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Poll: Did you enjoy "Live Free or Die Hard?"


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This isn't an old thread. I was forced to watch this for the first time last night and I thought it was horrible.

I remember Die Hard I & III being enjoyable (maybe because I haven't seen them in so long? :whoknows:) but "Live Free.." was 2+ hours of bad acting and corny "tough guy" action movie cliches from an over-the-hill Bruce Willis and his sidekick, the kid from the Mac commercials.

I'm curious what other people thought of it.

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It wasn't great, but it wasn't awful.

Generally, other than Damon in the Bourne movies, I'm having a hard time getting into any of the newer generation of action heroes, and it is getting harder and harder to see people like Willis as action stars due to their age, but I guess I'd still default to him than some of the others out there.

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It was out of control. I'm not one to get hooked on acting and plot holes. Its an action flick and lived up to every moment. I'm not sure why anyone would expect great diaglogue and award winning acting. It was fun to watch how much crazy **** they would enounter. The story line was really interesting too. I also liked the fact that it was in MD/DC

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Generally, other than Damon in the Bourne movies, I'm having a hard time getting into any of the newer generation of action heroes, and it is getting harder and harder to see people like Willis as action stars due to their age, but I guess I'd still default to him than some of the others out there.

I agree with this for the most part. I guess all of the cheesy lines that are crunched into each action sequence kills it for me.

I did like Liam Neeson's character in "Taken." They did a good job of leaving out all of the unnecessary dialogue so the action wasn't ruined. But then again it's hard to look at him and his age and see him as part of the new generation of heroes.

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It was out of control. I'm not one to get hooked on acting and plot holes. Its an action flick and lived up to every moment. I'm not sure why anyone would expect great diaglogue and award winning acting. It was fun to watch how much crazy **** they would enounter. The story line was really interesting too. I also liked the fact that it was in MD/DC

I agree with this.

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It was out of control. I'm not one to get hooked on acting and plot holes. Its an action flick and lived up to every moment. I'm not sure why anyone would expect great diaglogue and award winning acting. It was fun to watch how much crazy **** they would enounter. The story line was really interesting too. I also liked the fact that it was in MD/DC

I didn't expect anything award winning and I definitely didn't get it but come on man some of the lines in that movie were ridiculous. The only saving grace was the DC/MD/WV setting for me.

I loved it. I've seen it probably 5 times including in at the movie theater twice.

Jesus Christ you're a freak.

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I agree with this for the most part. I guess all of the cheesy lines that are crunched into each action sequence kills it for me.

I did like Liam Neeson's character in "Taken." They did a good job of leaving out all of the unnecessary dialogue so the action wasn't ruined. But then again it's hard to look at him and his age and see him as part of the new generation of heroes.

Are there many action heroes out there with the qualified age?!

Taken was excellent because it had a good storyline to it. The action was not out of this world, but still enjoyable to the point where it made the movie worth following.

I thought the Bourne installments were a bit overhyped.

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I thought it was a GREAT summer flick. If you didnt like it, you are a movie snob and should stick to Chocolat and The Pianist.

Here was my review when it came out.

This movie was ****ing awesome. If you are 18-35 or ever have been and own a pair of testicles, you want to see this movie. Non-stop action and funny as hell. It got TWO rounds of applause mid-movie. John McClain is the best regular Joe/kickass action hero of all time. I generally hate PG-13 movies and thought that it would ruin Die Hard (McClain not smoking? :wtf: ) and of course, no F bombs, but it didnt make a difference. Just as violent as the others. Best film ive seen this year. Is AS good as the original and better than Die Hard 2 and Die Hard: With a Vengeance.

I wont post any spoilers, but I gotta repeat the best line:

John McClain, to villian on telephone, after killing villians girlfriend: "Oh yeah, that asian ninja b*tch? She's at the bottom of an elevator shaft with an SUV rammed up her ass." :rotflmao:

The secondary lead was the guy from Dodgeball and Waiting and Accepted. He did an awesome job as the smart-assed sidekick. Lots of good one-liners after McClain disposed of some badguy in some horribly brutal fashion. I seriously estimate the property damage that McClain tallies during the movie to be somewhere in the neighborhood of $50 billion. :laugh:

Again, 5 stars, go see it ASAP.

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It was okay, bout the same as the second one. A bit over the top in places, for instance how McClain got sooooo much attention from the FBI while in DC. Too much for me. Who the hell is McClain to get the director talking directly to him while the Capitol is blowing up. Stupid. Too much.

The beauty of the first one was the scale. The chemistry in the third one was top notch.

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The man was hanging off of a fighter jet above an overpass in Baltimore after wrecking a semi...COME ON!!!!
It could happen

I've actually done it before.

Are there many action heroes out there with the qualified age?!

Taken was excellent because it had a good storyline to it. The action was not out of this world, but still enjoyable to the point where it made the movie worth following.

Not sure if it's a specific age or just the believability that the main character could do half of the stuff that they have him do in the movie. But I do agree about Taken. I was apprehensive about going but some friends really wanted to see it so I went and was pleasantly surprised.

I thought it was a GREAT summer flick. If you didnt like it, you are a movie snob and should stick to Chocolat and The Pianist.

Here was my review when it came out.

Why don't you get out of my thread and go back to rooting for the Hokies/Cowboys?

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I don't expect much out of action movies, but all I'll say is that in the first Die Hard, John McClain was a regular joe cop who was put in a crazy situation. In Live Free or Die Hard he was like some sort of superhuman secret agent doing all sorts of crazy physical feats and stuff like that.

I guess each one is trying to regain the awesomeness they had in the first Die Hard.

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