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Why Campbell Should Play The Entire Game Against Steelers


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The "dead elephant" on the living room floor this pre-season is the status of Jason Campbell. Contract year, gong for Cutler, and Samuels saying "he only has 6 games" are some of the factors underming confidence in Jason and probably the entire team. His status has become a huge unnecessary distraction.

I have an idea on how to get rid of this "burning issue" once and for all. Put Mr. Campbell to the "ultimate test" ... let him play all 4 quarters against the Steelers next weekend. He will get plenty of reps ... and face both starters and scrubs so no one can say he didn't have a fair chance. Based upon his performance in such a game a true measure of his "improvement" can be guaged. The FO then can make a credible decision on JC's future.

Do you think Campbell should play 4 quarters against the "Steel Curtain" to find out for real how good he is? Or, do you think he should play less next weekend ... and if so, how many quarters should Jason play, and why?

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I think he should get the first half.

I don't see why people think its a good idea to rest the starters after two series. They have no other time to prepare against live competition that isn't from their own team in a practice setting before the first game. I understand that they're paranoid about injuries but that seems to come at the expense of getting fully prepared.

Don't keep it vanilla either. You don't get ready for a chess tournament by playing checkers.

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Play him until we score or until halftime. Whichever comes first. I'd prefer halftime because he needs to get back into the swing of gamedays. Now would playing him with our second and third team offenses really do anything? One of the main points about preseason and our team (and any team for that matter) is gelling. I'd rather when Campbell plays, everyone else plays too. I'd rather not see him gel with scrubs and actually play well and gel with a line that he probably won't see or be behind during the regular season.

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You are crazy. How could you make a judgement on a guy in preseason? He will not face third an forth string guys during the season. I think you have to come to rgips with JC beingthe QB in 2009. Look Eli just got a mega contract and he only had 8 more TD's than JC. It amazes me how people are quick to give JC the hook. We should follow the script and have JC play one quarter. No need to panic. Patients ole man.

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Interesting theory greg.

I wouldn't necessarily agree to the starter, which he is for better or worse no matter how the pre-season QB performances go, good or bad, playing the full game, but one thing that we could do with is dispensing with this vanilla **** and approaching a quarter or two with the first string offense going full pelt running the FULL playbook we'll use from day one against the Giants.

If there's one thing this offense needs, regardless of who's under center, it's serious game time practice running the plays they struggled on through 16 games last year, without the additions that Zorn has handed them for year two, to get some modicum of cohesion and confidence for Week 1.


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I think you're misquoting the whole Elephant thing.

So, he should beat up on scrubs to prove how good he is?

Yea ... but I think he will be challenged for the first two quarters. Remember, the hypothetical calls for this game to decide "once and for all" JC's future ... by playing against the scrubs in the 2nd half he will be able to make up some ground ... and we can then calculate the average.

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. Look Eli just got a mega contract and he only had 8 more TD's than JC.

-Jason Campbell only had 13 TD's, had he had 8 more as you suggest, theres probably a 99% chance were in the playoffs... So those 8 touchdowns are pretty important in a game often won by less than 7 points

-But ya, only play Campell with the starters otherwise its pretty much pointless, though I wouldn't mind a lot of our starters getting some extra playing time... Mainly Thomas, Kelly and Davis (I guess he's not a starter)... See if Ladell Betts actually deserves his job at all

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Yea ... but I think he will be challenged for the first two quarters. Remember, the hypothetical calls for this game to decide "once and for all" JC's future ... by playing against the scrubs in the 2nd half he will be able to make up some ground ... and we can then calculate the average.

This is Extremeskins. Nothing ever gets decided "once and for all".

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JC has definitely shown he can play against scrubs in this league m,ny times so their is no point of putting him in their for 4 quarters like that will prove anything. I would like to ssee him play longer but 4 quarters is retarded.

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JC has definitely shown he can play against scrubs in this league m,ny times so their is no point of putting him in their for 4 quarters like that will prove anything. I would like to ssee him play longer but 4 quarters is retarded.

We need to know if Jason has the "right stuf." What better way to prove it than by beating up on scrubs.

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