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CNN's Rick Sanchez Puts FOX NEWS in their place


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you're ****ing right. But i couldn't give a ****. No one is changing anyone's mind in this forum. So i'd rather just say what I want. After 9/11 white people started attacking people in turbans. Where they muslim? **** no, (not a ****ing excuse anyway). They were sikhs but did they even know what the **** that was? no, they just went looking for brown people out of blind ignorance and stupidity. I have complete disdain for anyone who is willfully ignorant. Sadly, that encompasses a lot of America, a majority happen to be in the middle of the ****ing nation .

These are the people that fox news panders to. Such disgraceful ****. You can't even call it journalism. Also Murdoch is ****ing *******. Every paper he owns is a piece of ****ing ****.

You aren't helping.

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Oh, I read what you said and I saw the "maybes" and its the same trick that Faux News pulls. They put out suggestions, insinuations, possibilities which really reflect their thinking or the thinking that they want others to have but since they couched them as possibilities they think that they have provided themselves with a measure of deniability so when they get called to task on their reckless comments they can say "Oh we said 'maybe' that proves we weren't presenting it as fact" even though they've already put the thought out there for their people to run with.

Oh Yes!!! You caught me!!!! I really work for FoxNews!! OMG you are sooooo smart...

Can you offer an intelligent and honest opinion without turning every comment you make into a anti foxnews ad? You sound like a robot.

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Fun test: How many here believe that MSNBC has gotten as bad as Fox News in a damn jiffy?

Me. I think Fox still crosses the line (out right lies) more often than MSNBC. But they have tried their hardest to catch-up with Fox, that is for sure. :hysterical:

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Every night 20 some million American households watch the evening news. 7.24 million watch ABC. 7.15 million watch CBS. 5.16 million watch CBS. And 700,000 watch FOX. And before you moan that it's unfair to compare FOX to networks, consider 88% of households have cable or satellite these days. They could watch FOX if they wanted to.


This hardly constitutes "majority." In fact it's much closer to "fringe element."

Or if you want head to head, every Sunday morning millions of American households watch political shows. ABC, CBS, and NBC all have audiences twice the size of FOX's Chris Matthews.


The free market has spoken indeed.

Nice try Keith Olbermann Jr. You know as well as I do that what you posted is pure bull****. No one compares cable ratings with network ratings and you know it. That's why you tried to pull the "and before you moan crap".

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A couple hours after my fun test, I'm noticing the trend of liberals saying, "Yeah, MSNBC has definitely gone off the deep end," while conservatives are saying, "Fox News is the truth! It's the only bastion of honesty in the devilish world of the liberal media!"

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You aren't helping.

Yea fine. Anyway, fox news is a disgrace to journalism. And i didn't mean they pander to the very small minority that committed stupid acts after 9/11, i meant they pander to the willfully ignorant. They don't fact check, the say whatever they want and present it as honest truth. If you have ever seen a fox news compilation during a day's broadcast you will see that they start with a talking point in teh morning and use those SAME EXACT WORDS over and over and over again to, basically, brainwash their viewers.

Even if msnbc is as bad, it doesn't change the fact that fox news is a sham of a network. I am a liberal and I really don't like MSNBC. Olberman i thought was interesting in the beginning but I really just hate the way he presents his viewpoint. So arrogant and pompous. If you are gonna present the news at least pretend to present it neutrally. If not, advertise it for what it is, like the daily show or even colbet report.

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Oh Yes!!! You caught me!!!! I really work for FoxNews!! OMG you are sooooo smart...

Deep breaths...deep breaths...

I never said you worked for Fox News, and to act like I did is not only juvenile it is also quite revealing.

Can you offer an intelligent and honest opinion without turning every comment you make into a anti foxnews ad? You sound like a robot.

Sure, but then we're in a discussion about Fox News and their entire lack of credibility so it would be a bit strange for me to not address the issue at hand, although I'm sure that addressing some other issue at this point other than Fox News would please you greatly.

No, that is exactly what you said. And even if I did provide proof would you change your opinion? No...so why even ask?

Ok, Johnny use a Fox source to back up your claim if you feel you must. The most laughable thing at this point is that you're so set on your position and you've made claims yet aren't backing them up with anything that might amount to credible evidence, and the one source you seem intent on using is the exact same source whose credibility is in doubt.

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Deep breaths...deep breaths...

I never said you worked for Fox News, and to act like I did is not only juvenile it is also quite revealing.

But you did insinuate that I am pulling some type of trick because I am asking questions and/or giving input as to the reasons why some people watch FoxNews and its popularity. And you proceded to use my comments to further rant against FoxNews without even addressing my comments in an honest fashion. Now who is juvenile?

Sure, but then we're in a discussion about Fox News and their entire lack of credibility so it would be a bit strange for me to not address the issue at hand, although I'm sure that addressing some other issue at this point other than Fox News would please you greatly.

No, we are in the discussion about bias in the media as a whole and the total hypocrisy some people have when talking about it. If you took the time to read the whole thread you would understand that.

Ok, Johnny use a Fox source to back up your claim if you feel you must. The most laughable thing at this point is that you're so set on your position and you've made claims yet aren't backing them up with anything that might amount to credible evidence, and the one source you seem intent on using is the exact same source whose credibility is in doubt.



Where are your sources????

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I like to check in every now and then during these wing-dings between B and C ward of the facility and see if anyone is feeling they are getting healthier and learning how to resolve their issues in a more effective manner. Anyone? Bueller?

Don't forget, if it gets too emotional...we have tissues for your issues...and Large Benny will hook you up in the Bad Manners Jacket if you get too feisty. :)

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I like to check in every now and then during these wing-dings between B and C ward of the facility and see if anyone is feeling they are getting healthier and learning how to resolve their issues in a more effective manner. Anyone? Bueller?

Don't forget, if it gets too emotional...we have tissues for your issues...and Large Benny will hook you up in the Bad Manners Jacket if you get too feisty. :)

Yeah, think I meet that criteria

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Why are you so adamant about the bias of FoxNews and not any other news org?

Sorry Johnny but your this shows that you're really full of it, I have said all along that MSNBC is just as bad as Fox and I don't watch any of the cable news networks, and I dare you to find anywhere where I have said that there are no other news sources that are as biased as Fox. Your post is a blatant untruth and it shows just how desperate you are as an apologist for Fox News.

Honestly, I get that you love Fox News, and I get that you buy the line they are selling, but that admiration is blinding you, you're not gonna like that but really at this point my guess is that lots of folks are seeing this.

Fox = Acorn.

The more issues you have, the more the stereotype fits... Clean up your act and viola!;)

In a few years your back to being okay again to all but the 5% that won't ever let it go.

Exactly right Theibear, one of my profs used to say, "If you so closely resemble the cartoon then you can't get made when people point it out."

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I was actually watching live when this went down..I was just like, damn!


I didn't watch the post, cause I can't right now... But I'm not sure Rick Sanchess could put a mop in it's place.

I remember Rick squaring off with Joe the plumber. Joe was plain spoken, and rather dogmatic, however he pretty much worked Rick. It's not many professional journalists who could get worked by an unemployed plumber on their own airwaves....

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