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When You Wake Up Tomorrow, You'll Own the Redskins. Now What?(Merged)

E-Dog Night

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Keep Extremeskins free, or "Read Only" for anybody who wants to do so.

Everybody wishing to post would pay a fee. $5.00 per post.

Thread starting would cost $20.00ea.

This would effectively put an end to the place. Which, when things are going poorly, does more to fan the flames of discontent, than the actions which most choose to complain about.

One big ****fest.

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I would hold a press conference announcing Jimmy Johnson as the new team President...hand him a set of keys and say, "It's all yours. If it's football related or Front Office related it's all up to you." and step away from the podium.

Ew. Jimmy Johnson. Really?

I think JJ is more interested in catching Tarpon & drinking beer than running a football team at this stage in his life.

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Ew. Jimmy Johnson. Really?

I think JJ is more interested in catching Tarpon & drinking beer than running a football team at this stage in his life.

I figure he's enough of a control freak it would appeal to him...however if he said no...then either Marty, Dungy, or call Ozzie and ask him who he would recomend.

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1) Hire the new Team President.

And hope you win a Super Bowl by year three, or it will be you everybody blames for solar flares, the price of gasoline, and chiggers.

2) Have a long talk with this person about how I want the team to be shaped.

Which won't matter, cause after you hire him, and give him complete control, he'll be contractually obligated to do things the best way he sees fit.

3) Instruct my new management to have a fire sale

We will get as many picks as possible, hire a young assistant as head coach, and build a team as they see fit. The team will have an identity which we build around. The team will bring in players which fit the identity.

And we will never draft a bust in the 1st round. Hall of Famer's only. All draft picks will make the pro bowl every year. Our coaches will be perfect. And players will never be hurt during the season.

4) I would quickly settle the law suit dealing with the Redskins name and its trademark.

And the new name will be, The Washington Folders

5) Start to work with DC to build a brand new, smaller stadium at the RFK site.

Where will the money to fight the lawsuit by Maryland/Fedex Field come from?

6) Build a new Redskins Park, or upgrade the current facility to the finest practice facility in the NFL.

A good waste of money for something that already exists.

7) Establish positive relations with the press via a much better run PR operation.

You mean, give them back their free game tickets, right?

8) Sit back, relax, and watch the Superbowls roll in

Only in Madden.

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Keep Extremeskins free, or "Read Only" for anybody who wants to do so.

Everybody wishing to post would pay a fee. $5.00 per post.

Thread starting would cost $20.00ea.

This would effectively put an end to the place. Which, when things are going poorly, does more to fan the flames of discontent, than the actions which most choose to complain about.

One big ****fest.

So, you'd rather have the site closed down than to simply stop visiting it? Interesting....

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So, you'd rather have the site closed down than to simply stop visiting it? Interesting....

As the new owner of the Washington Redskins, Ax's first order of business is ExtremeSkins.com, and as apparent from his response to SkinsHokiesFan, he would do pretty much nothing about the team itself.

I didn't realize there could be a worse owner than, say, Al Davis, but damn. I guess I give the general public too much credit.

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1) Hire the new Team President.

A guy like Ozzie Newsome, Tony Dungy. Give them a small ownership stake (2-3 percent) and mandate that they are ultimately responsible for all football operations. Give them the contractual power to make all final football decisions within the agreed upon budget set forth by the organization prior to each season

2) Have a long talk with this person about how I want the team to be shaped.

I want a GM. I want the largest scouting organization in the NFL, i.e US military big. Our scouting organization will outspend every other scouting organization in the NFL COMBINED. There will be scouts for every BCS conference college team, scouts for every non-BCS conference and scouts for every NFL team. We will know everything about every potential football player in the world, we will know the ins and outs of every other NFL team, we will know every thing possible about every singe college prospect coming out

3) Instruct my new management to have a fire sale

We will get as many picks as possible, hire a young assistant as head coach, and build a team as they see fit. The team will have an identity which we build around. The team will bring in players which fit the identity.

