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Why Campbell Should Play The Entire Game Against Steelers


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play the first half of the next 2 games seriously. No vanilla, then All 4 quarters in the last game. He needs the reps. I could see how slow he is still with his decision-making. Its great that hes calm and poised in the pocket,but hes a little too much. He needs to step up to 2nd gear.


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Maybe not three and out but we didn't fare much better than that. The point about not crossing the 50 still stands.


First drive,Campbell at QB=first string

Washington - 14:54

1st-10, WAS15 14:54 J. Campbell passed to L. Betts to the left for 12 yard gain

1st-10, WAS27 14:19 L. Betts rushed to the right for no gain

2nd-10, WAS27 13:45 J. Campbell passed to C. Cooley to the right for 11 yard gain

1st-10, WAS38 13:10 J. Campbell incomplete pass to the left

2nd-10, WAS38 13:03 L. Betts rushed to the right for 4 yard gain

3rd-6, WAS42 12:21 J. Campbell incomplete pass to the left

4th-6, WAS42 12:13 WAS committed 5 yard penalty

4th-11, WAS37 12:02 H. Smith punt. C. Carr returned punt for 12 yards

Second drive(JC-first string)

Washington - 6:08

1st-10, WAS24 6:08 J. Campbell passed to A. Randle El down the middle for 15 yard gain

1st-10, WAS39 5:35 L. Betts rushed to the left for no gain

2nd-10, WAS39 5:02 L. Betts rushed to the right for 3 yard gain

3rd-7, WAS42 4:19 J. Campbell incomplete pass to the right

4th-7, WAS42 4:07 H. Smith punt, no return. BAL committed 10 yard penalty

Here's a graphic:


Todd Collins and the second unit went across the 50, JC and the first string didn't.

So are we or are we not talking about the first team offense?

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So what ... Campbell and the starters need the work ... who better than the Super Bowl Champs!

yeah the Steelers are going to play their starters more than a couple series :thumbsup:

If Campbell plays only a half against the best Steelers ... he will do miserably ... he needs to play against scrubs to build his confidence

wait first you say he needs to play against the Super Bowl Champs (ie the starters), now you say he needs to play the scrubs


... he is now 2-7 over his last 9 games.

uh,..... when did pre-season games count? :whoknows:

If he goes up against the Pats in game #3 after 2 poor games in a row ...

whoa..... do you have a crystal ball? if you do, it must be cracked... because he didn't play bad against the Ravens

we'll see how he plays against the others before making definite evaluations,... shall we? I mean saying he will be bad, before even taking a snap, sounds like you might have some bias against JC :nono:

he will disintegrate and never recover.

Like in 2007 against the Pats?

oh wait, he actually improved in 2008

if he plays bad against the Pats.... he might play like an all pro in 2009

{just as logical as your theory}

Do you want to own that Bubba?

I have no worries ;)

now let me ask you......

do you really want to own up to this thread as being serious? and lose what little if any credibility you may have had left?

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Its A NO WIN SITUATION FOR JC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If he does bad Against the Pitts D what does that mean?Campbells Hate groups will say he failed get rid of him,JC fans will say how many Qb's in the NFL do good against Pitt?

If Jason Throws for 800 yards and 58 TD's his hate group will wait intill he does have a bad regular season game and say It was The PRESEASON! No matter what JC does fans will still hate him.This is a very Dumb thread,no point to it at all

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The "dead elephant" on the living room floor this pre-season is the status of Jason Campbell. Contract year, gong for Cutler, and Samuels saying "he only has 6 games" are some of the factors underming confidence in Jason and probably the entire team. His status has become a huge unnecessary distraction.

I have an idea on how to get rid of this "burning issue" once and for all. Put Mr. Campbell to the "ultimate test" ... let him play all 4 quarters against the Steelers next weekend. He will get plenty of reps ... and face both starters and scrubs so no one can say he didn't have a fair chance. Based upon his performance in such a game a true measure of his "improvement" can be guaged. The FO then can make a credible decision on JC's future.

Do you think Campbell should play 4 quarters against the "Steel Curtain" to find out for real how good he is? Or, do you think he should play less next weekend ... and if so, how many quarters should Jason play, and why?

