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CNN's Rick Sanchez Puts FOX NEWS in their place


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I watch Wolf Blitzer and Campbell Brown.


do you know that Wolf Blitzer ended a Jeopardy stint negative $4,600? Wanna know who beat him? Andy Richter (Conan Obriens side kick). Happen to catch a video of it last night, Wolf looked like a total idiot. just sayin...

Can I use this comment to play the race card?:evilg:

Why not, you always do. And I'm quoting this to point out again, that you among others keep with the "If you're Anti-Obama, you're a racist" bull****, its getting old kid.

Or racist douchebags. :silly:

so Since you are a fan of Ron Paul, you must be racist since you aren't advocating Obama?? (rhetorical btw)

and I actually Like Ron Paul myself.

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It's sad when The Onion is the first "news" of the day I check.

I don't watch CNN or FOX. I do this thing called reading. And then, based on my own opinions, ethics, and morals I come up with my own opinion.

And in my opinion they both can go screw (FOX and CNN). Now, I have to check TMZ for the latest Taylor Swift updates. Shes still reeling from Kanye's jerk move at the VMA's.

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And what channel would that be?

Speaking of news coverage I didn't see any other channel covering the ACORN fiasco. What was the reason for that? Too truthful? :laugh:

I swear, folks such as your have nothing else to say bout "ACORN." I just checked the comments section at HuffPo, and some other right-wingers were saying the same thing: "I didn't see CNN talk about ACORN." It's as if you guys read from the same script (which you do -- it is called Fox News) because you all sound the same.

And if you look back at this thread, you had other people talking about ACORN.


BTW, CNN reported on ACORN:


I noticed on the Fox News site, they have a video titled, "Why did the media ignore ACORN?" Of course the media didn't ignore ACORN -- it was a newsworthy story. But here is Fox News, once again, making false accusations, and people such as yourself buy it, hook, line, and sinker. That's also why someone else in this thread claimed that the media did not cover the Van Jones firing when, in fact, they did. Why did he make this claim? Probably because someone on Fox News said it.

There is a repeated pattern of distortions by Fox, and there is a repeated pattern of their audience using this as a talking point, all the while being unaware the the untrue dissemination of their claims.

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Fox News is popular than CNN only in America. CNN is basically popular ALL over the world. This is just a fact. When you think of "world" channel, you think of BBC and CNN.

This is a good point. Fox News is widely ridiculed outside the U.S. It is basically seen as the American version of Pravda.

If there is a world-wide crisis, people all over the globe look to media outlets such as aforementioned BBC or CNN.

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This the response from Fox News to Rick Sanchez:

"Thank you very much, and a special thanks to Rick Sanchez who has always been a sucker. He's a gift that keeps on giving."

Read more at: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/09/19/fox-news-responds-to-rick_n_292347.html


I wonder how they feel about their audience? "Suckers."

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Is there some moral obligation or loyalty I should feel to either one of these networks?... :hysterical:

Sure seems like it since you're in constant defense mode of Fox News, hearing a honest critique of Faux News from the Right would be quite refreshing, but you'll excuse me if I don't hold my breath as I wait.

I just realized that Fox never said that CNN didn't cover the march on Washington. It wasn't a lie at all.

When they ask "How did they miss this story they are saying that they missed covering the tea party, and they are spreading lies and trying to manipulate public opinion to believe that somehow CNN et al were off covering quilting bees or something rather than paying attention to the tea party.

They asked how the other networks missed the story. In other words, their add (which I still believe is biased) is claiming that those other news organizations missed the story of the groundswell against Obama right now.

I'm sure that Faux appreciates the spin you're doing on their part.

Oh..and if a "ground swell" equals fewer people than attend a Redskins game each week then, I'd love to see how you view the 60% of Americans who favor a public option.

Speaking of news coverage I didn't see any other channel covering the ACORN fiasco. What was the reason for that? Too truthful?

