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REALLY tough couple of days. Dad's Alzheimer's


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Bill, I'm sorry to hear that man. It hit my grandmother about 6 years ago hard. It started out earlier than that, maybe 10 years ago. She lived beside my parents, about 95 miles away from me. Early on, I worked in retail and never went home often to visit. I promised everyone and myself that when I got a normal job (m-f, 9-5 weekends off) I would visit more.

Well, I was going home every other weekend and all she would remember was me not going home for months. I would tell her I just came home a week ago and she would laugh and shrug it off as old age.

Eventually, my dad came home one day and saw her sitting on the steps, holding her head, blood everywhere. She had fallen down her steps. They took her to the hospital, then she was transported to my town for further evaluation. In that stay, she tried to get out of bed and ended up falling and busting herself up.

Long story short, the MD said he could not release her to live by herself again. We had to put her in a nursing home. She had good days and some bad ones. It was really tough seeing her like this. She was almost 94 years old when she passed last year and she made it until her late 80's before this horrible disease took over, but it still makes me cry until this day.

Hang in there man.

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All I can say is that you will hear on this site is "Sorry", "This family member went through this", and "You and yours are in my prayers".

I'm sorry that after family and friends, you had to come here and give a few paragraphs about your father. Remember the good times.

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Really sorry to hear about that, Bill. I've never been through that situation, but my mother works part time with Alzheimers patients and tells me how hard it is for families when things like this happen. We're all here for you, no questions asked. Lean on us and we will help support you any way we can.


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My family and I have been through this as well and I pray you and your family stay strong.

I dont know your circumstances or financial ability but for you and especially your mom hopefully he had some sort of long term care insurance or has the financial means that your mom can get help. Wether it be for a few hours a day or home health care or nursing facility your family needs help. It will be an emotional drain and affect your mom if she is caring for him 24/7. Its hard to see someone go through this but its also harder for the people around him caring for him. I pray you all stay strong through this! If you need to talk to someone who went through this please dont hesitate to send me a PM and I will call you.

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Hey folks.

I wanted to thank you for the kind words. It is an ongoing process dealing with this situation.

Want to hear something funny? He just called me and wants to play nine holes of golf this afternoon. He's a TERRIBLE golfer, but really enjoys getting out. Mom is going with us.

The family


By the way Vicious, I agree with you on the stem cell research stance. It would greatly benefit finding a cure for Alzheimers and Parkinson disease

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I feel for you and your family, Bill.

I know exactly what you are going through.

My mother-in-law got Alzheimer's and it was painful to watch what she was going through.

She had it for 8 years before she passed away back in '04.

If you need someone to talk to, you can call me anytime, bro.

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I am so very sorry that you are dealing with not only the awful illness that alsheimers is, but also watching your dad succumb to it.

I know words are rather empty and impersonal, but if it helps, my family and I will be praying for you and him.

My mom is dying of cancer right now and I understand the myriad of emotions that you must be going through. Please feel free to unload on me via PM if you need someone for support.

To the OP, I am very sorry to hear of your circumstance. My fiancee's grandmother succumbed to the horrible disease last year while in her final stage.

Snyder, I can not even imagine what you're going through right now as it sounds like you and your mother have a close relationship.

My Father and I are in a reconciliation period where we are learning how to be Father and son prior to us accepting new roles as a Father and Grandfather. So therefore, enjoying these years that we have on this Earth together has become beneficial to us both because you just never know when a person's time is coming to a foreclosed.

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To the OP, I am very sorry to hear of your circumstance. My fiancee's grandmother succumbed to the horrible disease last year while in her final stage.

Snyder, I can not even imagine what you're going through right now as it sounds like you and your mother have a close relationship.

My Father and I are in a reconciliation period where we are learning how to be Father and son prior to us accepting new roles as a Father and Grandfather. So therefore, enjoying these years that we have on this Earth together has become beneficial to us both because you just never know when a person's time is coming to a foreclosed.

Thanks for the kind words.

You are a bigger man than some of my friends that have had that "falling out" with their fathers.

My Dad is a grandfather of nine, but he remembers only the ones that are in the are.

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Man that is awesome Bill enjoy the outing. I just got an email saying my grandpa had his third heart attack and is in the hospital. He is extremely old and I really think his hour glass is running out of sand. I know its not the same, but losing anyone in your family hurts.

I'm glad to hear that he wants to play some golf. That has got to be some exciting news

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It's a horrible disease. My grandfather and 2 of my 3 great uncles have passed away from it and the 3rd is in early stages of it. Dealing with the loss of someone that you care for dearly while their body remains a shell of who they used to be is emotionally devastating.

My prayers go out to you and your family.

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Alzheimer's is a brutal disease. My dad's (not by blood) father has alzheimers and frequently confuses which of his sons stands before him. My dad's mom died of MS (yes you can die if the brain stops telling the heart to pump or the lungs to push...or a couple dozen unusual symptoms). He was more than a bit concerned when he heard I had MS. I imagine it seemed a cruel twist of fate.

On the semi-funny side, he was recently out visiting his dad and step-mom. His dad got to learn he was a great grand father 3 times that week. I guess maybe there can be some bonuses to forgeting news if you get to live the experience and excitement of finding it out again and again. Try it with your dad and see if you can bring joy over and over again instead of just making him relive all the things he's lost.

Ever since my dad told me that story, I keep hoping my family will do that for me when if I completely lose my memory.

Let me live in the sun of memories past rather than the shadows of opportunites lost.

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