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The Five People You Meet in the Redskins GM Search (Merged)

E-Dog Night

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I also stand with Oldfan on this on that Vinny has been working hard since 2007 at bringing in needed depth at various positions and has succeeded to a certain extent.

One fundamental question I have about this notion that nothing that happened in the Gibbs years is can fall on Vinny is, what was his role during those years? He was still drawing a salary then, wasn't he? Do we really think that he did and said nothing during those times?

The fact is, we don't know to what extent something he did or said may have influenced a bad decision (or a good one) during the past decade, regardless of who was the head coach. Hey, for all we know, he could be responsible for Chris Cooley and Chris Samuels being here. He could be responsible for every good thing that's happened to this franchise over the past ten years. We really don't know. But the bottom line is, he's been a leading figure in the front office for a decade and the results on the field have been largely disappointing. At some point, a housecleaning is in order, and fair or not, when your name is one of the first ones in the media guide, you're going to be held accountable. That's life in the executive board room. It happens to people every day and there's no one crying for them.

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Like many others I'd love to see the Redskins hire a competent football man and all 5 Wilbon mentioned seem to be have good track records and be very qualified....but none of them would suceed here because Snyder would not relinquish control to them. Not to sound like Henny Penny but it seems like we're doomed.

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EDN - great post!!! Thanks a ton, that was well-organized and researched.

The one thing people need to stay focused on is that in Wilbon's article he states that we need someone who can keep The Dan feeling involved without allowing him to make personnel decisions. I can't prove it but it seems to me that he still has a say in who gets hired and fired.

Whether or not Vinny is smart, he has apparently not figured out how to prevent this. If he could I'd say he's pretty with-it.

I'd agree that there were too many problems to fix them all this past offseason. I'm also still clinging to the hope that the stability we were promised is actually going to be delivered. I wanted to see Zorn remain in place at least this year. If he's fired at the bye, I'm no longer a believer in the idea that the FO is capable of learning from past mistakes. I guess we'll see what happens. :munchout:

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Super post. Thank you for the time spent in putting it together.

I am in the minority on this, I'm sure, but in Dan Snyder's shoes, I'd stick with Vinny. I think he's done well since being put in charge after Gibbs left.

I think the main problem with the team right now is the O-line and the blame for it is 1) bad luck with injuries and 2) past mistakes in trading away draft picks, a problem which has been corrected since the 5-11 season of 2006.

When Randy Thomas and Chris Samuels were last fairly healthy, in the first half of 2008, this team was 6-2 even though our QB was in his first year of learning a vanilla WCO.

You, Danny, and Vinny's mom. Yea that's a minority.

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It's been proven this year by folks in the know that Danny is the one calling the shots. Vinny goes along with this because it was proven in the past that no other NFL team will hire him.

At this point, I just can't see Danny stepping out of the way completely. I am hoping -- and I think it's a longshot -- that Gruden comes and brings Bruce Allen with him. And that they finesse Danny, humor him and make him think he's more involved than he is.

But my gut tells me the front office will be the same next year. No accountability.

I suspect the kind of coach the skins get will depend on the amount of other job openings. Outside of a huge payday and a great -- but fed up -- fanbase, the Redskins HC job is far from an attractive one. An old roster, no offensive line, no QB, and most importantly, an owner who wants to meddle and who will always have you on the hotseat. Coaches would rather go to St. Louis and Detroit. At least you'll get a couple years there.

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But my gut tells me the front office will be the same next year. No accountability.

Snyder has gone on record as saying, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it". I wonder how broke it has to be for him to realize that things need to change?

Great OP, by the way. Sadly, it is looking like a pipe dream at this point.

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One fundamental question I have about this notion that nothing that happened in the Gibbs years is can fall on Vinny is, what was his role during those years? He was still drawing a salary then, wasn't he? Do we really think that he did and said nothing during those times?

Oh, he had some say, in that he produced the scouting reports. But at the end of the day, it is Gibbs who made the final call.

Vinny doesn't avoid scrutiny there. For example, we know now that the scouting reports that were produced under him for Lloyd were not complete. It ended up costing Louis Riddick his job eventually.

The fact is, we don't know to what extent something he did or said may have influenced a bad decision (or a good one) during the past decade, regardless of who was the head coach. Hey, for all we know, he could be responsible for Chris Cooley and Chris Samuels being here. He could be responsible for every good thing that's happened to this franchise over the past ten years. We really don't know. But the bottom line is, he's been a leading figure in the front office for a decade and the results on the field have been largely disappointing. At some point, a housecleaning is in order, and fair or not, when your name is one of the first ones in the media guide, you're going to be held accountable. That's life in the executive board room. It happens to people every day and there's no one crying for them.

I think Vinny will have a tough go here no matter how well he does because of what the organization has done in the past. Right or wrong, he's considered the poster boy for a lot of those moves. Personally, I wouldn't want his job, which seems to be to take the slings and arrows for the organization. He's held up well considering.

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I would love to see DeCosta come here, especially as a young guy.

Further, I could actually see Polian coming here. A) we could give him a whole **** ton of money, which is something in itself. B) any GM that comes in, once Snyder decides to sit back a little, will get a huge boost in credibility for turning this place around.

I would want either one of those guys hands down...either one.

After that, I got with Mark Ross or Morocco Brown. I'd really enjoy a younger, enthusiastic guy to come on in here. No way on the last 2 guys.

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There is no possible way that anyone could turn Brennan into Flacco. Let alone the difference in their physical stature, Brennan couldn't hold Flacco's jockstrap.

Didn't he outperform him at the combine? I'm asking this seriously, not sarcastically. He was more accurate right? And he was recovering from the hip surgery?

And honestly who was expecting anything good from Flacco when he got the job by default last year because of that whole illness thing with Alex Smith? I remember everyone saying how much Flacco sucked at the beginning of the season, but he got support from the team and coaching staff and got progressively better as the year went on. I don't see why this scenario is such a stretch. . .

Accuracy is hard to come by and a good quality in a QB. If DeCosta is able to put some talent around Brennan and he succeeds it would save ALOT of time and energy that could be focused on the other NUMEROUS areas of concern on this team. No point looking for an upgrade before trying out what you already have in house.

At least give him a chance in a regular season game with the first team before writing him off as a bust. If he's given half the time to develop and get the game experience that Campbell had I really think he can help this team.

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Didn't he outperform him at the combine? And honestly who was expecting anything good from Flacco when he got the job by default last year?

Well, we clearly have differences in opinion and this thread is not about Flacco v. Colt. My main point is that a GM cannot turn a player...that's the Coach's job. At the very best, he could surround him with talent.

Lastly, if he truly outperformed him at the combine, I don't think Flacco is going in the first round and Colt is lasting until the 6th or 7th.

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I wish that all the posts published here were this good, intelligent and well thought out, as australian currently in the USA on holiday, i don't know anything of the background of these people, To me Mr Polian would appear to be the best choice, but a question, who would be the best HC for him to pick, personally i like John Gruden, an angry coach gets more out of his players.

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