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Who will be the Redskins Head Coach in 2010?


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Probably Marty Schottenheimer.

Marty was so much better than Zorn it's not funny, but it isn't goint to happen any more than Norv is going to come back to town.

My vote goes to Tony Dungy with Monte Kiffin as DC. Re-united and it feels so good! Dungy almost wona SB in Tampa Bay, then changed teams and won one in Indy.

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I hope it isn't Shanahan. We have some pieces in place on this roster, but we have some things that need to be addressed. Shanahan never struck me as a disciplinarian coach, and thats what I think this team needs. I want a coach who is by all appearances a gruff, strict, jerk. Mike Singletary is getting results. Bill Belichick has been getting results. Rex Ryan gets results. Bill Cowher did, Mike Tomlin does. I think that disciplined coaches make disciplined teams, and teams with attitude. I know the Redskins had attitude a few times under Gibbs in 04, 05, and 07, but they don't now.

I always felt that the reason Norv teams self destructed here was he didn't seem like he was the kind of guy who kicked his player's asses. Spurrier wasn't either. Schottenheimer took 5 games to finally get some attitude out of his team, and Snyder fired him like an idiot.

...I don't know I just wish we had some old school ass kicking coaches. We need to hold training camp in Carlisle again also. We don't play tough because we aren't. We don't play as a team because we aren't one.

Stop with the Shanahan/Cowher/Gruden nonsense.

No retreads of prior long-tenured Super Bowl coaches. That's never worked in the NFL. Ever. And it would just be a circus here.

What we need is a hard ass disciplinarian top assistant coach. As others have said, a guy like a Rex Ryan or Mike Tomlin.

I think this is a bit of a misnomer. No coach can win if he doesn't instill discipline in his teams. However, there are different ways of doing that. Dungy and Gibbs managed to have just a little bit of success without yelling and screaming. What it is about is being a leader. Some guys do it by being hardasses and others do it differently.

I'm about 80% certain Zorn is gone next offseason. However, I'm still on the fence about who I'd want. I've always disliked Shanahan but that had more to do with disliking the Donkeys than him per se. The knock on him is that he's never done much in the post Smellway era. I love Gruden, but he's never really won anything after Dungy's aura wore off the Bucs.

OTOH, this is a team that has to walk before it can run. We need to be able to simply be competitive and score points before we can even think about Super Bowls here. It's sad, but them's the facts folks.

More likely I'd rather we went a different direction with a new HC that hasn't had a chance yet. In that case, I'd have to say either Russ Grimm or Jason Garrett. The latter would almost certainly be available if Jerruh hired Shanahan as HC over him. He knows offense and it wouldn't be a bad thing having him coaching with a chip on his shoulder against Jones, sort of like Shanahan and Al Davis.

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I think this is a bit of a misnomer. No coach can win if he doesn't instill discipline in his teams. However, there are different ways of doing that. Dungy and Gibbs managed to have just a little bit of success without yelling and screaming. What it is about is being a leader. Some guys do it by being hardasses and others do it differently.

I'm about 80% certain Zorn is gone next offseason. However, I'm still on the fence about who I'd want. I've always disliked Shanahan but that had more to do with disliking the Donkeys than him per se. The knock on him is that he's never done much in the post Smellway era. I love Gruden, but he's never really won anything after Dungy's aura wore off the Bucs.

More likely I'd rather we went a different direction with a new HC that hasn't had a chance yet. In that case, I'd have to say either Russ Grimm or Jason Garrett. The latter would almost certainly be available if Jerruh hired Shanahan as HC over him. He knows offense and it wouldn't be a bad thing having him coaching with a chip on his shoulder against Jones, sort of like Shanahan and Al Davis.

I agree with you on the idea that a coach doesn't need to be a hard ass so to speak to succeed.

However, I think that's the kind of coach this team needs right now. We're not playing to the potential of our defensive talent at all, and on offense we have no killer instinct whatsoever, with a supposed leader like Moss taking plays off when he feels like it.

This is a team that lacks no fire at all, and the only times that's happened in recent years was in 2005 and 2007, and both times were a combination of the team rallying under Joe Gibbs' HOF leadership and Gregg Williams' lighting a fire under the defense's ass, and in 2007 the whole team rallying after ST's death.

We have a defense with Haynesworth, Fletcher, Orakpo, Rocky, Landry, Horton, and Rogers, and we might have held the Rams to 7 points, but so what? With that talent versus their offense, we should have beaten them down like we were the Steelers or Ravens, punching them in the mouth all game long with 5 or 6 sacks and a few INTs.

We only put up 9 points because of scared playcalling in the red zone, afraid to use big weapons properly like Cooley, Davis, Kelly, Mitchell.

It's just not a team made up to be fiery and physical, and for the most part even Gibbs couldn't do it unless they had some kind of extra motivating factor to rally around.

I'd much rather get a Todd Haley type assistant as the HC rather a retread of any kind, but that's definitely the kind of guy leading the team we need IMO.

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Zorn will be head coach in 2010. This was Snyder's first "non big name" selection as HC and firing him so soon would be Dan admitting he made a big mistake. Which I think he's still reluctant to do.

As last Sunday has moved further away I've been able to walk myself back from the edge. Short term I think this team is going to be able to get it done against Detroit and muddle through to at least a 4-3 record by the bye. We can only hope to take the opportunity of the relatively early soft schedule that the offense starts to progress, particularly in the red zone.

But in the end I see the Skins being within one game of .500, which will probably make Campbell a sacrifical lamb, but won't be bad enough to prompt Snyder to fire JZ. We'll have a new QB next season.

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How bout the Saints offensive coordinator, who had also been the QB coach for three years before that. Draft Jimmy Clausen, watch the offensive explosion.

EDIT: BTW, his name Is Pete Carmichael

Problem is Sean Payton calls the plays for New Orleans, which is a big part of their offense. And of course Drew Brees is throwing the ball.

Funny thing about Carmichael is that he was the Quality Control Coach for the offense here in Washington in 2001.

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Why would anyone want Cower,Shanahan? I have said this before(not in this thread) how long do you think Cower/Shanahan will coach for?? 2 maybe 3 seasons and then retire again. Then what? We are off looking for another HC and going through this again. Why wouldn't people want a Tomlin, Harbaugh, McDaniels, Ryan? Find a HC who will stick around for 10+ years. IMO, getting a Cower, Shanahan is the same as Gibbs 2.0...and besides the two playoff seasons, we are back to where we started before he got here.

Gruden, like said prior was good because he took over tony dungys team and won a ring, but went .509(57/55) with tampa when he was on his own.

I don't want a coach who has already proven himself, we need a coach that WILL prove himself.

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My dad. He has zero HC experience and will do whatever Snyderatto tells him to do.

That's why this is a dumb discussion until we hire a new GM. He will run the coaching search. Let's not repeat last year's mistake of hiring position B before position A (you know, the whole, coordinator before coach thing). If we want any chance at a competent GM, he has to be involved in the selection of the HC.

Any GM who would take this job after the coach has been selected isn't going to be up to par. He will have already succeeded his authority to Snyder for the first important hire of his tenure, and once that happens, it is all over.

Vinny and Dan already made the wrong choice once, why should we expect this to change.

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