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CNN's Rick Sanchez Puts FOX NEWS in their place


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Fox news is a disgusting channel. they don't even pretend to be unbiased. All journalism is biased. You choose what is newsworthy based on your own perspective therefore any news reported always has the reporters fingerprint on it. If you lean more left than the news will appear more left. What fox does though is just blatantly lie to attempt to discount anything liberals say.

I will just take solace in knowing that the more education you recieve the more liberal you tend to be. Most highly educated people will lean left. I would rather have them on my side than the ****ing bible belt. Complete blackhole of knowledge in the middle of this country.

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Fox news is a disgusting channel. they don't even pretend to be unbiased. All journalism is biased. You choose what is newsworthy based on your own perspective therefore any news reported always has the reporters fingerprint on it. If you lean more left than the news will appear more left. What fox does though is just blatantly lie to attempt to discount anything liberals say.

I will just take solace in knowing that the more education you recieve the more liberal you tend to be. Most highly educated people will lean left. I would rather have them on my side than the ****ing bible belt. Complete blackhole of knowledge in the middle of this country.

There is also urban/suburban vs rural, also known as "****tail drinkers" vs "real Americans"

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Why, its the most accurate description of the network?


Pseudo News

TKAS (The Kool Aid Stand)

or my personal fav


Not sure if GOPTV is appropriate... I think at this point the party is not marching to the drumbeat, but the drumbeat is actually marching the party.

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Fox news is a disgusting channel. they don't even pretend to be unbiased. All journalism is biased. You choose what is newsworthy based on your own perspective therefore any news reported always has the reporters fingerprint on it. If you lean more left than the news will appear more left. What fox does though is just blatantly lie to attempt to discount anything liberals say.

Which news agencies do you watch? This question is for all the Fox haters.

Basically, I understand why you guys lash out at Fox. They don't cater to your adoration of Obama...but, one example: You have Fox, who outed Van Jones(non-story on the other news channels for a few days) and you have the other news channels. Which ones do you watch? And if you only read news, which publications do you read? Written journalism is just as biased as spoken journalism.

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Which news agencies do you watch? This question is for all the Fox haters.

Basically, I understand why you guys lash out at Fox. They don't cater to your adoration of Obama...but, one example: You have Fox, who outed Van Jones(non-story on the other news channels for a few days) and you have the other news channels. Which ones do you watch? And if you only read news, which publications do you read? Written journalism is just as biased as spoken journalism.

I don't bother with cable news. For the most part, they are not in depth, or they are just annoying.

Get my news from primarily from The Washington Post, NPR, PBS, AP, NBC, CBS, ABC. In that order (roughly).

I used to read the Wall Street Journal but since Rupert Murdoch took over they have slowly evolved into FOX newspaper. Maybe I'll start reading the Tribune.

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Which news agencies do you watch? This question is for all the Fox haters.

Basically, I understand why you guys lash out at Fox. They don't cater to your adoration of Obama...but, one example: You have Fox, who outed Van Jones(non-story on the other news channels for a few days) and you have the other news channels. Which ones do you watch? And if you only read news, which publications do you read? Written journalism is just as biased as spoken journalism.

I read the Economist, Washington Post, and Asia Times, what do you do?

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I read the Economist, Washington Post, and Asia Times, what do you do?

I watch Fox news...so I know what's REALLY going on in this country. :silly:

Honestly, I do watch Fox News. What I don't get is how some of you guys think that fox viewers are unable to look past some of the pathetic things that are said at Fox. But, we also know that there are pathetic things said on the other news channels.

The only other news I will turn it to is CNN. I don't watch MSNBC, NBC, CBS, or ABC. I simply don't trust them. Of course you laugh at that. But, I am a conservative and literally feel like those other news agencies will do what they can to not harm Obama and his administration politically.

Associated Press is probably the only online source I use.

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I watch Fox news...so I know what's REALLY going on in this country. :silly:

Honestly, I do watch Fox News. What I don't get is how some of you guys think that fox viewers are unable to look past some of the pathetic things that are said at Fox. But, we also know that there are pathetic things said on the other news channels.

The only other news I will turn it to is CNN. I don't watch MSNBC, NBC, CBS, or ABC. I simply don't trust them. Of course you laugh at that. But, I am a conservative and literally feel like those other news agencies will do what they can to not harm Obama and his administration politically.