This is PRESEASON !!! What in the world are you talking about !! Jason had one of the highest QB ratings in the league during the first 8 games of the season last year.... he didn't have flashy TD and completion numbers - but he was solid. Why would would you get your starting QB hurt in preseason? That's why you are a FAN and not making personnel decisions!

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I wouldn't expect anything to change.

Every year, it's like we fool ourselves into believing that our starters don't need practice in the preseason. Even though its stated the entire offseason that all they need to do is get some reps in together, learn the playbook, get on the same page, etc.

We'll keep pretending that once the season starts they will flip the switch like the 1991 Redskins.

Campbell, in his own words, Zorn's own words, Snyderatto's own words, Samuels owns words, Portis' own words, Moss' own words, etc. etc. needs to get more familiar with the playbook, be able to trust his reads and his receivers, OL, etc.

But that can't mean that he needs to play more before the games actually count. It couldn't possibly mean that. So we will continue to see him for 1 series so we can watch the backups, lol.

Then when the **** hits the fan we can hear Zorn give a speech about how Campbell needs to make better decisions, or needs to get rid of the ball faster, or some horse**** he could be working on in games now. But it couldn't possibly be helpful for him to play an entire half of a preseason game like even Tom Brady did. That can't be a good thing.

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yeah the Steelers are going to play their starters more than a couple series :thumbsup:

wait first you say he needs to play against the Super Bowl Champs (ie the starters), now you say he needs to play the scrubs


uh,..... when did pre-season games count? :whoknows:

whoa..... do you have a crystal ball? if you do it must be cracked... cause he didn't play bad against the Ravens

we'll see how he plays against the others before making definite evaluations shall we? I mean saying he will be bad before even taking a snap sounds like you might have some bias against JC :nono:

Like in 2007 against the Pats?

oh wait he actually improved in 2008

if he plays bad against the Pats.... he might play like an all pro in 2009

{just as logical as your theory}

I have no worries ;)

now let me ask you......

do you really want to own up to this thread as being serious? and lose what little if any credibility you may have had left?

bubba = the man:cool:

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This is just plain silly, JC will not prove his worth by playing 4 quarters against the steelers in preseason. I do think he should play more, like maybe the 1.5-2 quarters though. Just to get in a groove not to "prove" anything. He has this entire year to prove he can be the man. I for one am not rooting against him.

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do you really want to own up to this thread as being serious? and lose what little if any credibility you may have had left?

Of course I'm serious ... we have a lame duck QB who was Cutlerized by the FO and no one including the Coaches know what they have in him going into the season (he is now 2-7).

If he plays only a half against the Steelers and the Pats ... they still will know nothing ... because you can bet your bippy he won't do much production wise. You certainly can't play him in the final meaningless game against the Jags.

The Steeler scrubs are probably as good as the Skins starters ... it will be stiff competition. He needs to play if he is going to have any confidence going into the Giants season opener. Moreover, the team needs to know if he is capable.

Otherwise they should pull the plug now and go with TC ... then gradually paly CB or CD. Why keep coddling the "lame duck" after 4 inconclusive years? ... you are only setting him up to fail and waste an entire season. Put him to the acid test now and get it over with. I want the "dead elephant" outta my living room.

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The "dead elephant" on the living room floor this pre-season is the status of Jason Campbell. Contract year, gong for Cutler, and Samuels saying "he only has 6 games" are some of the factors underming confidence in Jason and probably the entire team. His status has become a huge unnecessary distraction.

I have an idea on how to get rid of this "burning issue" once and for all. Put Mr. Campbell to the "ultimate test" ... let him play all 4 quarters against the Steelers next weekend. He will get plenty of reps ... and face both starters and scrubs so no one can say he didn't have a fair chance. Based upon his performance in such a game a true measure of his "improvement" can be guaged. The FO then can make a credible decision on JC's future.

Do you think Campbell should play 4 quarters against the "Steel Curtain" to find out for real how good he is? Or, do you think he should play less next weekend ... and if so, how many quarters should Jason play, and why?

I understand your point, Campbell has shown signs of greatness in between his lack luster performances. How long do we wait for him to turn into something? I'm voting for 17 to play the first half. I'm pulling for him to click! If he isn't going to... let's move on!

