Some of Zorn's defenders like to say -- he inherited a bad roster and this team hasn't likewise been good under other coaches

Vinny's rebuke in the show -- he inherited a playoff team, and had 4 pro bowlers last year on the offense

Some of Zorn's defenders like to say, give time for the offense to gell

Vinny's rebuke on the show -- they scored 6 points against the 32nd ranked defense, the team hasn't progressed but slid in the last 12 games.

If you add it all up, Vinny was saying that Zorn inherited a good team with a decent roster but has done little with it and has underachieved. And that was on the show where he was telling everyone to back off because Zorn is our coach. So if that's the plug Zorn line for the public -- I would guess what is being said about Zorn behind his back is likely not so pretty.

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I believe that Cerrato has a point to some degree. I don't think that it is the meadis fault for the problems in DC or the team record but when a team goes to 2-4 against one of the softest schedules ever assembled then the natural thing to do for the media is to say that 'Jim Zorn is a dead man walking. He is through in Washington." All of that becuase of what they have seen in the past with other coaches and that Dan Snyder hasn't learned anything even though he hasn't even uttered one word otherwise. So what is Dan Snyder and Vinny Cerrato suppose to do in that situation? The media has already claimed that they have a report that Dan Snyder has said this or said that or even saw this guy or that guy and even has gone as far as tried to hire this guy or that guy without ever saying the "so-called reliable source."

So Cerrato didn't come out and give him a vote of confidence when the media or the players thought he should have but now that he has that hasn't made any difference in the opinion of the media. So what happens if they happen to win against the Eagles on Monday night? Is he still on the hot seat? What happens if they go on a 8-2 run and make the playoffs? What happens if they get to the NFC championship game? or Even the Super Bowl? What happens then? People think this is an impossible task beause of the way they have played Offesively but it is possible. Look at the Giants of two or three years ago when they were looking like they were going to be last in the NFC East and looked God awful. They pulled things together and went on a run to win the Super Bowl. I am not saying that the Redskins are playing like the Giants were that year up to that turning point of their season but things like that can happen. So it doesn't matter what Cerrato or Snyder say because the media and the fans here on Extreme Skins have already decreed it as the gospel truth.

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...Vinny's rebuke in the show -- he inherited a playoff team, and had 4 pro bowlers last year on the offense...

Vinny didn't mention that he asked Jim to win with a different QB and scheme than the playoff team or that the O-line has degraded still further from the one from the playoff caliber team that helped Zorn get off to a 6-2 start in 2008.

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