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Well if you dumb enough to add your boss as a friend of Facebook, then you can't be dumb enough to ***** and moan about your boss on Facebook. If you do then you deserve to be handed your walking papers.

Oh don't get me wrong I agree completely, it was just tough to read thinking what that experience must have been like.

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Well if you dumb enough to add your boss as a friend of Facebook, then you can't be dumb enough to ***** and moan about your boss on Facebook. If you do then you deserve to be handed your walking papers.

I refuse to add anyone from my job to my facebook. I get requests all the time and just act like I never see them.

Facebook is gay anyway.

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Unbelievable what people put on their facebook/myspace/etc. accounts. DOHHHH, they're public people!!

I actually have my dad and some colleagues and professors as "friends," so that helps remind me to be a good girl and not post stupid crap on my site, crap that shouldn't be posted anyway and wouldn't be funny except for to a couple people.

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I remember telling people how some employers will look at your facebook profile before an interview or while scanning through resumes. I heard one even went as far as to ask an interviewee to pull up their profile and print it out.

I also had someone trying to make an argument that facebook was private and employers shouldn't be doing that.... Yeah, people are stupid sometimes.

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I remember telling people how some employers will look at your facebook profile before an interview or while scanning through resumes. I heard one even went as far as to ask an interviewee to pull up their profile and print it out.

I also had someone trying to make an argument that facebook was private and employers shouldn't be doing that.... Yeah, people are stupid sometimes.

how does that work? if you have your profile set to private how can they look you up?

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I remember telling people how some employers will look at your facebook profile before an interview or while scanning through resumes. I heard one even went as far as to ask an interviewee to pull up their profile and print it out.

I also had someone trying to make an argument that facebook was private and employers shouldn't be doing that.... Yeah, people are stupid sometimes.

In my ordination process I have to friend the members of my ordination team, but then my situation is a bit different than most employment opportunities.

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I remember telling people how some employers will look at your facebook profile before an interview or while scanning through resumes. I heard one even went as far as to ask an interviewee to pull up their profile and print it out.

I also had someone trying to make an argument that facebook was private and employers shouldn't be doing that.... Yeah, people are stupid sometimes.

It's amazing how stupid people can be.

My last hiring manager would pull my friend and I into his office while he reviewed candidates' MySpaces and Facebooks. There's definitely **** that you should keep private in such a public forum.

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how does that work? if you have your profile set to private how can they look you up?

sometimes they can't, but see what I later said. Employers asked them to pull up their profile and print it out. I would think that's a violation, but in this economy, who is going to complain.

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I'm trying to find a roommate and each time I get an email asking about the room, I google their name and 99% of the time, I find a myspace or facebook page. So far, 100% of the time, I've decided I didn't want them as a roommate because of the stuff on their pages.

People are idiots...

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