Right now, the one time WE get outbid on a player.... He looks good... Did you see Sanchez debut in New York???:laugh:

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Build chemistry with the third string? Thanks for ruining your own argument so I didn't have to point out the OBVIOUS flaws in it. In game situations he's going to play against the 3rd string D? Make sense.

Where did I say the goal was to build chemistry with the third string? Nowhere.

Reading comprehension is your friend :doh:

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Wow..... I think preseason play of the starters historically has been pretty much scripted as:

1st game: 1 QTR

2nd game: 2 QTR

3rd game: 3 QTR

4th game: 1 QTR

I agree our preseason should be played with full game playbook, full intensity. But, we must limit the 1st string, so the remainder can get game experience becuase they are 1 play from 1st string. Plus it is the only opportunity for the Staff to evaluate theplayers (which is a another reason for the games)....

I agree JC needs as many reps as possible, but, we need to use the preseason for what it's for. We have to believe that Zorn knows that. (If he don't his leash will just get shorter)

Come NY, he's either gonna sink or swim, do not destroy the scheme of development for the whole team on one piece (albeit important) of the puzzle.

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Where did I say the goal was to build chemistry with the third string? Nowhere.

Reading comprehension is your friend :doh:

He should play to build chemistry. So you want the 1st string in the entire game? Get lost.

Do you know who went 4-0 in the preseason last year? The Detroit Lions. Preseason is a glorified practice.

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The "dead elephant" on the living room floor this pre-season is the status of Jason Campbell. Contract year, gong for Cutler, and Samuels saying "he only has 6 games" are some of the factors underming confidence in Jason and probably the entire team. His status has become a huge unnecessary distraction.

next weekend ... and if so, how many quarters should Jason play, and why?

And this needed to be a thread of it's own? Your Campbell hate could have went into any number of threads some of which you started yourself.

I am no MOD, but good gravy, NNT anyone?


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And this needed to be a thread of it's own? Your Campbell hate could have went into any number of threads some of which you started yourself.

I am no MOD, but good gravy, NNT anyone?


Posts like this, cease to amaze me... If you don't like a post why even bother posting? Why be a dick for no good reason? Its not even like your expressing anything about the Redskins, though you may disagree with Gregpeck, at least he comes to this board to discuss the Redskins.. Ya some of his ideas are pretty far off base, but there just ideas on a message board he's only expressing his opinion... You can do the same

-And if you actually had genuine concern about the front page getting too cluttered, you could have either a.) pmed a mod, or b.) said in a much different tone that this idea could have been brought up in another thread

-Again to the point of the thread, I don't want to see Campbell play after our starting receivers are no longer playing

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He should play to build chemistry. So you want the 1st string in the entire game? Get lost.

Do you know who went 4-0 in the preseason last year? The Detroit Lions. Preseason is a glorified practice.

I want them in the first half at least.

It's not about winning, I could give two ****s if we went 4-0 or 0-4, I just want to see guys playing hard and being effective while on the field. Remember how flat we came out against New York last year? If this team keeps this medium, uninspired play up through the preseason it will once again fall over into the regular season.

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It's not a bad idea and I can see your point. If he played poorly for an entire game, even against 2nd and 3rd stringers, who he should chew up if he's a top level QB, then we get a glimpse of what the future holds. Will it happen? No. But it's interesting to think about.

Here is what I do think. I think this issue needs to be SETTLED in preseason. You say, "What do you mean? Jason is the starter." I know that. But is he the undisputed starter in your mind? How about a hundred thousand other fans? How about ZORN? I have my doubts. I love Jason as a person. Great guy. But as the QB of the 'Skins? I'd like to get it settled once and for all so he, and the 'Skins can move on.

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I think he should get the first half.

I don't see why people think its a good idea to rest the starters after two series. They have no other time to prepare against live competition that isn't from their own team in a practice setting before the first game. I understand that they're paranoid about injuries but that seems to come at the expense of getting fully prepared.

Don't keep it vanilla either. You don't get ready for a chess tournament by playing checkers.

Jason Campbell and that whole O-line need all the reps they can get. And they'd get no better preperation then from the Steelers D-line. I say let them play the whole first quarter.

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