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Get over yourselves


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Well since my topic was closed because there were "many topics about this" and seeing as how this is one of the few that is close to making the point I made, I'm reposting a post I made earlier.

Sometimes I question how many people realize its just a game. Sometimes I wonder how some people can become so completely involved with the game, that they make things personal (insulting players, coaches, Snyder etc.) when its a choice to watch, a choice to go to the games and a choice to watch and follow the team on tv.

Look, I get people are steamed they're not very good, but all these people that are "mad", completely baffle me. You turn on the radio, you hear guys like Andy Pollin and Steve Czaban complaining and talking about how bad they are everyday, 2 hours a day, until the season is over, you have fans talking about how its typical and they need this they need that, they suck etc.

I don't think people should be blind homers, but if you don't like watching, stop watching and let some of the fans that still enjoy it, enjoy it without making it impossible for anyone else to enjoy it. Just because you're miserable because you want them to win, you shouldn't criticize fans that still are enjoying it.

If you're just fans that are blowing off steam and not dissing everyone and the fans who still support them, go ahead. But for the ones who are saying everything sucks, calling fans delusional for saying they like the team still or something about the team, you should probably stop watching for awhile. It'll do you and the rest of us some good.

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