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WPC: Portis – it’s not like Madden out there


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Portis – it’s not like Madden out there

Running back Clinton Portis knows booing is a sign of impatience, but the Washington Redskins playmaker says fans don’t know as much as they think.

“Everybody’s got the answers to everything and you really don’t,” he said. “I wish we could take some of these people and put them on the field and let them execute and get their bell rung and let them pick up a blitz, let them try to catch up a pass in traffic. . . . I really would love to see how they execute. A lot of people on the outside looking in, everybody feels like they know football. You can pick up a joystick in Madden and play the computer and realize your coaching is not what you think it is.”

Portis is used to being second-guessed by fans and media.

Click the link to read the full article...

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I would agree with this but we're not payed millions of dollars to pick up a blitz or catch in traffic.

exactly, all the players that want to speak or cry about how hard it is to be them.. blah blah..

try living off a "normal" salary... Instead of being the underachiever crying..

They're all ****y and top of their game when they are negotiating... Or demanding higher salaries... Then when they don't live up to it, whine whine whine...

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Everyone should take notice that Portis was talking about SOME people, not every person who criticizes the team.

I know some will take the angle that Portis and other players are acting like they are above criticism, but that isn't the case. They all know they need to improve, they've said as much.

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Liked the other Portis quote. This one is foolish.

Truth is, we all know what it's like to play football. We've all executed a play. We've all gotten smacked and had our bell rung, made winning catches and dropped sure things. Now, almost none of us have done at the level or pay that he has, but all of us whether in the backyard or high school or during gym class has played football.

He knows it better. He knows it at that level much more intimately. Those of us who have played and watched it for years are not ignornant. We get it. We know it's hard. If it was easy there wouldn't be a market to pay you millions to do it, but we have executed, we have run, hit, caught, kicked, tackled, been hurt, and continued.

So, we understand. That's one of the largest reasons why we both cheer and boo. Because we are a part of the game.

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Yo Portis, how 'bout practicing and/or learning the playbook instead of handing out all these quotes.

My god, I've seen like, what, 5 Skins quotes about this crap today. As a fan, I'm already over it. We still got the offensive "leaders" Chris Cooley and Portis crying about it today, or yesterday, maybe tomorrow too.

Buncha primadonnas IMHO.

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Portis – it’s not like Madden out there

Running back Clinton Portis knows booing is a sign of impatience, but the Washington Redskins playmaker says fans don’t know as much as they think.

“Everybody’s got the answers to everything and you really don’t,” he said. “I wish we could take some of these people and put them on the field and let them execute and get their bell rung and let them pick up a blitz, let them try to catch up a pass in traffic. . . . I really would love to see how they execute. A lot of people on the outside looking in, everybody feels like they know football. You can pick up a joystick in Madden and play the computer and realize your coaching is not what you think it is.”

Portis is used to being second-guessed by fans and media.

Click the link to read the full article...

I could be wrong but isn't that their job? Utterly amazed at Portis' crying. The Lions have lost 18 straight and I am willing to bet that I could search and not find comments like the ones that came out of Portis' mouth. Hey CP do us a favor, lose some weight, get in game shape, close your mouth, run the ball and be a leader because this team has none...zip, zilch, notta.

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exactly, all the players that want to speak or cry about how hard it is to be them.. blah blah..

try living off a "normal" salary... Instead of being the underachiever crying..

They're all ****y and top of their game when they are negotiating... Or demanding higher salaries... Then when they don't live up to it, whine whine whine...

Whine? Since Sunday, we have been doing all the whining!

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exactly, all the players that want to speak or cry about how hard it is to be them.. blah blah..

try living off a "normal" salary... Instead of being the underachiever crying..

They're all ****y and top of their game when they are negotiating... Or demanding higher salaries... Then when they don't live up to it, whine whine whine...

That's probably why they're crying now. The fans' booing might wake up some people and make higher ups realize our overpaid players are not earning their paycheck.

Then what's gonna happen when Portis' Pockets don't get Straight when he wants to extend his contract until 2020 @ 8 mil a year?

