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When You Wake Up Tomorrow, You'll Own the Redskins. Now What?(Merged)

E-Dog Night

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I like how everyone says they'd "go hire a new GM!" It's like there's a magic pool of super amazing football genius GM's out there that 3/4 of the NFL just ignores. I think everyone needs to have more realistic expectations. You fire Cerrato, and then what?

Then people always talk about "cutting all the fat" (e.g. players who "make too much"). That's great and all, but unfortunately you just can't run a business like that. I mean, sure, we'd all love to have Portis for $2 million a year, but sorry, it's just not going to happen. There's a reason Haynesworth gets paid more than Rinehart (granted, he probably doesn't need to make $41 million to Rinehart's maybe 2-3 million over the same number of years).

While blowing up every employee of the Redskins and starting from scratch sounds great in your head, in reality it's many times worse than anything Danny is doing.

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In short:

1) Hire a new GM and work with him

2) Blow up all the big players contracts, idealy trade them away for draft picks (i'm talking about portis, moss, samuels, mainly). I'd keep JC until we found a QB in the draft, and until he's ready to be used.

3)Use the draft to build the team - O and D line main focus, then everything else. Build depth, and create a 'plug-n-play' sort of team with the roster.

4) lower ticket prices, rip out the 'premium' seats and make them GA to get more people in the stadium. i understand you can't jus tmake all the tickets 10$/ticket, but they don't have to be the prices they are now - neither do concessions. There are ways around all that markup, snyder just doesn't want to do it.

5) rebuild the relationship between the fans and the team. make season tickets the coveted family heirloom they once were. this would be the hardest part. it would require getting the right players (ones that want to help the community - think JC and Cooley), and doing the right things.

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SHF>>>>>Dan Snyder

Ditto to the max, I wake up in the morning and own the Redskins, I hit the snooze button on the alarm, smile, roll over and go back to sleep. Because I hired SHF to be my "Man in Charge".

I would when awoken again, announce that once again, Dallas WEEK means something.

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I like how everyone says they'd "go hire a new GM!" It's like there's a magic pool of super amazing football genius GM's out there that 3/4 of the NFL just ignores. I think everyone needs to have more realistic expectations. You fire Cerrato, and then what?

I already know who i'd hire. he's never been a GM. but he does stats for the NFL, and scoutting, etc. He's been right on the money about any player (at any position) he's ever talked to me about. I've known him since '92. BTW - He's actually held the lombardi trophies the redskins have.

So, there are plenty of people out there - you just have to know who they are.

Then people always talk about "cutting all the fat" (e.g. players who "make too much"). That's great and all, but unfortunately you just can't run a business like that. I mean, sure, we'd all love to have Portis for $2 million a year, but sorry, it's just not going to happen. There's a reason Haynesworth gets paid more than Rinehart (granted, he probably doesn't need to make $41 million to Rinehart's maybe 2-3 million over the same number of years).

When the NY Giants can build a Defensive line that costs about the same as haynesworth, and you consider the fact that asside from haynesworth noone else on the redskins D line would make the giants backup roster spots, then you realize that no, you don't have to get players that cost that much, no, you don't have to pay someone that much.

Some of the greatest teams in the league right now, have middle of the road payrolls. And some of the worst, have the highest. (worst in terms of winning superbowls, not worst as in 0-x for the season so far).

So... you're wrong... haynesworth isn't worth the 100 mil he got, and neither is portis. And there's a reason why we couldn't trade either one if we wanted to - noone will take the huge contract that comes with them. we're the only idiots (asside from tampa wanting to pay haynesworth more, and well, look at how they're doing this year) that are willing to do it.

While blowing up every employee of the Redskins and starting from scratch sounds great in your head, in reality it's many times worse than anything Danny is doing.

Its only worse if you do just as bad of a job rebuilding. If you think this team is in a situation where we 'just need x more key players' then you're delusional. We need to rebuild from the bottom up, and have depth. We have 0 depth (name one backup you'd be ok with starting in place of an injury thats name doesn't rhyme with Vodd Dollins), and very few of our starters are performing up to expectations/their contract. THats not a good sign. And keeping the gusy who built this mess around, is a sure way to wind up where you started.

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I would put Vinny in a dunk tank at the 50 yard line and then invite all the season ticket holders to the stadium to take 3 shots. Then there will be a party at the stadium for the rest of that day. The following day the search for a GM would begin...the GM I hire will determine everyone else's fate.

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I would also make sure the fans felt like the team was THEIRS. I haven't felt like this team was in any way MINE in a long time.


I would hold a press conference announcing Jimmy Johnson as the new team President...hand him a set of keys and say, "It's all yours. If it's football related or Front Office related it's all up to you." and step away from the podium.

I would then start looking at the gameday experience and start working on that to make it more enjoyable for the fans.

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I would then start looking at the gameday experience and start working on that to make it more enjoyable for the fans.

For the love of God, please stop playing commercials over every single break in the action. Would it kill you to earn a SLIGHTLY lower profit? Nothing saps the energy out of that stadium quicker than hearing a Fedex commercial during a 4th quarter time out.