Associated Press is probably the only online source I use.

i think that Fox News will do anything that it can to hurt Obama and his admin politically. It's one of the reasons why I don't watch them (though my biggest gripes with them are in regards to their coverage on Iran)

overall I think it is generally good policy to point out flaws and criticize them when they happen. When Fox News does something pathetic it should be pointed out, just like every other organization. I general I feel like the partisan nature of our culture allows us to dismiss criticisms by saying "well they do it too" or "They started" and other juvenile excuses like that. That type of thinking lowers the bar for all of us. It's like the argument always turns into which side is relatively better or worse, instead of focusing on what the topic at hand is/ how somebody ****ed in a given case.

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Which news agencies do you watch? This question is for all the Fox haters.

I don't watch any of the cable news networks because they are all awful but for very different reasons. CNN just seems incapable anymore, and MSNBC and Pseudo News are partisan mouth pieces.

My news sources include but are not limited to


washingtontimes.com (they are just about as bad as Pseudo News)



extremeskins.com (seriously)

News collection sites




I listen to NPR on the radio to solidify my Liberal MSM sell out :crazee:

I watch NBC Nightly News

Basically, I understand why you guys lash out at Fox. They don't cater to your adoration of Obama
Honestly, that's just silly, because I have been against Pseudo News before I ever became an Obama voter, it was only at Obama's nomination speech that I chose to support him, and guess what...I was against Pseudo news long before that time. So try again.
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Honestly, I do watch Fox News. What I don't get is how some of you guys think that fox viewers are unable to look past some of the pathetic things that are said at Fox.

Why would you voluntarily watch a network where you had to so regularly filter through all the crazee and pathetic things they say on Fox. What's more is why would anyone defend a network that actively and routinely promotes a pathetic excuse for journalism to the majority of people who do not filter those comments in the same way that you do? I'm sorry, but I find Fox and MSNBC as wholly irresponsible in their broadcasting, and that's why I refuse to watch them.

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There is also urban/suburban vs rural, also known as "****tail drinkers" vs "real Americans"

LOL, HAHHAHA. "REAL AMERICANS". What a ****ing joke. What a completely stupid term that the ****ing right wing developed to somehow excuse a large portion of their constituencies' lack of intelligence, or maybe not intelligence but knowledge. There is a reason why America is one of the dumbest ****ing nation's in the world, and it's because of these "real ****ing americans" that you are talking about. Complete lack of knowledge or curiosity for anything resembling truth.

**** the south. Time ****ing stopped down there.

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Why would you voluntarily watch a network where you had to so regularly filter through all the crazee and pathetic things they say on Fox. What's more is why would anyone defend a network that actively and routinely promotes a pathetic excuse for journalism to the majority of people who do not filter those comments in the same way that you do? I'm sorry, but I find Fox and MSNBC as wholly irresponsible in their broadcasting, and that's why I refuse to watch them.

Well for one, I am a conservative and feel like I am not getting the whole story when I watch the other news. I know you don't understand, but I simply believe that the other stations "will do anything in their power to make sure this administration succeeds." That doesn't mean I want it to fail. It means that I don't think I will get the whole story from those networks.

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LOL, HAHHAHA. "REAL AMERICANS". What a ****ing joke. What a completely stupid term that the ****ing right wing developed to somehow excuse a large portion of their constituencies' lack of intelligence, or maybe not intelligence but knowledge. There is a reason why America is one of the dumbest ****ing nation's in the world, and it's because of these "real ****ing americans" that you are talking about. Complete lack of knowledge or curiosity for anything resembling truth.

**** the south. Time ****ing stopped down there.

venting frustration persuades nobody to your cause

Fun test: How many here believe that MSNBC has gotten as bad as Fox News in a damn jiffy?

it was rather quick, but they are equally bad at the moment, though admittedly their stuff isn't as offensive to me

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it was rather quick, but they are equally bad at the moment, though admittedly their stuff isn't as offensive to me

I can see how that would be. Most people would probably say the same thing about one of the two, whichever was on their political "side." But both of them drive me up a ****ing wall because I'm a student of journalism, and that's not what Fox and MSNBC are in the business of anymore. They only masquerade as if they are, and way too many people buy into it. What MSNBC and Fox News do is present one side of any given argument, the side that they know their audience wants to hear, and then essentially train that audience how to plug its ears and yell "LA LA LA LA" whenever a counter to their side's argument is brought up. To call it "journalism" would be like calling dog poop "filet mignon."