Well considering I saw CNN's coverage of it, I'm thinking that taking a break from Faux News to skim the other networks looking for coverage probably isn't going to give you an accurate assessment of what the other networks are or are not covering.

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Phewwwwww that was so insane and put all of us republicans to shame. He gave us the biggest verbal beatdown of our life. Please, this is pathetic. Do we really have pathetic democrats in here going....OHHH YEAHHH RICK, YOU GOT EM.

Another brilliant Republican response to Fox News lying on this issue. Instead of an appropriate response, such as "Fox News, the 'Fair and Balance' channel, shouldn't distort," you rush to the channels defense with sarcasm.

Oh, and I notice how you are basically equating Fox News with "Republicans." That's O.K. -- we knew that all along. :)

As the Fox News executive said: "Suckers."

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Phewwwwww that was so insane and put all of us republicans to shame. He gave us the biggest verbal beatdown of our life. Please, this is pathetic. Do we really have pathetic democrats in here going....OHHH YEAHHH RICK, YOU GOT EM.

So I guess we'll count you as another apologist for Faux News? Its amazing to me just how many people are making excuses for Faux, that kool-aid must be some tasty stuff.

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Sure seems like it since you're in constant defense mode of Fox News, hearing a honest critique of Faux News from the Right would be quite refreshing, but you'll excuse me if I don't hold my breath as I wait.

Suggesting they sue Fox is defending them?:hysterical:...Hell I don't even watch it,and find both of them a waste of electricity.

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Rick annoys me sometimes but this is great.

It's about time someone unloaded on that crap network.

Boo freaking hoo, there is a news channel that presents information that makes you feel all bad. It's called the truth. Sucks when you think that moveon dot org is mainstream media.

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Boo freaking hoo, there is a news channel that presents information that makes you feel all bad. It's called the truth. Sucks when you think that moveon dot org is mainstream media.

Wow -- another classic response to Fox News lying.

"Boo freaking hoo."

You can really see the trend here: People don't care if Fox News lies. Why? Because they tell them what they want to hear and they support their positions.

"Fox News has electrolytes!"

It's all coming true.

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Well considering I saw CNN's coverage of it, I'm thinking that taking a break from Faux News to skim the other networks looking for coverage probably isn't going to give you an accurate assessment of what the other networks are or are not covering.

Maybe so. However, you left out they only started reporting it after Congress started taking action against ACORN which was about a week after it happened.

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Maybe so. However, you left out they only started reporting it after Congress started taking action against ACORN which was about a week after it happened.

Actually I find an article about it on CNN's site (the article I posted earlier) from around the time when the story first broke.

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Wow -- another classic response to Fox News lying.

"Boo freaking hoo."

You can really see the trend here: People don't care if Fox News lies. Why? Because they tell them what they want to hear and they support their positions.

"Fox News has electrolytes!"

It's all coming true.

Funny coming from someone who regurgitates, almost verbatim, MSNBC's talking points on issues. But MSNBC doesn't lie right?

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Maybe so. However, you left out they only started reporting it after Congress started taking action against ACORN which was about a week after it happened.

Gonna have to back up that claim. And please use a source other than Faux as we've come to question the accuracy of their reporting. A middle of the road source would probably be best here. I'd say mainstream but we all know that they are Obama messianic worshiping hacks.

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........Fox News is widely ridiculed outside the U.S. It is basically seen as the American version of Pravda......
We need French input on OUR standards?

The BBC is anti-semitic...

BBC pays £200,000 to 'cover up report on anti-Israel bias'


We set our own standards...thats why Fox is a ratings marvel.......they balance out the propaganda from the left (ABC Whitehouse Healthcare Summit anyone?)

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We set our own standards...thats why Fox is a ratings marvel.......they balance out the propaganda from the left

Ok, again one more time class.

Ratings mean zip, zilch, nadda when it comes to accuracy or integrity in reporting....nothing. All ratings prove is that you gathered a large audience to watch your dancing bear. The sooner people realize this fact the better off we'll all be.

