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Doc Walker's Comments on the QB Play (MET)


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Don't get me wrong, I like Colt, but he didn't play well last night. I would add to that, that the OL in front of him was awful too, but I think he left the pocket a little too quickly on a couple of those plays.

Even so, I get the thing about Colt trying to make a good play, whereas JC tries not to make a bad play. That's kind of how I felt last season when ESPN had suddenly jumped onto the bandwagon in the first half of the season when JC hadn't thrown an INT.

Even with that, I don't see how JC is under less scrutiny than Colt, especially by the fans and the media. Colt could get cut, true, but JC almost lost his job this offseason how many times? Not the same, but you're being demoted in both cases.

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Campbell does look real mechanical, robotic. Even in the locker room interview, Campbell was laughing about how he had to go to his 4th progression. That shouldnt even be a topic, I think he should just go to whoever is open, **** this progression bull****

Am listening. I took it to a degree of him putting this on Zorn too. He said that Zorn is a good teacher, knows mechanics but them more or less implied that his weakness is it stops there. While Brennan ignores trying to play like Zorn wants him to when he is on the field. Doesn't make Doc right but that seems to be his take.

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I can't put much into a radio personality. He's paid to have an opinion and stay calm isn't an opinion. He's giving an analysis based on what he thought coming into this year and because Campbell didn't do much to the opposite.

I tend to value Doc's opinion much more than your average radio personality.

But with that being said, I'm going to just back and see how things unfold.

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Doc is making another good point, on the positive side. He's saying that who ever made the preseason schedule is a genuis (Ravens, Steelers, Patriots, Jaguars).

Yeah, I was noticing that too. Hopefully after playing all these guys in a row, and practicing all training camp against our defense, our offense will be able to put together some great performances, instead of doing just enough, or not enough, for the win.

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Can anyone in here honestly tell me that they want to see Brennan start the season? What about the first 6 games??? Colt takes charge!...Fire in the belly!...That's good for the newspapers, but not on the field when you go against what the Coach and OC SENDS in. I'm waiting to hear the replies.

I don't know about starting the season, but I'd like to see what he can do with our 1st string O. I think Colt has the confidence to be a really good QB. He doesn't seem like he lets things bother him and just worries about what's next. You gotta have that mentality as a QB.

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Even with that, I don't see how JC is under less scrutiny than Colt, especially by the fans and the media. Colt could get cut, true, but JC almost lost his job this offseason how many times? Not the same, but you're being demoted in both cases.

JC's job is secure right now....Colts is not.

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Actually Doc sold me a bit on giving colt more time. Colt was trying to make plays and not just sitting in the pocket waiting to get hit.

There's no reason to rush Colt.

We knew he was a project coming in. He had awful mechanics, and had a bad history. He was brought here to learn our system and execute as the eventual #2 QB.

But because he had some success against other back ups last season, we suddenly believe that he's a starting NFL QB, which he is definitely not.

I don't think we should cut him by any means. Continue to groom him.

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i 100% agree with doc about campbell just trying not to screw up and keep his job, so he plays it safe.

colt might have done poorly yesterday, but again, his approach is 10x better than JCs. he wants to be aggressive and get the ball down the field. he did have the longest completion of the game yesterday.

I know you like to pounce on Campbell harder than anybody here. But am listening to Doc I didn't take it exactly like that. I took him saying that ZORN is a good teacher but maybe is micromanaging Campbell too much, Campbell is then playing mechanically to try to please Zorn's overteaching whereas Brennan is blowing off Zorn and doing his own thing on the field. Whether that's true, who knows.

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Can anyone in here honestly tell me that they want to see Brennan start the season? What about the first 6 games??? Colt takes charge!...Fire in the belly!...That's good for the newspapers, but not on the field when you go against what the Coach and OC SENDS in. I'm waiting to hear the replies.

I'm not sure if Colt is ready to start the season opener.

But I'm also not sure if Jason should be starting the season opener either.

It's a difficult situation we're in.

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I tend to value Doc's opinion much more than your average radio personality.

But with that being said, I'm going to just back and see how things unfold.

doc usually tells it like it is, hes no sugar coater of fluff guy, and i cant remember the last time he praised some guy who couldnt play (correct me if theres an example).

i definitely value his opinion over anyone else on 980 or redskins radio.

