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CNN's Rick Sanchez Puts FOX NEWS in their place


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Maybe the reason why Foxnews has so many viewers is they might know or understand something you don't. Maybe the reason is because people believe that while no news org is unbiased these days, Foxnews is the least slanted of all the others.

Wow, are you seriously going to make that argument all the while in full knowledge of who it is exactly that Fox News employs? Karl Rove, Bill Kristol, Fred Barnes, Sean Hannity (used to fill in for Rush), Charles Krauthammer, Dick Morris...the beat goes on and on and on. Honestly if Faux News is the least slanted then I just grew a third arm out of my arse.

Someone find me a calendar because I know its not April 1st yet.

ratings. Let's talk about that. Fox has the HIGHEST ratings right? Well explain to me how that doesn't make them mainstream?

Destino, you and I both know that Faux uses the MSM line to mean everyone but Fox that way they those who buy the line then by default distrust any news that comes from any other source other than Faux.

Faux News is a national embarassment.

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ratings. Let's talk about that. Fox has the HIGHEST ratings right? Well explain to me how that doesn't make them mainstream? Because remember we are told that Fox is both the highest rated cable news source... and not mainstream. Yet CNN which they readily point out has a much smaller audience somehow IS the mainstream. It's kind of like Obama was attacked for attending a radical Christian church and accused of being a muslim at the same time.

They don't even try to be honest or consider anything outside of the specific talking point they are talking about at the moment. Absolute concrete thinkers incapable of abstract thought... or completely dishonest.

Let's also consider the ratings = free market argument. Do they apply that to the rest of the media? To newspapers? No. They do apply it to cable news (they ignore networks like CBS, ABC, and NBC) and talk radio... but not to anything else. Why for example is the "mainstream" so liberal? It can't be the freemarket... no that only applies to their specific examples. Because... many right wingers are completely incapable or willing to apply consistent logic.

Funny you bring up logic because I always thought it was logical that if you were selling a product (in this case information) and your earnings, and market share were plummeting because your customers believed your product was inferior to another product someone else was offering. You would quickly correct your product to match your competitor's.

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Wow, are you seriously going to make that argument all the while in full knowledge of who it is exactly that Fox News employs? Karl Rove, Bill Kristol, Fred Barnes, Sean Hannity (used to fill in for Rush), Charles Krauthammer, Dick Morris...the beat goes on and on and on. Honestly if Faux News is the least slanted then I just grew a third arm out of my arse.

Someone find me a calendar because I know its not April 1st yet.

Destino, you and I both know that Faux uses the MSM line to mean everyone but Fox that way they those who buy the line then by default distrust any news that comes from any other source other than Faux.

Faux News is a national embarassment.

Sorry, the feigned shock isn't working for me...

You might wana re-read what I just wrote because I coulda swore I said "maybe" which doesn't say I am making any argument.

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And what channel would that be?

Speaking of news coverage I didn't see any other channel covering the ACORN fiasco. What was the reason for that? Too truthful? :laugh:

That's funny, Lou Dobbs brings it up on CNN nearly every single night...and it has been brought up by others on CNN as well which is already been pointed out in this thread.

Maybe you should try a little harder next time, or maybe you should just try being truthful...

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Glad you got a kick outta that but I was making a suggestion for a possible reason to Foxnews' majority share of the ratings.

Every night 20 some million American households watch the evening news. 7.24 million watch ABC. 7.15 million watch CBS. 5.16 million watch CBS. And 700,000 watch FOX. And before you moan that it's unfair to compare FOX to networks, consider 88% of households have cable or satellite these days. They could watch FOX if they wanted to.


This hardly constitutes "majority." In fact it's much closer to "fringe element."

Or if you want head to head, every Sunday morning millions of American households watch political shows. ABC, CBS, and NBC all have audiences twice the size of FOX's Chris Matthews.

NBC's Meet the Press averaged 3,900,000 viewers, CBS' Face the Nation had 3,330,000, ABC's This Week had 3,320,000 and FOX News Sunday had 1,480,000.


The free market has spoken indeed.

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Funny you bring up logic because I always thought it was logical that if you were selling a product (in this case information) and your earnings, and market share were plummeting because your customers believed your product was inferior to another product someone else was offering. You would quickly correct your product to match your competitor's.
So in your mind the best course of action for the news networks is to completely sell out to the GOP and be just like FOX? That's some great logic you have there. I think the thinking is simple, if you aren't willing to bend over for the GOP you just have to accept republican viewers aren't going to tune in for the most part. They don't want news they want validation.

Terrorist fist jab.

