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WPC: Portis – it’s not like Madden out there


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Uh, yeah, sure Clinton.

Heck, let's put Joe Bugel out on the offensive line to execute a block against an active defensive lineman. And when he gets destroyed... you can tell him that he doesn't know crap about football.

Because apparently, you have to be able to "play" football -- IN PRESENT TENSE -- to be able to understand.

Didn't our DC Greg Blache just say 1 week ago.... FOOTBALL ISN'T ROCKET SCIENCE?!??! There's 11 guys on the football field... it's not all that complicated.

You totally missed his point. He isn't calling out the fans. IMO. He is simply saying it isn't as easy as some fans may think it is, or how easy Madden makes it. You have 11 guys that have to execute a play. A well called play or an ill timed call play. Either way, ALL players on the field need to play it like it is the best play called and try to make it work.

The more I watch the past game, I don't really think it is any one player/coach fault. Yes some calls may have been questionable, but there is also execution involved. Blocks need to be made, routes need to be run, players need to run a pattern like they are going to get called even if they are not in the play at all. EVERYONE has to sell it.

Maybe the players aren't sold on the game plan again. I dunno. Just doesn't feel like they are gel'n. Hopefully, they will unite with the events that have transpired since.

I know this Fan is behind them all the way. What Say You?

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I am liking what I am hearing from CP this year. The couple of clips I have heard and when I catch him on the radio. He is spot on. So far. Just hope it stays that way.

Yes, they get paid to make the plays. Some of which haven't been made YET. Although, don't forget the teams we play get paid too.

Couldn't have said it better. People need to realize NO team is playing to lose. No coach is putting the 11 worst players on the field. This is not NCAA Florida vs. Duke. Every NFL team is like the top 25 of NCAA plus an extra 7, just on a complete different level. BUT i still don't agree with portis. He is being paid millions as well as the other 10 starters on O, and to play like crap, is unacceptable.

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exactly, all the players that want to speak or cry about how hard it is to be them.. blah blah..

try living off a "normal" salary... Instead of being the underachiever crying..

They're all ****y and top of their game when they are negotiating... Or demanding higher salaries... Then when they don't live up to it, whine whine whine...

You said it!

Perhaps, Portis ought to just shut the **** up, and work harder on losing weight, and getting back in better shape to run long runs.:chair:

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Too much whining and complaining from the players for my liking. "But it's so hard, come and try it you'll see!" Last I checked this was the NFL and you have been playing in it for a long time. Learn how to catch a pass in traffic, learn how to pick up a blitz, learn what its like to get your bell rung. That's not our job, our job is to come watch you play and contribute to your paycheck. What about all the other teams in the NFL that execute? The ones that score touchdowns and actually look like they know what they are doing? So what you said about us having the most talent in the NFL is bull**** because you guys cant stand the heat? Well then get out of the kitchen.

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Apparently there are about 28 teams or so out there that have figured out the stuff Clinton is talking about... :rolleyes:

This team is a joke if they cannot clearly beat teams like St. Louis and Detroit. Everyone, from the owner to the fans should have higher expectations at this point then beat the St. Louis Rams by 2 points. I'm sick of the decades of malaise under Snyder and Vinny.

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some of you need to go listen to the interview. The whole interview. If you still have issues with what he said then you yourself have issues. The dude is put in a corner and is defending himself and his team like he should. This is great it is putting the team in that us against the world mentality. Portis also stuck up for the fans pretty much saying we are not getting our moneys worth.

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some of you need to go listen to the interview. The whole interview. If you still have issues with what he said then you yourself have issues. The dude is put in a corner and is defending himself and his team like he should. This is great it is putting the team in that us against the world mentality. Portis also stuck up for the fans pretty much saying we are not getting our moneys worth.

I don't have an issue with Portis per se. But why does this team need an 'us against the world' mentality in week 3 in the easy part of their schedule when they just come off of playing the Rams?

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some of you need to go listen to the interview. The whole interview. If you still have issues with what he said then you yourself have issues. The dude is put in a corner and is defending himself and his team like he should. This is great it is putting the team in that us against the world mentality. Portis also stuck up for the fans pretty much saying we are not getting our moneys worth.

