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Doc Walker's Comments on the QB Play (MET)


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So let me get this straight, JC is wrong because he is doing what Zorn wants him to do and Colt is doing the right thing by not listening to Zorn?


No... you are missing the point. Doc was saying that Zorn is partially at fault because he is "staying medium" which Doc says he hates hearing and how it just means be safe and average.

He then went on to say that Campbell is guilty of being safe and not taking the chances to attack the defense when there is a risk involved. And because of Zorns playcalling/scheme/personality Campbell is basically being the good lap dog and getting the puppy treat. He then was saying that Colt has a mentality that you don't stand for average and you take your shots and your licks and it might conflict with Zorns philosophy... but Doc then said that Zorn should call a game more like Colt plays a game. Aggressive and not "medium."

And Doc was pissed off when talking about it. And I got pissed too because its what I have been sayng for a ****ing year now.

The point of this thread was Doc Walker commenting on JC and TC not pushing the ball down the field, and CB taking chances.

1. JC said that they didn't call passes down field on purpose, they have them, they will use them, but they are not going to show them in pre-season.

2. CB was ineffective pushing the ball down the field and drew the ire of the coach for doing so.

3. Zorn said that CB was playing with the #2 guys.

4. Doc is a complete idiot for suggesting that any player not do what the coach tells them to do.

Whether CB or JC is better for the offense, the 'Skins, short term or long term is not really for this thread. There are a million other threads about that.

In my opinion, Doc Walker, on this subject, proved how much of a buffoon he can be.

And btw, I'm assuming this happened on the John Thompson show. Somebody should have asked Coach Thompson,

"Coach, if you had a player who you recruited who thought he could hit 3 pointers all the time, and you expressly told him not to take a 3 point shot every time down the floor, but to run the offense through the bigs in the middle and wait for his chances at open looks, and he came out and jacked up 12 3 pointers, connecting on 1 or 2, all at the beginning of the offensive set, expressly against your instructions, how many minutes would that player get in the next game?" My guess is somewhere between slim and none, until that player proved to Coach T. that he would listen to him.

Coach T, whatever you think of him as a radio broadcaster, was a damn fine college BBall coach, but who has openly said that the only person allowed an opinion on his teams was him.

Because that's what Doc is asking the QBs to do: not listen to the coach and do what they think is right.

That is BEYOND stupid.

For being the voice of reason... it seems beyond stupid to me to comment on what Doc was saying when you didn't even hear it. And if you had you would have known that John Thompson was not there that day and the point wasn't to point out that Brennan was "disobeying" the coach but rather that Brennan was the only guy on the field that was playing with a sense of purpose beyond "be safe and don't piss off Zorn"..... of whom Doc walker is fed up with because of the whole "stay medium" thing.

He was saying making the point that Brennan was trying to make something happen... or MAKE PLAYS... and his exact words were "Brennan got no help from anyone." That includes the coaches.

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JZ said CB5 was playing with the second team. That is a bold face lie. JZ said that they only have a 1st and 2ed team. Then why in the hell do they have a 1st,2ed,3rd and 4th team depth chart. Does he think the fans are that stupid. All i have to say is i hope he was being dishonest because if that was are back-up OL then we are screwed.

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JZ said CB5 was playing with the second team. That is a bold face lie. JZ said that they only have a 1st and 2ed team. Then why in the hell do they have a 1st,2ed,3rd and 4th team depth chart. Does he think the fans are that stupid. All i have to say is i hope he was being dishonest because if that was are back-up OL then we are screwed.
The only fourth team o-lineman is Burley(T) and that's because they have 3 other right tackles. There are only 3 third team O-linemen are BMW, Williams©, and Batiste(G). For all practical purposes, the third teamers are vying for backup jobs and can be considered 2nd teamers for all practical purposes. Burley has had his fair share of bad practices though.
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True, but I think the issue is taking smart chances. The best QBs know when is a smart time to take chances. The mediocre QBs aren't quite sure when those times are, and tend to err on the side of caution. The lousy QBs think EVERY play is the right time to take those chances lol :)...

(btw. not applying any of that to any of our QBs, just throwing out stuff for convo's sake...I know how this board thinks lol)

You are right... but Colt hasn't thrown a bad interception in a game yet. The one pick he had... the receiver tripped over his own feet coming out of his break and damn near fell down. And he didn't even have the hustle to break up the pass. Was it a poor choice to throw to a guy who had inside on the defender when the ball was released only to have the dude fall down? That one is hard to call.... but I know its easy to jump a route when the receiver falls down running it....

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Colt is playing his way out of the NFL ...... he is not listening to his coaches, he is not shining in camp in many reports he is comparable to Chase and he is developing hey "i don't care i was fantastic in collage " attitude . I dont think we need to see Colt on the field I think 99% of us think we know what we have in Colt and that is he is garbage ...

Read this. Then tell me this sounds like a guy who has a bad attitude.

"I think what [the pick] did, well; it really makes a difference in a game you are trying to win. In the preseason though, you are only getting your numbered series. When I threw that first pick, it just didn’t make me as aggressive or wanting to push it or test it [later]. After I threw that pick I really just wanted to make sure I didn’t make any kind of mistakes and just play a solid game and make good decisions. I think it kind of took the throttle off a little bit of me really trying to make things happen, and try to go downfield, and trying to take shots. It didn’t make me as confident and I wanted to make sure that I didn’t make any mistakes in the rest of the game. I threw the ball away some.