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venting frustration persuades nobody to your cause

it was rather quick, but they are equally bad at the moment, though admittedly their stuff isn't as offensive to me

you're ****ing right. But i couldn't give a ****. No one is changing anyone's mind in this forum. So i'd rather just say what I want. After 9/11 white people started attacking people in turbans. Where they muslim? **** no, (not a ****ing excuse anyway). They were sikhs but did they even know what the **** that was? no, they just went looking for brown people out of blind ignorance and stupidity. I have complete disdain for anyone who is willfully ignorant. Sadly, that encompasses a lot of America, a majority happen to be in the middle of the ****ing nation .

These are the people that fox news panders to. Such disgraceful ****. You can't even call it journalism. Also Murdoch is ****ing *******. Every paper he owns is a piece of ****ing ****.

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Well for one, I am a conservative and feel like I am not getting the whole story when I watch the other news. I know you don't understand, but I simply believe that the other stations "will do anything in their power to make sure this administration succeeds." That doesn't mean I want it to fail. It means that I don't think I will get the whole story from those networks.

I hear you, and I get where you are coming from, and I've been there myself especially during the early days of Fox News, but when I left the GOP I saw the same mistakes that the GOP was making being made by Fox and I got very frustrated because I realized that I was watching Fox because I was hearing from them what I wanted to hear, and only later did I really realize just how much they were pandering to me and my political prejudices instead of actually reporting the news. Then I got to see how Fox News did for the Bush administration everything you claim the others are doing for Obama, even to the point of distributing the administration talking points verbatim. Then to watch nearly every Bush Administration personality leave the administration only to be hired by Fox all the way up to the Deputy Chief of Staff. IMO no other network has shown the out-right audacity and contempt for what journalism is supposed to be than Fox.

In terms of slant I totally agree. They see FOX's ratings and they want to be the mirror image. MSNBC is unwatchable right now IMO.

That's exactly what's going on MSNBC figured out following Fox's playbook would result in more viewers, although I believe they sacrificed their integrity in doing so. CNN tries to get viewers in other ways and tries to go the middle road and they are getting hammered for it in the ratings. But the real secret is that ratings are an AWFUL way to judge the quality of journalism.

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In terms of slant I totally agree. They see FOX's ratings and they want to be the mirror image. MSNBC is unwatchable right now IMO.

As far as reporting pure falsehoods, I'm pretty sure FOX still takes the cake there.

Oh, I agree about that part. MSNBC is pretty much the Obama News Network by now, but they're not changing the party labels of politicians caught in scandals. That kind of stuff is still the domain of Fox and Fox alone.

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you're ****ing right. But i couldn't give a ****. No one is changing anyone's mind in this forum. So i'd rather just say what I want.

Even if you aren't interested in persuading anyone should at least control your emotions. When emotion gets the better of reason all sorts of bad things start happening... like this:

After 9/11 white people started attacking people in turbans. Where they muslim? **** no, (not a ****ing excuse anyway). They were sikhs but did they even know what the **** that was? no, they just went looking for brown people out of blind ignorance and stupidity. I have complete disdain for anyone who is willfully ignorant. Sadly, that encompasses a lot of America, a majority happen to be in the middle of the ****ing nation .

if the ignorance that is pervasive here is as bad as the ignorance that lead to violence against the sikhs then there would have been MUCH more violence than there actually was. Fact is, that it wasn't nearly as bad as it should have been if your characterization is correct.

These are the people that fox news panders to. Such disgraceful ****. You can't even call it journalism. Also Murdoch is ****ing *******. Every paper he owns is a piece of ****ing ****.

The people you describe may love Fox News, but that doesn't mean Fox News panders to them. You are kidding yourself if you think a majority or even a large plurality of Fox News watchers are ignorant enough to commit the violence acts you talk about.

As for the general regionalism comments, you really shouldn't be so quick to disparage entire regions of the country. Especially if you haven't live there before. If you examine your reasoning you may find that your regionalist biases are very similar to the ones that the aforementioned sikh beaters used.

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you're ****ing right. But i couldn't give a ****. No one is changing anyone's mind in this forum. So i'd rather just say what I want. After 9/11 white people started attacking people in turbans. Where they muslim? **** no, (not a ****ing excuse anyway). They were sikhs but did they even know what the **** that was? no, they just went looking for brown people out of blind ignorance and stupidity. I have complete disdain for anyone who is willfully ignorant. Sadly, that encompasses a lot of America, a majority happen to be in the middle of the ****ing nation .

These are the people that fox news panders to. Such disgraceful ****. You can't even call it journalism. Also Murdoch is ****ing *******. Every paper he owns is a piece of ****ing ****.

Do you have complete disdain for yourself?

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