I really liked some of the things he said, and then I hated other things he said. He just should not say anything in regards to how fans do not know how hard it is, or we should play madden and see it is not easy. You just should not go out and make comments about the fans and how they do not know what they are talking about. On one hand he said we are not getting our moneys worth, and on the other he said we just dont know what we are talking about. You dont defend the team by making those kind of statements, you defend the team by saying that you have to be better and you are doing everything possible too. Defending the team is not coming out and saying fans do not know what they are talking about. Love CP still have faith in the team, but the players need to stop catching feelings from the fans and media and just play better football.

Like I said I think he made some good comments and some bad ones. Typical CP interview I would say...

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some of you need to go listen to the interview. The whole interview. If you still have issues with what he said then you yourself have issues. The dude is put in a corner and is defending himself and his team like he should. This is great it is putting the team in that us against the world mentality. Portis also stuck up for the fans pretty much saying we are not getting our moneys worth.

I was actually j/k in my post. The fans are truly overreacting to a slow start and it's really crazy in DC right now where the Redskins are considered. We are well-known for getting too high and too low as NFL fans go but I have never seen it like this before going into week 3. I also had a lot of knee-jerk posts over the last couple weeks, especially after the Giants game.

I think what CP needs to understand is that we've been sold the concept that Jim Zorn only faltered last season because the o-line faltered and same with Jason Campbell and Clinton Portis along with it. We got really excited about 6-2 and then endured 2-6 down the stretch, so coming into this season we figured, "Okay- healthy now so let's roll." Things aren't going our way, we're in a TOUGH division, and we're freaking out because we're tired of losing when we're being told we have a good product on the field. I'm coming down off my shock and anger at how offensively impotent we've been lately and I'm willing to "believe" again but they better smash Detroit or something's really wrong. He'll see a lot of concerned fans become unconcerned. Then it'll get niiiice and quiet for #26.

I don't have an issue with Portis per se. But why does this team need an 'us against the world' mentality in week 3 in the easy part of their schedule when they just come off of playing the Rams?

Because their world is against them right now.

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Just a thought that came to mind as I read this.. It's not ok for us to criticize/critique the team, but it's ok for him to criticize the offensive line and the coach last year? Seems a bit hypocritical..

-We are not in the meetings..

-We are not in the flm room...

- We are not at practice..

- We are not on the sidelines during the game..

We have no idea what is going on except what we see on gamedays..

CP does....Once again, this is exactly what CP was talking about in his interview.

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Wahhh Wahhh.. These players need to shut up and stop crying at the fact that they got booed last Sunday. I'm sick of everyone always making excuses for a poor offensive performance. Flacco hasn't seemed to have a problem getting it done. Sanchez beat the Patriots his second career game. This team can't even beat the worst team in the NFL by more than two points....and how long have they all been playing together as a unit?

I'm enjoying the fact that this is getting to them though. They need to realize our fanbase is getting fed up with a decade of mediocrity.

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I thought Clinton was the one that stated we should be blowing teams out with this talent. Or was that Cooley?

I like Portis he plays his ass off, but I find it ironic that one week he's making comments about the teams ability to blow people out than finds it shocking that people hold him to those comments.

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someone needs to ask clinton about his comments when he said it was gonna be "bombs over bagdad". i havent seen him address that comment.

Obviously that was taken out of context along with Cooley's quote about blowing teams out. I mean we should be pleased with the past 18 games of mediocrity.

I know when I go to bed I like to look myself in the mirror and know that I didn't do great but I didn't do bad, I did ok.

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-We are not in the meetings..

-We are not in the flm room...

- We are not at practice..

- We are not on the sidelines during the game..

We have no idea what is going on except what we see on gamedays..

CP does....Once again, this is exactly what CP was talking about in his interview.

Yes, but we all have the right to our opinion, and to voice that opinion.. Note I didn't say I agree or disagree with what CP said. Also I didn't say he couldn't state his opinion, just that I take it as being hypocritical.

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