Fox: Hey guys I got 10,000,000 people to watch my show last night!

Fox Faithful: Oh how did you do that?

Fox: Well you see I got this crazy nut to spout all kinds of lies and misinformation to scare the hell out of people.

Fox Faithful: Wow, you really need to be trusted because you got a big audience.

We are a rubber necking people and Faux plays to that, please do not confuse that fact with truthfulness in journalism.

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Gonna have to back up that claim. And please use a source other than Faux as we've come to question the accuracy of their reporting. A middle of the road source would probably be best here. I'd say mainstream but we all know that they are Obama messianic worshiping hacks.

You question the accuracy of FoxNews and yet you don't question the accuracy of any other news org. Why? Because those other news orgs fit into your own personal political ideology. I freely admit Foxnews is slanted toward the right but for you and others to selectively criticize Foxnews while never acknowledging the same and worse from other news outlets because they reinforce your own political ideology is disingenuous to say the least.

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You question the accuracy of FoxNews and yet you don't question the accuracy of any other news org. Why? Because those other news orgs fit into your own personal political ideology. I freely admit Foxnews is slanted toward the right but for you and others to selectively criticize Foxnews while never acknowledging the same and worse from other news outlets because they reinforce your own political ideology is disingenuous to say the least.

Nice try, but that's not what I said.

Although it is duly noted that you didn't supply a source.

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You question the accuracy of FoxNews and yet you don't question the accuracy of any other news org. Why? Because those other news orgs fit into your own personal political ideology. I freely admit Foxnews is slanted toward the right but for you and others to selectively criticize Foxnews while never acknowledging the same and worse from other news outlets because they reinforce your own political ideology is disingenuous to say the least.

You may encounter things you could classify as propaganda on other news networks. You may also encounter something you may classify as news on FOX.

I am curious to see if there have been any studies about how often hosts agree with their guests on various news networks.

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We set our own standards...thats why Fox is a ratings marvel.......they balance out the propaganda from the left (ABC Whitehouse Healthcare Summit anyone?)

ratings. Let's talk about that. Fox has the HIGHEST ratings right? Well explain to me how that doesn't make them mainstream? Because remember we are told that Fox is both the highest rated cable news source... and not mainstream. Yet CNN which they readily point out has a much smaller audience somehow IS the mainstream. It's kind of like Obama was attacked for attending a radical Christian church and accused of being a muslim at the same time.

They don't even try to be honest or consider anything outside of the specific talking point they are talking about at the moment. Absolute concrete thinkers incapable of abstract thought... or completely dishonest.

Let's also consider the ratings = free market argument. Do they apply that to the rest of the media? To newspapers? No. They do apply it to cable news (they ignore networks like CBS, ABC, and NBC) and talk radio... but not to anything else. Why for example is the "mainstream" so liberal? It can't be the freemarket... no that only applies to their specific examples. Because... many right wingers are completely incapable or willing to apply consistent logic.

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Ok, again one more time class.

Ratings mean zip, zilch, nadda when it comes to accuracy or integrity in reporting....nothing. All ratings prove is that you gathered a large audience to watch your dancing bear. The sooner people realize this fact the better off we'll all be.

Fox: Hey guys I got 10,000,000 people to watch my show last night!

Fox Faithful: Oh how did you do that?

Fox: Well you see I got this crazy nut to spout all kinds of lies and misinformation to scare the hell out of people.

Fox Faithful: Wow, you really need to be trusted because you got a big audience.

We are a rubber necking people and Faux plays to that, please do not confuse that fact with truthfulness in journalism.

Maybe the reason why Foxnews has so many viewers is they might know or understand something you don't. Maybe the reason is because people believe that while no news org is unbiased these days, Foxnews is the least slanted of all the others. One of the biggest problems in the political process is the defect within human nature that makes people think their political ideology and/or opinions are correct and everyone else is wrong.

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