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Every night 20 some million American households watch the evening news. 7.24 million watch ABC. 7.15 million watch CBS. 5.16 million watch CBS. And 700,000 watch FOX. And before you moan that it's unfair to compare FOX to networks, consider 88% of households have cable or satellite these days. They could watch FOX if they wanted to.


This hardly constitutes "majority." In fact it's much closer to "fringe element."

Or if you want head to head, every Sunday morning millions of American households watch political shows. ABC, CBS, and NBC all have audiences twice the size of FOX's Chris Matthews.


The free market has spoken indeed.

see my above post about applying consistent logic. They just can't do it.

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Every night 20 some million American households watch the evening news......
Whose audience is Shrinking?

Whose audience is getting bigger?

Or if you want head to head, every Sunday morning millions of American households watch political shows. ABC, CBS, and NBC all have audiences twice the size of FOX's Chris Matthews.......
Maybe if Obama DARED to be questioned by Fox they would have a larger audience?.....but I guess Obama CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH........ergo "Liberal Media Tour 2009"
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Ratings mean zip, zilch, nadda when it comes to accuracy or integrity in reporting....nothing. All ratings prove is that you gathered a large audience to watch your dancing bear. The sooner people realize this fact the better off we'll all be.




Accuracy & Integrity LOL, sure?? I know what you mean and they still cannot get ratings.

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Sorry, the feigned shock isn't working for me...

You might wana re-read what I just wrote because I coulda swore I said "maybe" which doesn't say I am making any argument.

Oh, I read what you said and I saw the "maybes" and its the same trick that Faux News pulls. They put out suggestions, insinuations, possibilities which really reflect their thinking or the thinking that they want others to have but since they couched them as possibilities they think that they have provided themselves with a measure of deniability so when they get called to task on their reckless comments they can say "Oh we said 'maybe' that proves we weren't presenting it as fact" even though they've already put the thought out there for their people to run with.

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Whose audience is Shrinking?

Whose audience is getting bigger?

Maybe if Obama DARED to be questioned by Fox they would have a larger audience?.....but I guess Obama CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH........ergo "Liberal Media Tour 2009"

It really means nothing. What is Fox News most similar to? Conservative talk show radio. The growth of Fox News proves to me that conservatives don't like hearing the truth. They just wanna hear what conservative "pundits" feed them. The two most popular shows on Fox News are the O'Reilly factor and Sean Hannity's show, both of which are extremely biased. So what does that tell you? They watch Fox News for conservative opinions, not for the real story.

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It really means nothing. What is Fox News most similar to? Conservative talk show radio. The growth of Fox News proves to me that conservatives don't like hearing the truth. They just wanna hear what conservative "pundits" feed them. The two most popular shows on Fox News are the O'Reilly factor and Sean Hannity's show, both of which are extremely biased. So what does that tell you? They watch Fox News for conservative opinions, not for the real story.

Give this man a cookie because this is what many would call hitting the nail on the head.

Sensationalize the news and you'll gather a crowd

Pander to an audience and you'll gather a crowd

Spread hate and fear and you'll gather a crowd

Tell people what they want to hear and you'll gather a crowd

Do all of this and call yourself the "news" and people will legitimize you for doing so.

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There is a difference between promoting and covering.....and this is a great example:

Fox News Producer Caught Rallying 9/12 Protest Crowd In Behind-The-Scenes Video

A Fox News Channel producer has been caught in a behind-the-scenes video rallying the crowd during last weekend's 9/12 protest in Washington.

The Huffington Post has confirmed that the woman in the below video — seen raising her arms to rally the crowd behind Griff Jenkins, who was reporting from the scene for Fox News — is Fox News producer Heidi Noonan.

"The employee is a young, relatively inexperienced associate producer who realizes she made a mistake and has been disciplined," Bryan Boughton, Fox News Channel Washington Bureau Chief told the Huffington Post.

The video shows the producer on her cell phone as she urges the crowd behind Jenkins to cheer louder. An "I'm A Foxaholic" poster appears nearby.

Read more at: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/09/19/fox-news-producer-caught_n_292529.html

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Whose audience is Shrinking?

Why are you afraid to quote me in full? I think it's a reflection of your inability to face the fact that NBC, CBS, and ABC all blow FOX out of the water in terms of ratings.

Whose audience is getting bigger?

Maybe if Obama DARED to be questioned by Fox they would have a larger audience?.....but I guess Obama CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH........ergo "Liberal Media Tour 2009

FOX's ratings were miniscule compared with NBC, CBS, and ABC when Bush was President. So tell me another one.

And Obama, Hillary, and several members of the administration have been on FOX. Personally, I don't think they should waste their time, but apparently they are more charitable than I would be.

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