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I never relized that CP was such a b!tch...lol wow, is he for real?? The guy who's to good to practice?? Now I don't blame him for the pass on 3rd and goal, that's a fine example of a BS Zorn play. CP is not a QB, "trick" plays are for losers!! Real teams score without fake kicks and RBs pretending to be QBs...:doh:

What an idiot!! :silly:

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The thing that is most *not* like madden is the playcalling. And that's the part that makes fans think they know so much about what happens in a real game.

First of all Madden (being a game designed to be fun) is a great equalizer. It's designed to give every fan of every team a chance to win. Call the right play and like rock-paper-sizzors, you win that down. As the player in madden, you call the play and push the button for the receiver you want to throw to. It doesn't work that way in real life. In real life you just handed control to 11 other men. If just one of them makes one good screw up, the play will probably not work.

As basic and mind numbingly simple as that may sound, some people here just don't get it. They act like Zorn is pushing buttons on a controller.

That's MY observation. :doh:

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If Portis read the hysterical reaction to last week's 4th quarter loss away to one of the best teams in football he has every right to think that fans don't know what they are talking about.

It's our job to overreact to every success or failure but anyone who thinks we actually make much sense should really get their head examined.

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I agree with what he said, but wish he didn't.

This just further puts a gap in this little player-fan feud we have going on right now. The players need to be the professionals and the "bigger men" here and just play the game to shut the fans up. It's definitely too much to ask for the fans to do such a thing. Just look at this message board..

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e I am sure that he is correct. Very few people (myself included) have played an NFL game as a starter, or are capable of coaching one.

However, I am also certain that none of those players have ever put in a hard day's obscure labor in an office, or in construction, where their only recognition would be "good job" from the boss (if that).

They have physical abilities and skills that most don't, and they are well compensated for staying in shape, studying film, practicing and playing. I have no issue with any of that, as they are elite athletes, who are sacrificing a good chunk of their full health in exchange for that money, and they are the product.

That certainly doesn't mean that Portis doesn't know how to write a letter, create a spreadsheet, make a business proposal or swing a hammer. And it certainly doesn't mean that a fan doesn't know how to play football, or call plays.

The one thing that fans know is that what they are seeing is not what they expect, want or feel justified at paying what Dan Snyder asks, to see.

Redskins fans support Redskins football. The organization has a history of success. The players are expected to play at a high level and not make the amount of mistakes that make victories over poor teams difficult or impossible. The coaching staff is expected to ensure the game plan and players provide the team with the opportunity to win without getting any freebies from an opponent. The front office needs to provide drafting for Offensive lineman and Offensive capability over the next 5 years to ensure our O-Line is taken care of and the offense can function.

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lol @ Portis...dude doesn't play in pre-season games and he's talking about he would like to see regular joes executing plays...Portis looks out of game shape, he doesn't hit the hole quickly

also, didn't Portis just say that this team probably has the most talent in the NFL? if he believes that, then how can he get mad about fans booing when the team is failing to put up TDs vs one of the worst defenses he'll probably face all season

CP, Cooley and the others just need to STFU and just show up on Sundays along with the rest of the offensive players

also, i haven't read anything of this sort from the defensive players; i guess they know the truth and realize the frustrations of the fans

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Uh, yeah, sure Clinton.

Heck, let's put Joe Bugel out on the offensive line to execute a block against an active defensive lineman. And when he gets destroyed... you can tell him that he doesn't know crap about football.

Because apparently, you have to be able to "play" football -- IN PRESENT TENSE -- to be able to understand.

Didn't our DC Greg Blache just say 1 week ago.... FOOTBALL ISN'T ROCKET SCIENCE?!??! There's 11 guys on the football field... it's not all that complicated.

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I am liking what I am hearing from CP this year. The couple of clips I have heard and when I catch him on the radio. He is spot on. So far. Just hope it stays that way.

Yes, they get paid to make the plays. Some of which haven't been made YET. Although, don't forget the teams we play get paid too.

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