After I got some pressure I could see myself a couple times in the fourth quarter, one time for sure, where I didn’t need to scramble. They had washed down the line and I just saw open field, turned and started running it. I picked up some yards but the truth was that all I had to do was stay in rhythm, go through my progression, set step, and I would have found a guy. I can see that I was definitely making quicker decisions, getting out of the pocket faster.

So you know, you just learn from that stuff. I didn’t really get a rhythm last game, but hopefully this game I can get a rhythm and go on and hopefully have some good drives.

Last year it was a little more simplified. I was in at a different time [during the game], whereas this year I’m being asked to carry the same offensive package as the starter and the backup. I’m getting asked to do a lot more this year which is what you want. I think because of that, and the fact that Baltimore definitely came after us. They weren’t just sitting back and playing man free or cover three. They were blitzing, and showing us blitz packages. I just think for the first game, they really came after us and like I said; if I don’t throw that pick early on I think we still got the hammer down and we are pressing and trying to make things happen."

Hammer down? Trying to take shots? Take the throttle off?

Just in the choice of words you can see that he is an aggressive quarterback. And if he rubs with Zorn the wrong way then Zorn is at fault. Teaching technique is one thing. Teaching philosophy and attitude is different. And I, despite your 99% of us thinking he is garbage, think a lot of us would much rather take lumps and losses with a guy TRYING TO WIN IT rather than TRYING NOT TO LOSE IT.

With every passing day the draft of Campbell by Gibbs to be a "Gibbs guy" and being coached by Gibbs 2.0 makes me absolutely livid.

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Just in the choice of words you can see that he is an aggressive quarterback. And if he rubs with Zorn the wrong way then Zorn is at fault. Teaching technique is one thing. Teaching philosophy and attitude is different. And I, despite your 99% of us thinking he is garbage,think a lot of us would much rather take lumps and losses with a guy TRYING TO WIN IT rather than TRYING NOT TO LOSE IT.

With every passing day the draft of Campbell by Gibbs to be a "Gibbs guy" and being coached by Gibbs 2.0 makes me absolutely livid.

No truer words have ever been spoken.

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Campbell's number one goal this year: avoid injury. If he avoids injury, he is guaranteed 10's of millions of dollars, in any and every regard.

He did say early in the offseason that his number one goal was to get in better shape so he could take more hits.

When you play to avoid injury, you know what happens? You get injured.

I would rather have a QB whose number one goal is to win. Not to execute plays correctly and avoid injury.

Of course, Campbell could always say his number one goal is to win. I would at least feel better about that.

If Collins plays, I believe his number one goal will be to win. Same with Brennan. I have to think that Daniel would have that as his number one goal.

Campbell just doesn't seem to think that way. it is always about team with him.

But, don't forget what he said last year about QBs getting too much of the blame when you lose and not enough credit when you win. BS, circa 2008.

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Campbell's number one goal this year: avoid injury. If he avoids injury, he is guaranteed 10's of millions of dollars, in any and every regard.

What nonsense. The Cult of Colt is really flailing now. No one is clamoring for JC right now. There was no market for him in the offseason. If he doesn't play well this year, no one is going to give him tens of millions of dollars, no matter how healthy he is. He has to win and he has to put up numbers.

And there is no reason for Zorn to play any QB except the one he thinks gives him the best chance to win games. His job is on the line and the front office could give a damn about Campbell.

I like Colt and hope he turns into something... but man oh man.

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i have a tendency to say, yes, it is time to take the training wheels off, and let jason play the game. it is time to see what he can do in preseason. let him play at least a half against the steelers. i also agree, colt is capable of getting things done. he was the best pure passer, in a spread offense in the country on a team without much depth at any position, especially offensive line. even so, i really believe jason has been conditioned to play conservative football, ever since he has been a redskin. zorn needs to find out what he can do even with a bad offensive line.

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i have a tendency to say, yes, it is time to take the training wheels off, and let jason play the game. it is time to see what he can do in preseason. let him play at least a half against the steelers. i also agree, colt is capable of getting things done. he was the best pure passer, in a spread offense in the country on a team without much depth at any position, especially offensive line. even so, i really believe jason has been conditioned to play conservative football, ever since he has been a redskin. zorn needs to find out what he can do even with a bad offensive line.

campbells had the training wheels off for 2 seasons. he just cant ride the bike very well.

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He's had 16 games plus preseason last year and will have this year too, NO MORE EXCUSES~ a broken record around here.


and the year before last year, campbell lead the skins to a sub500 record about 3/4 of the season...and before that he was a sub500 qb for the little games that he played.

seems like campbell will always be a sub500 qb no matter what. i think his learning curve has been reached. theres no potential here. time to move on...either collins or brennan.

IMO, i think if brennan is the started, i can see him just trying to find his groove the first two games of the season, but come third game on, bernnan will have the groove and even more confidence...then we start to see what exciting football (passing wise) has been missing for the past few years

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