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I can't put much into a radio personality. He's paid to have an opinion and stay calm isn't an opinion. He's giving an analysis based on what he thought coming into this year and because Campbell didn't do much to the opposite. I'm just preaching patience and I'll wait and see whats up come the regular season.

-Just a radio personality? Mike Greenberg, Scott Van Pelt etc, are radio personalities... Doc Walker won a superbowl with the Redskins and is an avid fan as any of us... And he just as easily could have made a strong opinion to say, he dislikes Colt not paying attention to Zorn and admires how JC and TC are able to stick to the gameplan

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I tend to value Doc's opinion much more than your average radio personality.

But with that being said, I'm going to just back and see how things unfold.

doc usually tells it like it is, hes no sugar coater of fluff guy, and i cant remember the last time he praised some guy who couldnt play (correct me if theres an example).

i definitely value his opinion over anyone else on 980 or redskins radio.

Probably true, but I grew tired of some of his over-emotional opinions. It seems like he just wants things his way and doesn't seek to understand the other side of things. Like for example, the possibility that Colt was playing scared last night (as others have noted). Thats kinda different than Docs opinion of him. Or the possibility that Devin, Kelly and Davis weren't ready to play last year. He was all preachy to put them on the field, but if they're not ready to play, they're not ready to play.

Plus I hate it when he interviews somebody. His questions are like 2 mins each. Its so annoying because he asks like 5 or 6 things all at once or he gives a confusing example that I just don't understand.

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Funny people are so on the Campbell is terrible bandwagon, that the context of statements seem to be ignored at times to feed the negativity. I have listened to every second of Doc's show today. If you read some of these posts it comes off like Doc just went off on Campbell, but he didn't.

If anything I took him going off on Zorn some and the approach the team takes to the preseason, even mocked the stay medium line as "means being average" and said he's a good teacher, good with mechnaics but a team can get too robotic -- and where is their emotion and intensity?

He praised Colt more or less for ignoring Zorn and Campbell for wanting to please Zorn and overthinking. Something tells me if that's truly the case Zorn isn't in love with the QB's that blows off his desires as opposed to fulfill them. Am surprised no one thinks here that Zorn might be telling Campbell "no mistakes, no mistakes, no mistakes."

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-Just a radio personality? Mike Greenberg, Scott Van Pelt etc, are radio personalities... Doc Walker won a superbowl with the Redskins and is an avid fan as any of us... And he just as easily could have made a strong opinion to say, he dislikes Colt not paying attention to Zorn and admires how JC and TC are able to stick to the gameplan

But he's also a radio personality. And he's paid to have an opinion, right or wrong. We don't hold radio personalities liable to previous opinions they have. So he has more freeway to say one thing today and completely say the opposite thing next year because nobody will care to remember. So I don't overvalue what he has to say. Although he's one of the more entertaining personalities on radio (too bad he's paired with John Thompson).

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Funny people are so on the Campbell is terrible bandwagon, that the context of statements seem to be ignored at times to feed the negativity. I have listened to every second of Doc's show today. If you read some of these posts it comes off like Doc just went off on Campbell, but he didn't.

If anything I took him going off on Zorn some and the approach the team takes to the preseason, even mocked the stay medium line as "means being average" and said he's a good teacher, good with mechnaics but a team can get too robotic -- and where is their emotion and intensity?

He praised Colt more or less for ignoring Zorn and Campbell for wanting to please Zorn and overthinking. Something tells me if that's truly the case Zorn isn't in love with the QB's that blow off his desries as opposed to fulfill them.

You're right. Doc wasn't "bashing" JC and he was primarily critical of Zorn.

And if my post indicates differently then I apologize.

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You're right, that five second scramble followed by a wild throw that was intercepted, was very Favre-like.

How many years have we been watching our qb's throw five yard checkdowns and book steady sub 200 yard passing games with 1td or less.

Five years now! It has gotten us nowhere, and we have done it with three OC's and four qb's.

I am sick of it, sick. We either put someone in there that is going to attack and score or get picked, or we die a slow death from the pinpricks of a life time of conservative and ineffective offense.

