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When You Wake Up Tomorrow, You'll Own the Redskins. Now What?(Merged)

E-Dog Night

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We've seen, in a very precise and very public manner, exactly how not to run a football team. It would be hard to fathom that anyone who possessed the ability to read, write and use a telephone could run an NFL franchise more ineptly than Daniel Snyder. Pathetic would be a compliment; he's just so easily the worst owner in football, even worse than Al Davis - for Davis was once a successful owner until unmitigated bitterness morphed him into the sad shell of a man that he is today.

I often find myself wishing that there was some hidden clause that could be enacted to remove Snyder from his position as majority owner - some heretofore secret procedure, some archaic, overlooked clause that could be used to force little Nero from his throne before Rome burns to the ground.

But the only mechanism other than death that would make that possible would be if Snyder were found guilty of, say, paying referees (clearly not actually happening) or something along those lines where the offense was so egregious that he would get banned from the NFL. I often fantasize about such a thing happening (the latter, though is it wrong to admit, occasionally the former :evilg: ), and then the fantasy extends to saving the life of the young child of King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud, and the good king writes me a check for oh, say, 4 billion dollars. All on the same day.

And then I buy the Redskins.

OK, so then what? How would I run the team? I mean, precisely? The exact details, the people, the moves, the outreaches to fans...what do I do?

There are far too many details to spell out completely, but my decisions would go something like this.

Hire someone who had outrageous amounts of knowledge about how to run an NFL team. Since I've never run a football team before, I'd want to get as much information as possible from someone like that (Ron Wolf comes to mind). I'd listen to his recommendations for president, GM & coach, and go with them. I might insist on Russ Grimm as being a part of the coaching staff on some level, either as HC or OC, but other than that, I'd go with what the Wolf said.

I'd work to create a family atmosphere within Redskins park, based on love, community, sympathy, caring. This would extend to all employees, from the janitors to the secretaries to the coaches to the players...and everyone in between.

I'd put a stop to the country club atmosphere amongst the players. Real quick. Some guys would just have to go, immediately, which would seem to go against the family atmosphere mentioned above, but sometimes you've got to set a lone wolf free in order to maintain the pack.

I'd work like hell to narrow the salary gap between the Albert Haynesworths and the Chad Reinharts of the world.

I'd use the records to re-unite all season tickets holders from the RFK days and give them seats that resembled - as closely as possible - their seating arrangements from the old days.

I'd sell 2000 tickets, one ticket per person, on gameday only. $20 a ticket. End zone seats.

As much as I hate to say it, I'd at the very least consider changing the name. Yes, I said it. (Did I just lose you? Stick with me here.) As I get older, I see more and more empirical evidence that bad energy is a very real thing with an undeniable effect. This is painful for me to even think about, as I've been a Redskins fan for over 30 years. There was a time when the idea of it made me want to puke. But I just feel that there are so many negative vibes associated with that name...it would have to at least get on the table as an option.

Most importantly, I'd learn from my mistakes and leave my ego out of the equation. Clearly, big name hires with big salaries just do not work. Insanity is repeating the same mistakes over and over again, expecting different results.

There's a lot more, but I suppose this post is already plenty long as it is. 5,000 posts ain't what it used to be, but I still felt mildly compelled to make this one a little bit special.

So - I see a lot of people complain about the owner on this board.

The Redskins are yours. What do you do?

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1) Hire the new Team President.

A guy like Ozzie Newsome, Tony Dungy. Give them a small ownership stake (2-3 percent) and mandate that they are ultimately responsible for all football operations. Give them the contractual power to make all final football decisions within the agreed upon budget set forth by the organization prior to each season

2) Have a long talk with this person about how I want the team to be shaped.

I want a GM. I want the largest scouting organization in the NFL, i.e US military big. Our scouting organization will outspend every other scouting organization in the NFL COMBINED. There will be scouts for every BCS conference college team, scouts for every non-BCS conference and scouts for every NFL team. We will know everything about every potential football player in the world, we will know the ins and outs of every other NFL team, we will know every thing possible about every singe college prospect coming out

3) Instruct my new management to have a fire sale

We will get as many picks as possible, hire a young assistant as head coach, and build a team as they see fit. The team will have an identity which we build around. The team will bring in players which fit the identity.

4) I would quickly settle the law suit dealing with the Redskins name and its trademark.

How? Get the Washington Redskins involved with issues effecting native Americans. Make the Washington Redskins organization the leading charitable funder to Native American causes. Make the Washington Redskins organization the leading advocate for education on reservations, political representation for native Americans, anti alcohol and diabetes programs, and provide jobs for native Americans in the organization

5) Start to work with DC to build a brand new, smaller stadium at the RFK site.

Probably around 70-75k seats, in a design similar to what Qwest Field is modeled after. Hopefully have a stadium ready for the 2012 season

6) Build a new Redskins Park, or upgrade the current facility to the finest practice facility in the NFL.

Re-name it "Jack Kent Cooke Park" and build a large indoor practice facility. This facility will also have a large medical center, the best weight room in the NFL, amazing offices for the coaches, scouts, and management, state of the art meeting rooms, film rooms, etc. No penny will be spared

7) Establish positive relations with the press via a much better run PR operation.

8) Sit back, relax, and watch the Superbowls roll in

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First thing I would do is right the ship. I'd bring in an advisor (like you said) who knew all the best guys around the league. Specifically, I'd look for young talented FO guys from the Steelers and the Colts particularly. Why the Colts and Steelers? If you pay attention, you'll see that those two franchises (not the Patriots) have had the most successful with constantly replenishing their roster with young talent through GOOD draft picks.

Once I had said guy, I would make him GM, and order him to create a 3-5 year plan in turning around the Redskins. As a fan, I'd want to hear this and I might give my input as to what kind of team I want (like say "I want a team with a Rex Ryan-style defense and an explosive, but balanced offense. And I want a young, firey HC that will rally and inspire his team to play hard, every game.") but when it comes to coaching and personnel, I would put my trust in the GM to make the decisions.

From there, I would begin plans to create a brand new stadium in the heart of DC, where I would create one that is a state of the art stadium with the perfect amount of seats so that everyone can see what's happening without fail. Make it EASY for people to access from the Metro (like how Nationals Park is) and design the stadium so that it creates a TRUE homefield advantage.

Ah ... to dream. :)

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Honestly, I would do pretty much the same things as they are doing now. I liked the recent draft picks and I like the free agent moves. The only thing I would do different is not trade draft picks for any player older than 26. Oh, and watch the superbowls roll in... If it was that easy.

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1. Announce the firing of Vinny Cerrato and immediately begin my search for a GM.

2. Say the GM once hired will decide everything relating to football.

3. Install my mug everywhere. FEDEX will become a shrine to me! ;)


The only role an owner has is IMO is choosing the GM, paying the bills and then holding the GM accountable.

'Auditioning' the cheerleaders could be optional I guess.

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The only role an owner has is IMO is choosing the GM, paying the bills and then holding the GM accountable.

'Auditioning' the cheerleaders could be optional I guess.

Well, I could follow Letterman's example and have a bed set up in secret room under the stadium.:silly: A better place to conduct those auditions.

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Wow can we somehow get E-Dog Night and SkinsHokieFan to team up and jointly own the Skins.

Both posts were music to my ears.

The only thing I can say that I would do if I owned the Skins starting tomorrow, I will gleefully tell Danny to get the hell out of Redskins Park I'll have your stuff sent to you do not come in and I'll instruct the guards to not let him in and Vinny you are so fired.

After that, just go with the E-DN and SHF model.

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