4) I would quickly settle the law suit dealing with the Redskins name and its trademark.

How? Get the Washington Redskins involved with issues effecting native Americans. Make the Washington Redskins organization the leading charitable funder to Native American causes. Make the Washington Redskins organization the leading advocate for education on reservations, political representation for native Americans, anti alcohol and diabetes programs, and provide jobs for native Americans in the organization

5) Start to work with DC to build a brand new, smaller stadium at the RFK site.

Probably around 70-75k seats, in a design similar to what Qwest Field is modeled after. Hopefully have a stadium ready for the 2012 season

6) Build a new Redskins Park, or upgrade the current facility to the finest practice facility in the NFL.

Re-name it "Jack Kent Cooke Park" and build a large indoor practice facility. This facility will also have a large medical center, the best weight room in the NFL, amazing offices for the coaches, scouts, and management, state of the art meeting rooms, film rooms, etc. No penny will be spared

7) Establish positive relations with the press via a much better run PR operation.

8) Sit back, relax, and watch the Superbowls roll in

Man, I wish you owned the team! If Snyder was such a fan growing up, why can he not understand this? It's so f-ing frustrating.

Don't forget about all of us when you're owner!

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As the new owner of the Washington Redskins, Ax's first order of business is ExtremeSkins.com, and as apparent from his response to SkinsHokiesFan, he would do pretty much nothing about the team itself.

Naw, I just figured there were already enough fantasy island guests partaking in another episode of,

I Am So Much Smarter Than Snyderatto, See?...

... that I decided to play...

...No, You're Even Dumber Than You Give Yourself Credit For

You know, kinda like, Poke The Bear.

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It's funny how many 'Lil Danny Snyders we have here. FIRE EVERYONE or BLOW IT UP!

Snyder has never really 'blown it up'. He just adds glue to what he feels is the loosest wheel and sends it on its way to another season of mediocrity.

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Naw, I just figured there were already enough fantasy island guests partaking in another episode of,

I Am So Much Smarter Than Snyderatto, See?...

... that I decided to play...

...No, You're Even Dumber Than You Give Yourself Credit For

You know, kinda like, Poke The Bear.

So you decided that ExtremeSkins.com was your #1 priority. Good job. I applaud you.

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Snyder has never really 'blown it up'. He just adds glue to what he feels is the loosest wheel and sends it on its way to another season of mediocrity.

Marty blew it up. Gibbs blew it up.

Actually, Snyder has been pretty good at blowing it up. What he hasn't been good at is sticking with a plan.

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1. Buy a hospital. Make sure that any player that ever played for the Redskins never ever has to worry about medical care the rest of his life. Make sure that Doughty's son is taken care of, always and forever by the best doctors my money could buy. Make it available to everyone in my corporation, all day long. If they have insurance, take what the insurance gives me and never bill them a nickel for the rest of it.

2. Find out who really made the footbal drafts and FA signings of the past decade. Find out who made the Archuleta, Lloyd, Deion, Duckett, Taylor trades and fire them. Reward whoever made the Fletcher trade. If they're the same person, put them out to pasture gracefully. (The logic here that the Fletcher pick is probably the best pick of the past decade and worthy to wipe out the memories of some of the stupider ones.)

3. Get 5 top-notch linemen through FA and the draft and 4 backups that are currently the first string somewhere.

4. Release anybody who asked from their long-term ticket contracts.

5. Lower beer prices to $5, soft drinks to $2 and parking to $10.

6. Start up two sections - the family section with no drinking, and a drnking section with no families, and free admission for desgnated drivers. Whichever group caused less trouble and cheered most would get coupons for discounts on the following week's tickets.

7. Keep the name the same and donate 100k to Native American scholarships for every touchdown, except for the Cowboys game, when I'd triple it.

Oh, and ban Tom Cruise.

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