I am willing to give JC his shot, I think he could get it done. All he needs to do is improve 25% from last year and we should be looking at the playoffs with a defense that can take us far. But that would mean taking some chances, something he did not do well last year. We will see if he's changed.

But if things look the same, after some REGULAR season games, I want someone who will play to win, interceptions or TD's, it does not matter as long as after a while there are a few of each, every game.

You want to see portis go back to getting 5+ ypc? Start throwing the ball. Even if balls get picked, at least they know your throwing them, and will respect that by backing off the LOS.

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I dont really like the play of any of them. Yeah I see where Colt is looking to make a play and JC seems more cautious....thats they way he has always been for us. However, Colt scrambling was a scary site at times. He never pulled his head back up to find an open receiver. The one time he stood in the pocket under pressure he threw a pick. The throw to Hagans along the sideline was a horrible choice...Hagans was in double coverage had he not thrown the ball long that too would have been picked off.

We need to start over with this offense....right now at least it looks identical to last year. Its not promising for Zorn and co.

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You're right. Doc wasn't "bashing" JC and he was primarily critical of Zorn.

And if my post indicates differently then I apologize.

Thanks but I wasn't referring to your post, it had to do with some of the responses, that seem to be building this as a Doc rant against Campbell.

the way I took it as Doc diplomatically trying to tell Zorn bring some intensity not just intellect to this team, and let Campbell play. Campbell is so eager to please Zorn that he's overrthinking and trying to do everything that Zorn wants him to do.

The one thing that always hit me funny about some of the Campbell bashers. They say well Campbell is being too conservative, and some say he is too eager to please his coaches. Now if you run with both theories.

Isn't there a good chance that Campbell's conservativism has something to do with Zorn. If Campbell wants to please him -- does it really seem like Zorn is giving him advice like this "Jason I don't care if you throw an INT, take chances throw the ball deep, I want aggression or is it more likely something like this Jason we got a strong defense, I want to control the clock, don't cough up the ball, if you aren't sure about a completion don't throw it!

Edit: for the record am neutral on Jason, am not sold on him. But wow its amazing how quickly some people pounce on that poor dude.

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yeah, i agree with Doc partially. The point he's making is that we need to throw caution out the window and punch someone in the mouth. (Basically calling out the player's manhood)...However, there's no way to justify the stupidity that Colt Simpson showed last night.

Doc's solution to every problem in football is to line up and punch the other guy in the mouth.

It sometimes amazes me that he played for one of the great offensive innovators in football history....and seems to have missed the point completely.

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Probably true, but I grew tired of some of his over-emotional opinions. It seems like he just wants things his way and doesn't seek to understand the other side of things. Like for example, the possibility that Colt was playing scared last night (as others have noted). Thats kinda different than Docs opinion of him. Or the possibility that Devin, Kelly and Davis weren't ready to play last year. He was all preachy to put them on the field, but if they're not ready to play, they're not ready to play.

Plus I hate it when he interviews somebody. His questions are like 2 mins each. Its so annoying because he asks like 5 or 6 things all at once or he gives a confusing example that I just don't understand.

Well, TS, I understand what you mean but I interpret what you call "emotional" more as passion and frustration, watching a team he loves flounder around aimlessly when some things are so clear, and so obvious, those within the organization can't see the forest through the trees.

I'm not saying Colt was or wasn't playing scared, but I was at the game last night, 3 rows off the field and Colt didn't look at all scared from where I was sitting. Dude had NOTHING. Zero. He made some bad choices, no doubt. I can't excuse everything he did. But if you weren't there and didn't see the entire field, there's no way anyone can sit here and say the man was playing scared. I saw him trying to make something out of nothing.........constantly, because there was literally nothing else he could do. Again, there were bad decisions and he probably could have had some better outcomes, but honestly man............it was a blood bath back there. He was at least elusive enough to juke a few sure sacks and gain positive yardage. His line was putrid, and his receivers worse, for the most part.

Anyway, I'm not here to defend CB5..........just saying you have to at least TRY to keep it fair and be objective.

Doc is one of very few of his kind I find to be believable and honest. Brutally honest, in fact. He may go over the top from time to time. No argument from me here..........but I actually appreciate his passion and obviously uncontrived love for the team, and sport.

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