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CNN's Rick Sanchez Puts FOX NEWS in their place


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I remember the Foley thing... did not realize they also did it for Sanford :hysterical:

Some people are delusional to the point where it becomes sort of cute. You shouldn't play with matches kind of cute, but cute nonetheless.

It's basic propaganda. Goebbels 101.

You put the D on there and a percentage of people will believe it no matter what because they saw it on TV, and their chosen messengers told them it was so and they believe in them no matter what.

For those who raise a question, a quick little "excuse me" makes it go away.

But there it was, and that other percentage retains it.


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You must have forgotten this gem.....

On Wednesday, CNN correspondent Susan Roesgen was interviewing a Chicago TEA party ("Taxed Enough Already") participant when she evidently did not approve of what he was saying about President Obama's tax policies, talked over him as he responded to her question, and began to editorialize.

Roesgen: "I think you get the general tenor of this [rally]. It's anti-government, anti-CNN -- since this is highly promoted by the right-wing conservative network Fox. And since I can't really hear much more -- and I think this is not really family viewing -- I'll toss it back to you, Kyra."

Kyra Phillips (studio anchor): "Alright. I know Susan Rosegen is having a hard time hearing me, but wow, that is the prime example of what we're following across the country."

Julia Seymour is an assistant editor/analyst for the Business and Media Institute of the Media Research Center (MRC). "It's just awful reporting," she says of CNN's handling of the Chicago rally. "It would be easier to tolerate if CNN had bothered to do the stories leading up to the event. But CNN wasn't even talking about the TEA parties until April 14 .....


The April 14 date Is opinion

The reporters Opinions are NOT fact

"Thats CNN"

Gee, how can I forget that "gem" when every right-wing blog on this planet went haywire over that.

"OMG! CNN!" That woman was out of her element, I think.

Meanwhile, Fox News was advertising the Tea Party events as if they were, gosh, organized by them. Of course, Fox News denied ever doing such a thing, so everyone was at ease, assured that FNC's words were, indeed, the truth.

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Why wouldn't CNN cover this stuff if it's so damn liberal?

Seriously, every time the people at those rallies get interviewed they come off as angry, misinformed, and completely irrational. Not to mention you never see a person of color at those things.

Maybe I'm wrong, but it seems like bad news for the GOP in the long-run, especially when it comes to attracting new voters and minority voters.

But Lord knows I've been wrong before.

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say it together with me folks!!


this is a rare time when I disagree with you SS,

CNN is much better than Fox.

I get my news online anyways, and I prefer CNN.com. The story headlines aren't sensationalist (for the most part). Fox's website looks like a bad tabloid to me based on the layout, font, and story titles.

The fairest news source of all though is google news: the stories that appear are based on an algorithm and aren't picked by humans at all. they also use a pool of thousands of sources from around the globe.

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FNC used CNN's shot :hysterical:

O'Reilly: "CNN covered the event." :hysterical:

"We did not promote the event. That's not what real news organizations are supposed to do." :owned:


EDIT: And I speak as someone who supports the GENERAL arguments of the Tea Partiers (but can't stand Beck and co.).

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I'm out of the loop, but is it wrong to call them "teabaggers?"
"Tea Bagging" is known in some circles as a sexual technique

The Liberal Media thought it was funny and "Journalists" like Anderson Cooper had fun with it at the expense of the protestors.....in what I would say was unprofessional (and revealing)

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"Tea Bagging" is known in some circles as a sexual technique

The Liberal Media thought it was funny and "Journalists" like Anderson Cooper had fun with it at the expense of the protestors.....in what I would say was unprofessional (and revealing)

I know the joke behind it, but really, what do you expect to be called when you revolve your protests around the symbolism of a tea bag? I'd think that the joke would be so obvious that you'd be prepared to hear it and take it in stride. Either have some fun with it, change your strategy, or look uptight and let the jokesters get under your skin.

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