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Get over yourselves


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I agree that some take it a little too seriously. Anybody who welcomes a pro team back after a game may want to get a life, but pro sports is important to many of us none the less. I shell out $300 annually for the NFL Sunday Tix to watch my Skins get pushed around the field every year. When they lose, I get mad. Do I need to get over myself? I think not.

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The Redskins losing to the Panthers, Lions, and barely beating the Rams isn't the end of the world. In the grand scheme of things, it doesn't matter at all. There are way bigger problems and some people need to just lighten up. It is, after all, just a game. There are a bunch of people on here that take this way too seriously.......if you actually knew as 1/2 as much as you think you do, you'd be an NFL GM already. It's easy to talk smack and second guess from your comfy couch. Grow up and act like Redskin fans, not douchebag Cowboy, Steeler, or Patriots fans!!!!

Excuse us for having a passion that distracts us from all those real world problems you mentioned.

The Redskins for many of us, in an outlet, its a break from day to day and grind if you will.

And yes, many of us are passionate about the Redskins and don't like the way things are going.

Enough with opinions on who is and isn't a real fan, its old, if you had done any sort of search you would have found that this grand thread of yours is not in the least bit unique.

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Now here's the rabbit with the pancake on it's head.



Thats the best thing ive seen all day!!!!!!!

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I've no problem with the premise of the OP.

In reality, football is just a game in the great scheme of things, and should play second fiddle to MUCH more important things in life. We got a harsh dose of that when #21 was cruelly taken from us.

What I don't get is why you'd pick a team's official message board to try get that point across to serious fans of a football team who, rightly or wrongly, happen to class this thing as pretty darn important in their lives.


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It's startling and eyebrow-raising that the Redskins could lose to 2 teams that were previously unbeaten. However there is parity throughout the league, and there's the concept of "Any Given Sunday". That's what made the whole 0-16 thing for Detroit so rare. Even the worst teams step it up every now and then. Miami off the top of my head went 1-15, they were pretty bad and nearly went winless but shocked Baltimore to win their first game.

A better organization though like the Giants easily dispatches of these runts. Teams like the Cowboys and Redskins have trouble with fellow bottom-dwellers like the Chiefs ;)

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The Redskins losing to the Panthers, Lions, and barely beating the Rams isn't the end of the world. In the grand scheme of things, it doesn't matter at all. There are way bigger problems and some people need to just lighten up. It is, after all, just a game. There are a bunch of people on here that take this way too seriously.......if you actually knew as 1/2 as much as you think you do, you'd be an NFL GM already. It's easy to talk smack and second guess from your comfy couch. Grow up and act like Redskin fans, not douchebag Cowboy, Steeler, or Patriots fans!!!!

You are posting this on a Redskins message board. Take a hike pal!

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A better organization though like the Giants easily dispatches of these runts. Teams like the Cowboys and Redskins have trouble with fellow bottom-dwellers like the Chiefs ;)

Atleast I can say that Dallas might struggle, but they rarely lose to these teams. The Redskins on the other hand is 50/50.

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The Redskins losing to the Panthers, Lions, and barely beating the Rams isn't the end of the world. In the grand scheme of things, it doesn't matter at all. There are way bigger problems and some people need to just lighten up. It is, after all, just a game. There are a bunch of people on here that take this way too seriously.......if you actually knew as 1/2 as much as you think you do, you'd be an NFL GM already. It's easy to talk smack and second guess from your comfy couch. Grow up and act like Redskin fans, not douchebag Cowboy, Steeler, or Patriots fans!!!!

Hence the name of this board "EXTREME" Skins.

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I can haz opinyun.... Bottom line is football is entertainment it is an outlet for us to get away from everything that is more serious than just a game...and when our outlet of relaxation SUX THE BIG ONE....it gets a little hard to bear bc there is not reprieve from everything else that is more important....

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Excuse us for having a passion that distracts us from all those real world problems you mentioned.

The Redskins for many of us, in an outlet, its a break from day to day and grind if you will.

And yes, many of us are passionate about the Redskins and don't like the way things are going.

Enough with opinions on who is and isn't a real fan, its old, if you had done any sort of search you would have found that this grand thread of yours is not in the least bit unique.

Interestingly enough, for my first post, I will have to concur with this statement. Me standing up for a Professional Football Team is my God given right and I can take it as seriously or lackadaisically as I want. Hey, here's a thought. If you disagree with our fervency (referring to the thread starter), you DON'T have to post you know, let alone start a thread telling us how to act... Oh, and if I am out of line, I'm sorry.. LOL..

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