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SHF's plan is right on the money.

What it boils down to is this: I'd acknowledge that I'm not a football expert, and I'd recognize that there's nothing wrong with that.

No one ever says, "Oh that Kraft/Rooney/Bisciotti, he's a fine owner but he doesn't know a lick about football!" People just say "he's a great owner, period." People don't CARE if their owner doesn't know football, as long as he hires the right people and lets them do their job.

So that's what I'd do...hire the best football people around, give them the financial resources to do their jobs effectively, and get out of their way.

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I give Vinny the boot as fast as I can get my shoes on. I hire a GM. I would look for Directors of Player Personel as candidates from the Giants, Ravens, Colts, Chargers, or Steelers. Chris Polian, Clyde Powers and Doug Whaley come to mind off the top of my head.

I wouldn't allow a retread hire on any level. Whether it be Casserly, Bethard, Wolf. Or at the head coach level Cowher, Shanahan, or Holmgrem.

I'd want a staff to build their own legacy here, not attempt to recapture someone else's.

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4) I would quickly settle the law suit dealing with the Redskins name and its trademark.

How? Get the Washington Redskins involved with issues effecting native Americans. Make the Washington Redskins organization the leading charitable funder to Native American causes. Make the Washington Redskins organization the leading advocate for education on reservations, political representation for native Americans, anti alcohol and diabetes programs, and provide jobs for native Americans in the organization

American Indians actually don't want most of what you mentioned. Many of them just want their land back and the involvement of other organizations who think they know what they're doing alienates them more. Honestly I think a much better thing would be to send people from the Washington Redskins to discuss it with their organizations. Ask them what they want and compromise something so we don't have to change the name. If money is what they want, then so be it, but just blindly donating money and setting up these programs I don't think is beneficial.

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I start by calling owners and front offices of teams like the Giants, Steelers, Patriots, Colts, even the Ravens and ask them one question: "How do you do it?"

I then follow their suggestions to the letter.

To improve fan relations: I cut ticket prices, remove all parking lot restrictions, and offer a lottery: 10-rounds. No Holds Barred. With Vinny Cerrato. Who will be bound and gagged.

It will be the opening ceremony to my new state of the art stadium, on the site of RFK. Called....RFK Stadium.

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What SHF said.

But, I would also make sure the fans felt like the team was THEIRS. I haven't felt like this team was in any way MINE in a long time.

This is a really good point, and something the younger fans might not get. In the distant past Redskins fans did feel like the team was theirs, and it was a special feeling to be sure, even when the team was losing.

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For the love of God, please stop playing commercials over every single break in the action. Would it kill you to earn a SLIGHTLY lower profit? Nothing saps the energy out of that stadium quicker than hearing a Fedex commercial during a 4th quarter time out.

Agreed...also I would not just be sending the people with the $8.00 beers into the stands...I would also be sending people with sodas, water and lemonade. I was at the Rams game in the 400 section and we didn't see any soda, water or lemonade vendors coming into the stands...but the beer vendors were there about every 5 minutes. I felt sorry for the kids whose parents had to go get their drinks for them.

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1. Fire Cerrato

2. Fire Zorn

3. Begin looking for a GM. Be offering total control. GM makes decisions on coaches.

4. Name Danny Smith interim coach.

I'd let the GM make all other decisions because I jam ust the owner.


Now if the question is that I am the GM, then I would do the following:

1. Look at coaches in the following order: 1. Cowher, 2. Gruden, 3. Marty. (Yes, I'm out on Holmgren and Mike S. I want a disciplined, exacting coached to build this team)

2. Offer Jason Campbell for whatever I can get from someone (5th round pick? 7th round?) in a sign and trade if necessary. If I get nothing, he gets cut.

3. Offer Clinton Portis for whatever I can get for him (4th round pick?). I'll get something for him.

4. Offer Santanna Moss and ARE for whatever I can get for either of them (3rd for Moss? 4th for ARE?).

5. Todd Collins is starting QB.

6. Thomas and Kelly are starting WRs. Marko is in slot. We will see if they have anything with Todd throwing to them.

7. Start Mason or Aldridge at RB with a heavy rotation.

8. Trade Carter for whatever I can get for him (3rd?).

9. Move Orakpo to Carter's spot at RDE.

10. Chris Wilson is SOLB.

11. Jarmon is moved to starter.

12. Griffin is benched in favor of Golston and Montgomery.

13. Landry is traded for whatever I can get for him (3rd?)

14. My safeties will be Horton and Moore.

That is a youth movement with young guys who will improve or show that they don't belong. Collins will be efficient allowing a good evaluation of the young RBs/WRs.

And I'll have draft picks. And in the draft, depending on what picks I have to work with, I go roughly QB-OL-OL-RB-OL-OL-RB-LB-LB-FB

It would be rebuilding time with me. Young players start to show what they got. And to be a player on my team, you have to be a blue-collar lunch-pail kind of player. Team-first oriented. No prima donnas. You play hard and play as the scheme demands or you are gone.

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