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Doc Walker's Comments on the QB Play (MET)


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Doc on radio right now saying that Colt atleast tried to make a play and get the ball down field. He also mentioned that JC is just trying to please Z and is not trying to make a play. :hysterical: He said that Colt is under more scrutiny but is not afraid to say hey...lets get this done.

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yeah, i agree with Doc partially. The point he's making is that we need to throw caution out the window and punch someone in the mouth. (Basically calling out the player's manhood)...However, there's no way to justify the stupidity that Colt Simpson showed last night.

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Doc's an idiot. I like Colt too, but he looked lost last night. You can't leisurely drop back ten yards and then roll out at the first sign of pressure in the NFL. You have to get back fast and step up in the damn pocket. The coaches have been on Colt all camp about this.

Look, Zorn's job is on the line. If he doesn't win, he's gone. This is not last year where he had a mandate from the front office to start Campbell. If JC can't get it done, we'll see a switch.

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Doc's an idiot. I like Colt too, but he looked lost last night. You can't leisurely drop back ten yards and then roll out at the first sign of pressure in the NFL. You have to get back fast and step up in the damn pocket. The coaches have been on Colt all camp about this.

Look, Zorn's job is on the line. If he doesn't win, he's gone. This is not last year where he had a mandate from the front office to start Campbell. If JC can't get it done, we'll see a switch.

Words of wisdom right here, folks.

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Doc Walker just had some very interesting insights on the QB situation.

Doc thinks that JC and Collins are too concerned with trying to please Zorn and not just playing.

He thinks that Jason is just too robotic and he's more focused on going through his progressions than making a play.

Doc talked about how there are people open downfield but Jason (who had time last night) is too quick to checkdown.

Otoh, Doc feels that Brennan was under real pressure but was still trying to make a play.

I'm paraphrasing here, but Doc thinks that Brennan has a "I don't give a ****" mentality to his game.

He (Doc) said that Colt was the only one who consistently looked downfield in spite of the pressure he was under.

Bottomline: Doc feels that JC needs to just say "**** it", and let her rip.

And if he throws some ints and Zorn gets mad, then he just gets mad.

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Doc on radio right now saying that Colt atleast tried to make a play and get the ball down field. He also mentioned that JC is just trying to please Z and is not trying to make a play. :hysterical: He said that Colt is under more scrutiny but is not afraid to say hey...lets get this done.

I just created a thread about this. You beat me to it. ;)

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I get what he is saying and I think JC has a liability of falling too far into the "don't make a mistake" mode, which isn't terribly bad when our D can dominate, but I also think it allows conditions him to hesitate when a guy is open... doesn't matter if we need 5 yards and it's a 15 yard pass, if the guy is open, chuck it!!! but it's like JC goes for the bare minimum, highest percent pass... which, again, isn't always bad, but as we saw last year, doesn't exactly light up the scoreboard...

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Doc seems to be putting this some on Zorn or at least that's how I take it. At one point said that Zorn is very good at teaching techniques but doesn't bring a needed intensity to the team. He even mocked a little the "stay medium" mantra saying that means be average.

He said Campbell follows Zorn's direction. Doc thinks that Colt beats to his own drum once he is on the field and Dock likes it.

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I wouldn't say that I am ready to join the cult of colt but I sure saw a lot more then his stats in last nights game. It didnt take more then the one roll out pass he completed for me to see the difference between colt and our other qb's. He flicked that thing out there on the money after just turning around. No hesitation, no long throwing motion, or deliberate steps.

Just a turn, a flick, and a completion. Reminded me a lot of favre, to be honest. Just instinctual. I cant say I am not a little intrigued with the idea of him playing in more then preseason, but I will reserve judgment after seeing him a little more in the next preseason games. After all there is no need to draw any conclusions yet.

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So let me get this straight, JC is wrong because he is doing what Zorn wants him to do and Colt is doing the right thing by not listening to Zorn?


It was more a commentary on Colt's attitude and swagger if you will. Doc was ranting on the "medium" enthusiasm and performance of the team in general but liked the fact that Colt seems to have a bit of "dog" in him and isn't afraid to try to make things happen. Doc thinks the team does not have the same mentality.

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